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Teaching and Learning

RSVP Now for CTL’s NAMI Podcast Discussion

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It’s hard to ignore our emotional, psychological, and social well-being today when it’s being inundated with MAJOR stressors that affect how we think, feel, and act. Please join CTL fellows and other faculty/staff for a discussion of mental health, especially related to communities of color. We will be facilitating a discussion on NAMI Minnesota’s Wellness in Color podcasts. Please listen to three of these podcasts (available at and come discuss what you’ve learned on a Zoom meeting with other faculty and staff members. We will be meeting on Monday, April 12 from 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm to listen to so that we will have things in common that we can discuss. Please listen to the following podcasts: “Blurring Tradition,” “Flipping the Status Quo,” and “Between Two Worlds.”

If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation. Use the linked RSVP form to let us know you would like to join.

Wellness in Color Podcast Discussion | Monday, April 12 | 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm | ZOOM

RSVP for the Wellness in Color Discussion

Office Hours April 6 and April 7: Degree Audit System

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All faculty are invited to join the upcoming deans’ office hours (Tuesday, April 6 from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm and Wednesday, April 7 from 10 am – 11 am). These two sessions will include a very brief demonstration of the new degree audit tool, followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

The encoders have developed a series of short training videos and posted them on Augsburg’s Community Moodle site. There are 15 videos with a total viewing time of about 2.5 hours. If possible, we encourage you to review these videos before the office hours next week.

We will also be conducting one Q & A session during 3 Days in May to answer any further questions.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Hope Blatchley or Christine Berkenpas

If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

Zoom Information for Office Hours (must have Augsburg login to view)

Updates from the Academic Affairs Committee

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Here are the recent approvals from the Academic Affairs Committee:

*COM 281 was approved to become an upper-division course. It will not be COM 301.
*RLN 397: Part of a track where students will complete their B.A. and M.Div. in five years. They will enroll in a 3 credit course for a 15 week paid internship.
*ENL 223: Makes this course an LAF that satisfies a Humanities requirement in the core curriculum.
*URGO Policy Proposal: Reduces the number of hours required for the AE (through the URGO program) from 100 to 80.
*PSY 100: A new non-major GenEd LAF topics course that can be paired with AugSem sections.
*ART 220: Have observed a Screen Printing course as a special topic, and it is now a permanent course.
*Registrar/Advising Policy Proposal: Allows students to retake topics classes with different titles to replace a previously taken course.
*ACA 100: This class supports a population of our first-year class transition to Augsburg.
*PHI 295: Adds a course description to the catalog and ask for approval as a Humanities LAF course.

The committee is also working on a policy around requirements for a Minor. In addition, they heard updates from the TEL subcommittee, who is working on a proposal to become a standing committee. TEL also recommended a suspension in necessary review of Hybrid/Asynchronous delivery throughout the summer/fall.

Information about AAC can be found at You will find meeting minutes, proposal information, and spreadsheet that tracks all of the AAC approvals. This tracking spreadsheet is also linked below.

AAC Tracking Spreadsheet

Forum Podcast ep 59, Radically Rethinking Inclusion: A Bold New Approach to Succeeding Together

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Rebekah Steele(Rebekah Steele | Diversity Breakthroughs) and Alison Maitland (author, speaker, coach) discuss the “INdivisible approach” as a way to radically rethink “feel good” inclusion initiatives.

Want to Teach, Study, or Research Abroad With Fulbright?

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The Fulbright US Student Program offers college graduates the opportunity to participate in diplomacy in over 140 countries. Your experience could include teaching English, working on a Master’s degree, or performing research in any field, including performance studies and the creative arts. You may apply in the summer before/fall of your senior year or after you graduate. URGO offers advising, application support, and interviews for endorsement by Augsburg University for both current students and alumni.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact for more information. All current students and recent alumni are welcome to inquire, even if you won’t be eligible to apply for the coming application cycle.

