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The Echo, Augsburg’s student-run newspaper, is looking for students interested in our position of A&C Editor. Applications for this position close on April. 17 at 11:59 p.m.
*Pro tip: you do not need to be an expert in writing or editing to do well as an Echo editor. The Echo provides ample training and a welcoming team of support. If you’re interested, go for it!*
The editor of our “Arts & Culture” section is responsible for curating, editing and writing articles that provide coverage of artistic happenings and events in the Augsburg community. Some examples of A&C content includes articles that highlight cultural events on campus, spotlights the work of local artists, promotes artistic events happening in the local community, and even reviewing shows or albums by Augsburg artists. A bullet-point list of this position’s responsibilities are below:
-Be knowledgeable about artistic happenings and of artists in the Augsburg and greater Minneapolis community.
-Understand the components of a fair and adequate review.
-Plan photos in coordination with Photo Editor.
-Contribute to our welcoming and supporting team!
This position is paid $60 per newspaper issue (we release 10 issues every semester) and works 6 hours a week.
If you are interested in applying, please send over a cover letter and resume to! Let us know if you have any questions.