“Creativity and Agency During COVID-19: Lessons from the River”: EDTalk Wednesday at 3:10 p.m.

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

“Creativity and Agency during COVID: Lessons from the River” Premiering Wednesday, April 28 at 3:10 pm

This EDTalk will feature a discussion of ways to use our time during the pandemic to develop new ways of “teaching by doing and by example.” Joe Underhill will talk about the evolving nature of the River Semester and the plans for new river boats as a way to engage students in a project that can be an example for them of how to get creative and maintain a sense of agency when we face so many daunting challenges.

This year, EDTalks will be pre-recorded and have a community “premiere” on Zoom hosted by CTL at 3:10 pm on days when there is a faculty meeting. These premieres will end no later than 3:30pm to allow plenty of time to log into the Faculty Zoom meeting early. After the premier, the recording will be posted on the CTL website, along with any resources (if applicable).

EDTalk Zoom Information (must be logged in through Augsburg to view)