Study Abroad with Augsburg in Mexico – Semester or Summer

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Augsburg Center for Global Education and Experience in Mexico offers Auggies the opportunity to spend a semester or summer in Mexico with a focus on experiential-style learning, social justice, and community connections. Classes are small and personalized, and programs in Mexico are among the most affordable of all our programs abroad. Check out the options:


~~Liberal Arts, Migration, and Social Change semester (fall or spring)

~~Communication and Media studies (fall only)

~~Social Work in a Latin American Context (spring only)


~~Spanish Language and Culture (all levels of Spanish available)

~~Medical Spanish and Clinical Observership (upper level Spanish required)


~~November 1 – for spring semester programs

~~March 1 – for summer or fall semester programs

Get more information and apply online

Short Study Away in NYC or Italy on Spring Break

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Did you know you can study off-campus on spring break!? Two spring semester programs have a travel component on spring break, with various course options for each, and both programs fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement. These programs are open to students in good standing:

****ISLAM IN THE USA, traveling to NYC … choose one course:

HIS 195 (Humanities credit) or RLN 205 (Search for Meaning II credit)

see website, linked below, for full course and program details


ENL 221 – Writing about Art and Popular Culture
ENL 324 –Creative Non-Fiction
HIS 170 — Food: A Global History, fulfills a Humanities requirement
HIS 440 — Topics: Food: A Global History

see website, linked below, for full course and program details

Applications for these programs are due November 1 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the details and apply online at the Center for Global Education & Experience website.

Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad – App Due on Tuesday

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due October 5. This is for programs that start in Spring, summer, fall 2022, or go for the academic year 22-23.

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application. Feel free to contact the Study Abroad & Away office if you have questions.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. citizen and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

No Resume and Cover Letter Drop-in Hours from 9-12 p.m.

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There will be no resume and cover letter drop in hours from 9am-12pm today (Friday, October 1st). We apologize for any inconvenience. However, you can still drop-in for a resume or cover letter review today from 12-2pm.

Online, on-demand resume and cover letter resources are available on Strommen Community Moodle.

TODAY: TriBeta Plant Sale

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TriBeta and the Biology Dept. Greenhouse are holding their annual plant sale!

Date: Thursday, September 30
Time: 10 a.m. — 3 pm.
Where: Lobby of the Christensen Center

Stop by and pick up a new green friend for your dorm room or office windowsill! We’ll have a great selection of easy-care species, string plants, succulents, carnivorous plants, and even a few sought-after aroids. We have very limited numbers of the most desirable plants, so get there early!

Cash only. Plant prices start at $5, and earnings go directly toward supporting TriBeta and Greenhouse activities.

Detailed plant sale flyer

Fulbright Adventures in Finland: Mathematical Models from Soil to Satellite

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All are welcome to join us for the upcoming mathematics colloquium presented by John Zobitz, Professor of Mathematics and Data Science.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021
3:10 – 4:10 PM
Hagfors 150A

Fulbright adventures in Finland: Mathematical models from soil to satellite

The Fulbright program supports students and faculty to engage in international exchanges and scholarship abroad. Last year I was fortunate to travel abroad with my family (even during a pandemic!) to Finland to work on a project that developed mathematical models for soil carbon following forest fires. This project involved an interesting mix of mathematics, data science, and some extra persistence and perseverance. This talk will describe some of the lessons learned from Finland, describe the project results, and provide perspectives on how ecological data informs mathematical models.

Come for the opportunity to learn about a fascinating country and stay for some interesting data visualization!

Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the Somali Community

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Thursday, September 30 at 4-5 pm
Webinar sponsored by Interfaith at Augsburg and Muslim Student Association with thanks to the Batalden Ethics Grant

Please join us for a panel discussion moderated by MSA president Sharmarke Omar with:

Imam Abdisalam Adam, Islamic Civic Society of America; Assistant Principal of Highland High School in St. Paul; former Augsburg Interfaith Fellow
Farhia Budul, CPRS, CPP, FPRS, Founder, Niyyah Recovery Initiative
Niyyah Recovery Initiative (NRI) is the first Recovery Community Organization in the nation to provide culturally responsive peer recovery support, education, awareness and advocacy in the East African immigrant, refugee, and Muslim population in Minnesota.
Cadnaan Deeq, former Augsburg student

At a time when the local Somali community is facing a crisis of opioid addiction, we will hear the perspectives of a community leader and educator, an expert in culturally responsive peer recovery support, and a student. In addition to learning more about the crisis we will focus on ways religious communities, health care providers and Augsburg are responding and might collaborate in the future. There will be time for questions from participants.


Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interfaith at Augsburg

September Auggie Pride Award Winners

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Congratulations to our two Auggie Pride Award winners for the month of September, Katie Detwiler and Jon Mergens, both staff members in the academic advising department. Katie and Jon have worked tirelessly in the last month to support new transfers, first-years, and returning students register for classes, navigate financial barriers, and prepare for the beginning of the semester. Academic advising is proud to have them here at Augsburg and our staff senate is happy to recognize their amazing work. Congratulations Katie and Jon!!

New – Forum Podcast, Using Innovative Simulation Strategies to Dismantle Systemic Racism Continued

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In this special bonus episode of The Forum Podcast, Samreen Vora (Children’s Minnesota) and Brittany Dahlen (Children’s Minnesota) answer questions from listeners that attended our August 19, 2021 webinar Using Innovative Simulation Strategies to Dismantle Systemic Racism.

Timely Notice: Vehicle Thefts on the Minneapolis Campus

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On September 29, Augsburg’s Department of Public Safety received multiple reports of vehicles being stolen out of Lot B between 11:00 A.M on September 28 and 11:00 A.M. on September 29. One report involved two vehicles which were left unlocked with the keys left in the vehicles; these vehicles were stolen between 6:15 A.M. and 6:20 A.M. on Wednesday September 29. A second report stated a single vehicle was taken between 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday September 28 and 11:00 A.M on Wednesday September 29. Both reports have been shared with the Minneapolis Police, who are actively investigating the thefts. No suspect descriptions are available at this time.

Augsburg Public Safety and the Minneapolis Police (MPD) are currently investigating these incidents. Anyone who may have information regarding these incidents is urged to contact MPD or Augsburg DPS at 612-330-1717.

For the complete Timely Notice and Safety Tips, please visit the Augsburg Public Safety website.

Public Safety Website

Personal Care Assistants Needed

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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Fall semester! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun!

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join

A Liberated Love Note – For Black Folks in DEI When “Doin’ The Work” No Longer Feels Like Enough

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Brittany J. Harris (also known as Brittany Janay) shares a thoughtful note of affirmation and loving accountability to Black folks working in DEI. The toll of working in DEI while Black is well documented and there are not many spaces that center the healing and nurturing that this toll calls for—particularly as Black practitioners work to dismantle the very same systems they too are impacted by.

Fellowship Fridays

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How is the return to the not-so-normal classroom going? The pandemic is not over. Resilience is not a given, but we are all in this together and we need to get out of together. So, let’s get together and talk about it! Teaching staff and faculty join guest host Sarah Degner Riveros at 4:30 this Friday to talk about the ups and downs of this not-so-normal year.

Due October 1 – Spring ‘22 Semester-long Study Abroad and Away Applications

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Applications for semester-long spring study abroad and away programs are due October 1. This includes all semester programs at Augsburg Exchange Partner and affiliate programs.

For semester programs at Augsburg CGEE locations in Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa, October 1 is the priority deadline, with a final deadline of November 1.

Anyone with questions about semester-long study abroad programs should contact

To search programs and get started, visit our website

Study Abroad with Augsburg in Central America or Southern Africa

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Augsburg Center for Global Education and Experience in Central America and Southern Africa offer Auggies the opportunity to spend a transformative semester immersed in community abroad. With a small cohort of peers, you will engage with the courses, the places you visit, and the people you meet. These programs are perfect for students who enjoy experiential, hands-on learning. The programs listed below are available in both fall and spring semesters. You can use all your financial aid, receive an automatic $1500 Travel Grant, and you can apply for additional scholarships, too!

Check out the options:

CENTRAL AMERICA: Peace, Justice, and Community Engagement

~~three countries in one semester: Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador

~~Courses in Spanish, Religion, History or Women’s & Gender Studies, and Political Science

~~Host family stays help you improve Spanish skills quickly

~~All courses in English, no Spanish knowledge required

SOUTHERN AFRICA: Nation Building and Decolonizing the Mind

~~travel to South Africa and Namibia in one semester

~~courses in History, Political Science, Religion, Environmental Studies, Wellness

~~Internships available in a variety of fields


~~November 1 – for spring semester programs

~~March 1 – for fall semester programs

Get more information about classes and costs, and apply online here

Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad – App Due on October 5

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due October 5. This is for programs that start in Spring, summer, fall 2022, or go for the academic year 22-23.

