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Nine Augsburg faculty from eight different programs have been awarded a total of almost $22,000 in Scholarship Grants to support their professional work during the 2021-2022 academic year. Each Spring, the Faculty Development Committee reviews faculty requests for the available scholarship funds provided by Augsburg University and selects projects which provide the maximum benefit to faculty, students, the university, and the faculty member’s discipline. Congratulations to all 2021-2022 recipients!
Kristina Boerger (MUS) $150.00
Jacqui deVries (HIS) $2,000.00
Lori Brandt Hale (REL) $4,000.00
Annie Heiderscheit (MUS) $1,685.00
Abby Hughes-Scalise (PRP) $3,165.00
Ibrahim Keita (ECO) $2,500.00
Tara Mader (HPE) $3,000.00
Erin Sugrue (SWK) $2,250.00
Belize Torres Narváez (THR) $3,000.00