US Student Fulbright Program Website

General Announcements

HR and Payroll Offices Closed Friday, April 2: Forms Due TODAY at Noon

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HR & Payroll Offices will be CLOSED Friday 4/2 for the Good Friday Holiday.

HR or Payroll Forms:
Due date for HR or payroll forms will be one day early. Please submit any change forms you may have for your benefits to HR by noon THURSDAY, April 1 to be processed on the April 9 pay date. This includes routine forms for HSA, retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding changes. Email if you have questions or need help.

Please submit your timesheets at the end of the week so your supervisor has time to approve it by the Monday noon deadline.

Secure Link to Human Resources & Payroll
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as bank accounts or social security numbers should not be emailed. For a secure delivery link go to for submission. Please contact for questions.

Thank you so much! -Your HR & Payroll Team

Now Hiring: Human Resources Student Assistant

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If you’re looking for a dynamic Summer job on-campus, check out this exciting opportunity for Spring and Summer 2021: We are hiring a Human Resources Student Assistant.

Click below to view the job description and apply now, or check it out on Handshake.

Contact with questions.

Human Resources Student Assistant

Nominations for Staff Senate and University Council Representatives

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Augsburg University Staff Senate has two important elections this spring. We are currently taking nominations for Staff Senate Representatives and University Council Staff Representatives.

Staff Senate Representatives: Augsburg University’s Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term as well as two additional at-large members, appointed by Staff Senate. All members have the option to serve a third year. We are currently filling four positions. For more information on Staff Senate visit our about page.

University Council Staff Representatives: There is one opening on the University Council for an elected staff representative. For an overview of the full process, go to our University Council tab.

Staff may nominate other eligible staff or self-nominate for either Staff Senate or University Council using this form

Nomination deadline for both Staff Senate and University Council is April 9, 2021. Please email with questions. Thank you for your participation in this important process.

Augsburg University Staff Senate

Janice Dames, Campus Ministry
Deanna Davis, Professional Studies
Nancy Huynh, Academic Advising*
Ilse Rolf, Institutional Advancement
Stewart Van Cleve, Lindell Library
Jackie Voigt, Athletics
Uriah Ward, Student Financial Services
Tessa Wegenke, Finance & Administration*

*2020-21 co-chairs

Be a Smart Student Using TutorMe

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Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

Deadline Tomorrow: Global Movements for Racial Justice

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Final call! Seats are almost filled and the deadline is tomorrow.

The deadline has been extended for the summer Minneapolis-based course, “Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice.” Apply by Friday, April 2nd to enroll in this course that will satisfy your Augsburg Experience requirement.

In this two-week course, students will critically analyze the global racial unrest movements of the Southern Africa Anti-Apartheid system, and the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This experience will introduce students to the understanding of how these movements became historical events and impacted policy and the visibilities on racial inequities that impact the Pan-Afrikan diaspora and all BIPOC communities. Hear from activists and experts in Minnesota, as well as those from South Africa and Namibia.

We will be in person in Minneapolis, and will visit sites of historic and cultural importance in Minnesota, such as the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post, the Duluth Lynching Site to visit the Clayton-Jackson-McGhie Memorial, and George Floyd Memorial Square.

Dates are May 17 to May 28.

More information and apply

The Echo is Hiring Editors for 2021-22

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We are hiring for the fall semester! If you are looking for a welcoming and supporting environment to be in while gaining experience in writing, editing, amplifying student voices, and keeping our community informed – this is the place for you!

Available positions are:
Opinions Editor
Arts & Culture Editor
News Editor
Managing Editor

Interested individuals should send in a resume and a cover letter (or two page writing sample.) Please include previous student leadership experience, what you can add to our team, and why you’re interested in the Echo. Reach out to us for detailed job descriptions or check out our most recent Instagram post: @augsburg_echo

Send applications to as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest!