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application. Feel free to contact the Study Abroad & Away office if you have questions.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. citizen and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

Short-term Abroad and Away in Summer 2022

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It’s not too early to plan for summer. Short-term study abroad away programs programs in summer are a great way to earn credits, and have a unique, off-campus experience at the same time. Summer 2022 has several opportunities, each with different course options and locations, and only travels about 2-3 weeks. Check them out!

**Community, Arts, and Culture in PUERTO RICO, U.S.A.

**Economic Crisis, Small Business, and Ethics in GREECE

**Innovation & Design in the NETHERLANDS: Past & Present

**Music Therapy in SOUTH AFRICA

Applications for these programs are due January 31 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the details and apply online at the Center for Global Education & Experience website.

HR and Payroll Forms Due Friday, October 1

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HR or Payroll Forms
Please submit any change forms you may have for your benefits to HR by noon Friday, October 1st to be processed on the October 8th pay date. This includes routine forms for HSA, retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding changes. Email if you have questions or need assistance.

Reminder: You can access forms on the new HR Website which is linked below.

Time Sheets
Please submit your timesheet by the end of the day Friday, October 1st so your supervisor has time to approve it by the Monday, October 4th; noon deadline.

Secure Link to Human Resources & Payroll
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as bank accounts or social security numbers should not be emailed. For a secure delivery link go to for submission.
Please contact and cc Payroll for questions.

Thank you!
– Your HR & Payroll Team

Human Resources Website

Human Resources Website

CTL’s Guide for Adapting to Increases in Student Absences Due to COVID-19

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In this time of COVID-19, there will likely be more student absences due to mandated quarantining and/or a positive COVID-19 test, even though a student feels well enough to continue in the class. Although the “best” way to address this situation depends upon the course structure, learning outcomes, and pedagogies used, CTL has put together some (mostly) universal “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can maintain student learning and minimize any additional work (and stress!) for faculty. Please see the Guidelines linked below. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the CTL Fellows for a personal consultation! If they can’t help you create a possible solution, they can refer you to somebody who can.

CTL Guidelines During COVID

Paid Summer Program to Study Public Policy

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Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The program was started to address the lack of diversity across the spectrum of professional public service, including government, nonprofits, public policy institutions, and international organizations. The purpose of the JSI Fellowship is to prepare students to obtain a Master’s or joint degree, in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field.

Selected participants spend the summer at one of six participating universities (University of Minnesota, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, University of Washington or University of Michigan) where they take courses, learn from top leaders in the field and build their professional skills. Students must have junior or senior status and be planning to graduate between December 2022 and August 2023. To be competitive for this opportunity, students should have a 3.5 GPA or above. There is no cost to attend and participants receive a stipend.

Contact URGO at and reference your interest in PPIA before October 1 to set up a meeting to learn more.

Eligibility and Requirements

Summer Language Study with Critical Language Scholarship

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The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded eight to ten week language and cultural immersion program abroad in which students receive eight credits of intensive language instruction in less-commonly taught languages, as well as structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. CLS is part of a US State Department initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages critical to national security and economic prosperity. There are fifteen languages that applicants can select from.

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths. Competitive applicants will need to be able to illustrate a commitment to language learning, a very strong academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting, and ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging cultural environment. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Languages with no previous study required:

Languages with one year prior study required:

Languages with two years prior study required:

The URGO office provides advising and application support for CLS. Please contact (reference CLS) to set up an appointment before October 8th.

CLS Website

Back To School, Keep Your Cool With TutorMe

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Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium, October 5

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The Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
11 a.m.–12 p.m.
Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel

All Things Are New: The Language of Our Life in the Face of Empire

Brian Bantum, PhD
Neil F. And Ila A. Fisher Professor of Theology
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

It’s difficult to remember a time when there was order and expectation. Uncertainty and chaos feel like the norm. Problems seem too big to overcome, and words are too weak to point a way forward. How do we speak of God? How do we live in the face of chaos? As we begin a new season, let us reflect on a God who creates in the chaos and becomes flesh in the face of empire.

