Need Mental Health Services During Break?

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If you are in need of mental health resources during the semester break, here are some options for you:

1. Call the CWC office at 612-330-1707 and press 1 to be connected with Protocall which provides trained mental health professionals to assist you by phone 24/7.
2. If you are in Hennepin County and having a crisis, you can call the Hennepin County Cope Team at 612-596-1223. In greater MN, text **274747 to reach a local county crisis team.
3. Free zoom or phone counseling is also available at Walk-In Counseling Center. Check out their website at for more information and hours.
4. There is also a new tool on the CWC website called TAO – Therapy Assistance Online which offers a variety of self-help modules you may want to check out over the break.

The CWC office will resume meeting with students via zoom when classes start on January 11, 2021. Many additional resources can be found on the CWC website at

Have a safe and healthy break. See you in 2021!