Seizing the Moment to Create a New, More Inclusive Normal

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When: January 21, 2021 11:00 am CST
Presenters: Maureen Berkner Boyt, M.Ed, The Moxie Exchange  |  Stephanie Douglass, MA, Vungle  |  Becca Gelenberg, MBA, Upstart

How do we create a more inclusive normal? The convergence of the global pandemic and racial justice movement has shifted the way we work in ways we are just beginning to understand. In the midst of the unknown, what we do know is there is an unprecedented opportunity to focus on people; who is on our teams and how we can evolve company systems and cultures to be more innovative, productive, inclusive and equitable.
Two innovative leaders, Stephanie Douglass, VP of People, Vungle and Becca Gelenberg, Head of People Operations, Upstart have doubled down on their respective companies commitments to DE&I during this environment of change. In this webinar we’ll share how they engaged executive leadership to their newest hires, partnered with The Moxie Exchange to digitize their learning and tools, and as a result have been able to make significant progress in a short period of time.

Learning Outcomes
How to leverage this moment to engage your executive team in committing to a meaningful DEI strategy
How to capitalize on employee’s ‘what can I do?’ enthusiasm to drive real change behavior change
Hear how to take a multimodal approach to delivering DEI tools, knowledge and resources