Brian Bantum, PhD, writes, speaks, and teaches on identity, racial imagination, creating spaces of justice, and the intersection of theology and embodiment for audiences around the United States. He is a contributing editor of The Christian Century and is the author of “Redeeming Mulatto: A Theology of Race and Christian Hybridity,” “The Death of Race: Building a New Christianity in a Racial World,” and “Choosing Us: Marriage and Mutual Flourishing in a World of Difference,” which he co-authored with his spouse, Gail Song Bantum.

About the Christensen Symposium

The Christensen Symposium provides the opportunity to explore and apply the lessons rooted in former Augsburg President Bernhard M. Christensen’s legacy:
• Christian faith liberates minds and lives.
• Diversity strengthens vital communities.
• Interfaith friendships enrich learning.
• The love of Christ draws us to God.
• We are called to service in the world.

Livestream link will be available and posted in advance.

Back in the Classroom: the Impact of COVID on Faculty

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Please join Ellie Olson, Director of Augsburg’s Center for Wellness and Counseling, on Tuesday, October 5, from 3:45-4:45 pm for her Zoom session “Back in the Classroom: the Impact of COVID on Faculty”. Despite our desire to return to campus with a sense of comfort and predictability, this semester seems likely to be one of continuing challenge and transition. But we HAVE learned some things from the past eighteen months that we can use to our advantage. This session will create space for faculty to name and reflect on the emotional and cognitive impact COVID has had on them, with guidance on how to manage and respond to that impact as you enter the classroom again. The target audience for this session is teaching faculty and staff, but the session is open to all. This event will be hosted by Matthew Maruggi and Katie Clark, members of the Faculty Development Committee.

This session is part of the Faculty Development Committee’s “Promoting Faculty Balance” Series

Impact of COVID on Faculty Zoom link

Employer Table TODAY: Aces 4 Kids

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Stop by and visit with representatives who are eager to meet Auggies on Thursday, September 30th 10:30-1:00 at a table in the lobby of the Christensen Center.

ACES (Athletes Committed to Educating Students) is an innovative out-of-school-time program that brings math and social-emotional learning to life for Twin Cities students. Our hands-on curriculum, individual mentorship, and once-in-a-lifetime field trip opportunities help students develop crucial academic and life skills – all through the exciting lens of sports. In partnership with Minnesota’s professional and collegiate sports teams, ACES is tackling the academic opportunity gap and preparing young learners to succeed in school, career, and community.

ACES is looking to hire staff 2021-2022 school year program. To learn more

Big Interview – Virtual Practice Interview Tool

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Use Big Interview to learn and practice your interview skills, whether you’re interviewing for a job or graduate school.

Big Interview is an online platform where you can practice answering real interview questions before you have to do the real thing.

About Big Interview
Have you ever wondered how to answer the question “What is your greatest weakness” or “Why do you want to work here”? On Big Interview you will get a chance to answer these questions and more. You can video record your responses to interview questions to review yourself or send to a friend to provide you with feedback.

Big Interview includes:
-A robust Video and Written Curriculum for both visual and auditory learners
-A Virtual Interview Practice Tool that mimics a real-life interview
-Artificial Intelligence that immediately evaluates answers and provides feedback for improvement
-Quizzes and Worksheets to reinforce learning
-A Resume Builder, templates, and lessons on writing and formatting a first resume
-Lessons on professional communication skills, workplace etiquette, social media presence, wardrobe, body language and much, much more

Click here to log into Big Interview. You will use your Augsburg University Credentials to log in.

Congratulations to Isaac Tadé ’21

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Isaac Tadé, “21 Biology, started dental school at the University of Minnesota where he received the Xhonga Scholarship, $60,000 over four years, and was also awarded a National Health Service Corps Scholarship which covers tuition and fees and provides a monthly stipend. The NHSC Scholarship requires a commitment to work in an underserved community which has always been Isaac’s goal.

Employer Table Today: ACES 4 Kids Hiring

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Stop by and visit with representatives who are eager to meet Auggies on Thursday, September 30th 10:30-1:00 at a table in the lobby of the Christensen Center.

ACES (Athletes Committed to Educating Students) is an innovative out-of-school-time program that brings math and social-emotional learning to life for Twin Cities students. Our hands-on curriculum, individual mentorship, and once-in-a-lifetime field trip opportunities help students develop crucial academic and life skills – all through the exciting lens of sports. In partnership with Minnesota’s professional and collegiate sports teams, ACES is tackling the academic opportunity gap and preparing young learners to succeed in school, career, and community.

