Nominations for Staff Senate and University Council Representatives Due TODAY

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Augsburg University Staff Senate has two important elections this spring. We are currently taking nominations for Staff Senate Representatives and University Council Staff Representatives. Please submit a nomination today!

Staff Senate Representatives: Augsburg University’s Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term as well as two additional at-large members, appointed by Staff Senate. All members have the option to serve a third year. We are currently filling four positions. For more information on Staff Senate visit our about page.

University Council Staff Representatives: There is one opening on the University Council for an elected staff representative. For an overview of the full process, go to our University Council tab.

Staff may nominate other eligible staff or self-nominate for either Staff Senate or University Council using this form

Nomination deadline for both Staff Senate and University Council is April 9, 2021. Please email with questions. Thank you for your participation in this important process.

Augsburg University Staff Senate

Janice Dames, Campus Ministry
Deanna Davis, Professional Studies
Nancy Huynh, Academic Advising*
Ilse Rolf, Institutional Advancement
Stewart Van Cleve, Lindell Library
Jackie Voigt, Athletics
Uriah Ward, Student Financial Services
Tessa Wegenke, Finance & Administration*

*2020-21 co-chairs