When in Doubt, Fill it Out – Fill Out Your Census Form

submitted by aoki@augsburg.edu

Make sure you’re counted! Students–fill out the census unless you’re certain someone else has already counted you on their form.

Got to 2020census.gov and fill out the form online. If there’s a question you’d rather not answer, skip it, but fill out the rest of the form. Responses are confidential–no law enforcement agencies are allowed access to these census forms.

If you’re living off-campus but not with your parents, you should fill out your own form. Students who lived on campus this semester will be counted by Res Life, so you don’t need to fill out a form. If you’re not certain if you’ve been counted–fill out a form! The Census Bureau would rather have people double-counted than missed.

Political representation, billions in federal funding, and much more is at stake. Don’t let yourself be invisible–filling out the census is a way of making sure your presence counts!