
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Teaching and Learning

Moodle Community Site Upgrade

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The time has come to upgrade our Moodle Community site. The upgrade will not automatically move Moodle Community courses or sites over to the new instance (the exception for this is major and minor sites). Site managers can copy over their sites to the new instance.IT will manually copy or migrate courses and sites over, ONLY if requested via the form below. The current and new instance of Moodle Community will be available till Fall or until the migration is completed. Please fill out the Google form linked below to have your Moodle Community course or site copied over.

*Academic Moodle will not be affected.

link to new community:

link to backup/restore help:

If you have any questions please reach out to Marilyn Wetterer.

Copy Your Moodle Community Course or Site

TOMORROW at 10 a.m. : Google Calendar Scheduling and Virtual Office Hours

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Linking your Google Calendar to Moodle so students can schedule office hour appointments can streamline the process and encourage students to connect. The first 15 minutes will demonstrate how to do this. The rest of the hour will offer different options for how to schedule and hold virtual office hours to help you connect with students outside of class.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am.

Come Zoom with the E-learning Team as they offer two 60-minute sessions each week on how to maximize your use of Moodle and learning technologies as you get ready for classes this Fall. Each session will open with 15-minutes of “pertinent tips & best practices” about important Moodle features/resources. The final 45 minutes will provide training on a specific learning experience or tool.

*This workshop is eligible for a $25 stipend for union adjunct faculty. See for information.

Tech Tune-ups & Tips (can only be viewed with an Augsburg email address)

Wednesday at 10 a.m. : Course Policies in the Time of Covid: Flexibility Without Decreasing Rigor

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Rescheduled from Last Week: Learn about ways to design your course policies to not only reduce frustration for you and your students but to increase your students’ ability to succeed in your remote learning classroom.

Wednesdays through August 19 from 10 am – 11 am: CTL’s Practical Pedagogy Series

Please join CTL Director Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright and guests for the Practical Pedagogy Series every Wednesday from 10-11am. Designed to complement the Tech Tune-Ups and Tips series and Fellowship Fridays, the Practical Pedagogy series will focus on helping you maintain and/or improve your current pedagogical practices using your preferred Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI, aka Augsburg’s “Hybrid”) option: LIve Remote, Blended, or Parallel. All sessions will be recorded and posted on the Augsburg CTL website, and weekly topics will be posted in A-mail. We look forward to seeing you!

*This workshop is eligible for a $25 stipend for union adjunct faculty. See for information.

Practical Pedagogy (can only be viewed with an Augsburg email address)

$25 for Select Workshops: Use Form to Record Attendance

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Faculty, the eLearning team has been working hard to provide helpful tips and resources for getting your classes ready. Check out the Tech Tune-ups and Tips every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am. CTL has been focused the pedagogical side with Practical Pedagogy on Wednesdays at 10 am. Take advantage of these wonderful sessions. *Live attendance at these workshops is eligible for $25 stipends for union adjunct faculty. See for information. (Note, there is now a form to submit after each workshop you attend.)

Then check out the resources for any sessions that you may have missed. There are links to recordings on the Google doc schedules. You can find this information on CTL’s front page under “Events”. The Google docs can only be viewed with an Augsburg email address. They have the necessary ZOOM information, schedules, workshop descriptions, and resources from past sessions. Don’t miss out on these learning opportunities.


General Announcements

Virtual Advising for Study Abroad and Away | Plan Ahead for Next Year

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The Center for Global Education and Experience (Study Abroad & Away) is operating remotely and we have appointments available via Zoom. Our staff and peer advisors are here to support you as you plan ahead for the future!

Semester and short-term programs in the US and internationally are available for fall semester and beyond. Short-term courses for spring break and summer 2021 have destinations in the following locations: Guatemala, New York City, Minnesota Tribal Lands, Cuba, Germany, and Italy.

Our advisors are here to help every Auggie – whether you’re just getting started with Study Abroad & Away, or you already have a program chosen. Schedule an appointment here:

You can also send us an email:, or stop by our website, below.