Event Announcements

Auggie Connect Monday With Disability Advocate Claudia Fuglie

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Join us on Monday, April 5, for a conversation with disability advocate and activist Claudia Fuglie.
Auggie Connect is open to Augsburg students with disabilities and meets every Monday from 3:30-4:30 pm in a Zoom space to connect, support one another and find community.

Zoom Meeting ID: 999 0654 4396
Passcode: 586732

Auggie Connect Zoom Meeting

Register for “Abolition Praxis as a Moral Compass: A ‘Radical Imaginary’ in Higher Education”

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April 7th, 4-6pm

Pre-registration is required:

This co-sponsored by Student Day Government (ADSG) and Batalden Applied Ethics Program panel event will feature David Stovall (Professor of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois, Chicago) and Augsburg undergraduate student panelists, Reuben Kitto Stately (’22) and Taiwana Shambley (‘21).

Funding for this public event is generously provided by Paul ’63 and LaVonne (Olson) Batalden ’63, and Stephen ’67 and Sandra Batalden.

#StopAsianHate Virtual Candlelight Vigil

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Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA), Hmong Women Together (HWT), and Pan Asian Student Services(PASS) recognizes that anti-AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) prejudice is only one form of systematic racism that continues to spread in our nation. Together, we appreciate the outpour of outreach and attention from Administration, peers and allies in support of the recent events in Georgia last week and our daily lived experiences.

We hope that there will be work in solidarity from Augsburg to take a stand against the structures that perpetuate and fuel discrimination for all BIPOC and specifically recently more heightened assaults on Pan-Asians in our communities, and to identify actionable ways to address this and all forms of prejudice, stigmatization, and racism.

We hereby recommend for you to join us in the following spaces at Augsburg to continue these conversations and to help us come together in community:
-Join us next week for our #stopasianhate Virtual Candlelight Vigil on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:30pm- RSVP on the Auggie Life page:
-Save the date and participate in AASA’s Pan Asian Week (PAW) on March 29-April 2, 2021-
-For BIPOC Faculty, Staff and Students, consider joining Augsburg for a discussion on Thursday April 1, 2021 from 10:30am-11:30am, holding a space via Zoom that will be centered around BIPOC students, staff, and faculty gathering in discussion to process current events regarding racial violence in the United States, including but not limited to the Derek Chauvin trail in Minneapolis and the shootings in Atlanta that targeted Asian American communities. RSVP on the Auggie Life page –
-Consider attending the following conference to learn more about these AAPI issues at the 2021 APAHE national summit on April 15, 2021–

Working With Emotions Skills Group Starts 4/7

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The Center for Wellness and Counseling (CWC) will be offering for the the last time this semester, a psycho-educational group for Augsburg students starting Wednesday, April 7th via zoom from 4:30 – 6 pm. The group facilitated by CWC counselor Josh Kent will identify and help students learn about the role of emotions in our lives and skills for working with them. If you are interested in the group or learning more contact Josh at

Forum Webinar: From Bystander to Ally

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When: April 15, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Level: Intermediate
Track: Social Responsibility
Presenters: Dr. Daniel Cantor Yalowitz, DCY Consulting  |  Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Connecting Differences, LLC
Cost: Free

When anyone is confronted by any form of aggression, whether verbal, physical, social, or economic, it is natural to feel fear, doubt, and paralysis. This is important in assessing critical next steps if we happen to be a bystander. We must also look at our own fears and triggers as they, too, play a role in how we may react or respond to any potential conflict or confrontation.

During this webinar participants will consider some very important questions as they devise their own ways of responding to triggering situations. How does privilege impact decisions to engage in conflict and whether/how to respond? When is allyship an act of support, and when is it not? Who gets to decide? How do we deal with our own emotional responses to aggression and confrontation? How can one become an effective ally in a virtual work world and how does this differ from an in-person workplace?

