TOMORROW at 10 a.m. : Moodle Attendance and Academic Integrity in the Virtual Classroom

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Tracking student attendance will become even more important (for contact tracing and financial aid implications). The first 15 minutes will focus on how to use the Moodle Attendance activity to streamline this record-keeping. The rest of the hour will address strategies and activities that will encourage your students to resist the temptation to cheat.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am.

Come Zoom with the E-learning Team as they offer two 60-minute sessions each week on how to maximize your use of Moodle and learning technologies as you get ready for classes this Fall. Each session will open with 15-minutes of “pertinent tips & best practices” about important Moodle features/resources. The final 45 minutes will provide training on a specific learning experience or tool.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips (can only be viewed with an Augsburg email address)