Learn more about Study Abroad and Away

Use Your Augsburg Tuition Benefit to Study Leadership

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Faculty and Staff – Use your Augsburg employee tuition benefit to pursue a graduate credential in leadership. Check out our website is at: for information about the MA in Leadership, the three course Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies (GCLS), as well as the dual MBA/MAL degree.

All MAL classes will be online and we are still taking applications for fall term. Let us know if you would like to connect to discuss your options.

Application information can be found at:

Alan Tuchtenhagen, MAL Director

Deanna Davis, MAL Program Coordinator

Wendy Assal, Managing Director of Graduate Admissions

Leadership Studies at Augsburg

Attention RefWorks Users

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If you use the RefWorks citation management software, please be advised that Lindell Library is transitioning its support from RefWorks to free alternatives such as Mendeley or Zotero. If you use RefWorks to manage your bibliographic citations, you should download your data from your RefWorks account no later than Friday, September 11. If you have questions, please feel free to contact your library liaison or Mary Hollerich, or x1603.

Migrating from RefWorks

Voices from the Global South – Hybrid and Online Courses this Fall

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Register for a fall hybrid or online course with an Augsburg CGEE global faculty from Latin America and Southern Africa. CGEE’s courses focus on amplifying voices of marginalized people from around the world, many from the Global South. These courses will include interactions with guest speakers from our community partner connections in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Namibia, and more!

There is a huge variety of courses available, including unique courses such as:

-Racism and Resistance in Southern Africa and the U.S.
-Queer History In Latin America
-Mexican Cultures through Film
-Citizen Participation in a Globalized Economy
-And many more!

To access these courses, search in Records and Registration under Fall 2020 term. Look for Communication/Film, Gender/Sexuality/Women’s Studies, History, Political Science, Religion, and Spanish, with section designations: “X” for Mexico, “G” for Central America (Guatemala & Nicaragua), and “S” for Southern Africa.

Register for class per usual to reserve your seat soon!

See fall global courses in Records & Registration

Residence Life Move In Volunteers Needed

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Hello Auggies! We need your help welcoming our students back to their dorms this Fall. Due to the Covid 19 restrictions we will be moving our students back over a three week process and we are looking for lots of volunteers to help. We will begin the process Monday August 10th and go through Friday August 28th. This will be happening Monday through Fridays 10am-4pm. If you are able to help please reach out to me at and I will share the sign up sheet link with you! Thank you in advance!

Event Announcements

“Get Ready for Fall” sessions for faculty and staff this month

Join one of the three “Get Ready for Fall” sessions for faculty and staff this month. These sessions will cover key information that faculty and staff need to know about returning to work on campus this fall.

Presenters are Rebecca John, VP and chief operating officer and Dawn Miller, HR Director.


  • 8/17 10-11 a.m.
  • 8/20 noon-1 p.m.
  • 8/26 3:30-4:30 p.m.

The link to join the webinar will be posted on the All Hands page on Inside Augsburg.

Where do we go from here? A live Virtual Discussion on Anti-Racism Efforts

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Thursday, August 13, 1 pm – 2:30 pm
Online Event

From the Event Page:
Creating lasting change to combat systematic racism and inequities.

In his historical ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King implored, “this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism,” and that there is a “fierce urgency of now.” This message still holds true nearly 60 years later. And, as a coalition, CUMU is committed to working with members to act now through critical learning, dialogue, and actionable strategies.

Join CUMU on August 13 for a live, virtual forum where four CUMU presidents and chancellors will discuss where we go from here.

This moderated discussion will discuss why it is imperative to move beyond powerful rhetoric, share methods of personal and institutional accountability, explore new and promising ideas, and most importantly spur continued dialogue and commitment to fostering a successful environment for all students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Panelists include CUMU executive committee members and CUMU member presidents and chancellors from public, private, religiously-affiliated, and minority-serving institutions.

Katherine Conway-Turner, president, SUNY Buffalo State College
Thomas Parham, president, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Paul Pribbenow, president, Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MN
Kristin Sobolik, chancellor, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Find this and other events/resources at:

Event Information

Keeping Track of Auggies

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