Learning Outcomes
Know how to decide when to intervene as an active bystander
Identify and manage their personal emotional triggers
Utilize practical tools to engage in building allyship for safety in their workplace

Forum Event – Religion in the Workplace: Interfaith Skills to Engage Difference

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When: May 6, 2021 11:00 am – 12:30 pm CST
Where: Online/Video Conference
Cost: $30 Suggested Donation
Level: Intermediate
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Megan Hughes Johnson, Interfaith Youth Core  |  Jenan Mohajir, Interfaith Youth Core

Religious diversity is an incredibly important part of American public life. Controversies regarding religion and business are regularly in both the press and the courts and more Americans say that they encounter religious diversity at work than in any other sphere of their life (PRRI, 2019). However, religion is often left out of the corporate diversity conversation. Diverse identities and perspectives on a team can lead to greater outcomes or can lead to misunderstanding and conflict. It is only when diverse identities are engaged, and team members have opportunities to intentionally learn about one another, that the potential strength of workplace diversity is unlocked. Developing a company culture that proactively engages religious diversity can open doors to greater employee productivity, enhanced client satisfaction, and even new business prospects. Join IFYC to explore why engaging religion matters in the workplace, workshop challenging scenarios, and identify your interfaith skillset.

Learning Outcomes
Learn why engaging religious diversity matters in the workplace
Understand and apply interfaith frameworks to common tensions in the workplace related to religious identity and diversity
Identify concrete skills to engage religious diversity and enhance workplace culture

Chapel: Maundy Thursday Communion

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Campus Ministry invites you to chapel during Holy Week in Hoversten Chapel or on Zoom this morning at 11:30 am for a Maundy Thursday Communion Service with a homily by University Pastor Babette Chatman.
The bulletin for today is available online.

Maundy Thursday Bulletin

Art and Activism Panel-TODAY

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Join the Sabo Center for our 3rd installment of Social Change Virtual Dialogue Series on Thursday, April 1st from 4:30pm-5:45pm. We will be joined by 3 artists and activists (Art and Design Professor Leon Wang, Theatre Professor Beliza Torres-Narvaez and musician Taylor Seaberg) will talk about the intersection where art and activism meet. We will discuss how art influences social change as well as hear about the work the artists and activists are doing in their communities, and students will have the change to engage with our guests on the topic. Guest panelists:
Check out the speakers’ bios here! (
This event will be via Zoom.
Register here:

Fulbright Information Session Hosted by Fulbright

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Juniors, graduating seniors, and alums hear from Fulbright employees about the Fulbright US Student Program. In this program, you can teach English, study and/or do research in one of 130 countries, paid for by Fulbright. Learn from the experts about the program and application process.

This virtual session is April 19th at 3:00 pm.

Register Here

Zyzzogeton Virtual Student Research Symposium

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Augsburg celebrates the creativity and scholarship of undergraduate students with its annual Zyzzogeton festival. The festival falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across departments.

This year Zyzzogeton will be held virtually, with student posters available for viewing online and live Q & A sessions. Please join us on Tuesday, April 13, 3 – 4:30pm at

Those who need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event are encouraged to contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Remember to have the name, date, and time of the event with you when contacting their office. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

Keeping Track of Auggies

Auggie Wins a Goldwater Scholarship

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Maxwell Bannister, who will graduate spring 2022 with degrees in biology and chemistry, won the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship award. Out of 1256 nominees, 410 Goldwater Scholars were selected. Each school can only recommend 4 nominations, making the pool of candidates formidable.

After his first year at Augsburg Maxwell did summer research with Augsburg’s plant biologist, Dr. Leon van Eck. This past summer and currently Maxwell is doing research in the Department of Pharmacology at the U of M’s Medical School and will return to the same lab this upcoming summer.

In addition to being involved with research, Maxwell was an AugSEM leader and an Orientation leader. Post-Augsburg Maxwell will be attending a MD/PhD program.

Congratulations, Maxwell, on such an impressive accomplishment!


Personal Care Assistants Needed

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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a first year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work every Sunday’s 3:00pm- 10:00pm and some hours during this summer! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun!

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join!