Sad News – Orlette Tatley

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Orlette Tatley, a former Augsburg staff member, died on April 2, 2021. After many years of service in the library,Tatley retired in 1996. Prior to that she had worked in the college bookstore. She is remembered not only for her role on staff, but also for her enduring and generous support of Augsburg in numerous ways including as a dedicated volunteer with the Augsburg Associates. Service information is pending, updates will be available through Washburn-McReavy Funeral Home.

Boyd Koehler, associate professor emeritus, offered these words of remembrance:
“I worked closely with her at Augsburg University in the library for almost a decade and was struck by the impact she had on so many faculty, staff, and students. She was a genius in her ability to make the library a very welcoming atmosphere and also was a stellar role model for students. She created a lasting impression for all of us with her strong work ethic, her incredible sense of humor, and her moral convictions. She was an indelible embodiment of the college’s commitment to academic excellence and dedication to truth.”

Tatley obituary and service information