ACES is looking to hire staff 2021-2022 school year program. To learn more

Remote Rocketry Lessons this Fall

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Would you like to take Remote Rocketry Lessons and learn to Build a High Powered Rocket! Learn valuable skills in engineering and design. Maybe even earn your own license in High Powered Rocketry.

Interested, join our first organizational meeting Wednesday, October 6th, Hagfors 150 B/C @10:35. For more information contact .

Check out a previous launch video!

Check out a previous launch video!

Career Coaching Appointments Available

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Looking for a job or internship? Need to register your academic internship or Augsburg Experience for spring 2022? Interested in exploring majors or careers? Want to practice your interviewing skills? The Strommen Center can help you with all these things!
Schedule an appointment with a team member in Handshake today!

Don’t forget to have your resume and/cover letter reviewed by one of our trained Career Peer Advisors. Drop-in hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9am-2pm and Thursdays from 9-11am. Christensen Center, Suite 100. Across from Einstein’s.

Please note: There will be no drop-in hours from 9am-12pm this coming Friday, October 1st. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Click here to schedule an appointment with a career coach in Handshake.

On-campus Job: Get Paid for Writing and Editing

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Do you love writing—and rewriting until it’s just right?
Do your friends ask you to proofread an assignment before they submit it?
Do you have a strong opinion on the Oxford comma?
Are you already thinking about how you’d rewrite this A-mail post?

This job may be a good fit for you.

Augsburg’s marketing and communication team is searching for a detail-oriented, highly motivated student with excellent written and verbal communication skills who wants to get hands-on experience writing and editing for marketing and editorial content.

Read the job description and apply today.;jsessionid=CE4AFB38569044D320F20FD7D516061A?JOBID=137195

Personal Care Assistants Needed

submitted by

Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Fall semester! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun! Receive a 500 dollar bonus if you work until the end of the semester.

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join!

Summer Language Study with Critical Language Scholarship

submitted by

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded eight to ten week language and cultural immersion program abroad in which students receive eight credits of intensive language instruction in less-commonly taught languages, as well as structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. CLS is part of a US State Department initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages critical to national security and economic prosperity. There are fifteen languages that applicants can select from.

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths. Competitive applicants will need to be able to illustrate a commitment to language learning, a very strong academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting, and ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging cultural environment. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Languages with no previous study required:

Languages with one year prior study required:

Languages with two years prior study required:

The URGO office provides advising and application support for CLS. Please contact (reference CLS) to set up an appointment before October 8th.

CLS Website

Paid Summer Program to Study Public Policy

submitted by

Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The program was started to address the lack of diversity across the spectrum of professional public service, including government, nonprofits, public policy institutions, and international organizations. The purpose of the JSI Fellowship is to prepare students to obtain a Master’s or joint degree, in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field.

Selected participants spend the summer at one of six participating universities (University of Minnesota, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, University of Washington or University of Michigan) where they take courses, learn from top leaders in the field and build their professional skills. Students must have junior or senior status and be planning to graduate between December 2022 and August 2023. To be competitive for this opportunity, students should have a 3.5 GPA or above. There is no cost to attend and participants receive a stipend.

Contact URGO at and reference your interest in PPIA before October 1 to set up a meeting to learn more.

Eligibility and Requirements

Back To School, Keep Your Cool With TutorMe

submitted by

Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

2022 Student Leadership Applications Are Open

submitted by

Are you interested in a student leadership position for the 2022-2023 academic year? Apply to be an AugSem Leader, Orientation Leader, Resident Assistant, Residence Life Lead, Pan-Asian Mentor, Pan-Asian Student Services Intern, Augsburg Youth Theology Institute Mentor, and/or Strommen Peer Advisor today!

Click here to apply: ;

Applications are due by NOON ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. ;

Annual TriBeta Plant Sale this Thursday

submitted by

TriBeta and the Biology Dept. Greenhouse are holding their annual plant sale!

Date: Thursday, September 30
Time: 10 a.m. — 3 pm.
Where: Lobby of the Christensen Center

Stop by and pick up a new green friend for your dorm room or office windowsill! We’ll have a great selection of easy-care species, string plants, succulents, carnivorous plants, and even a few sought-after aroids. We have very limited numbers of the most desirable plants, so get there early!

Cash only. Plant prices start at $5, and earnings go directly toward supporting TriBeta and Greenhouse activities.

Detailed plant sale flyer

CTL’s Guide for Adapting to Increases in Student Absences Due to COVID-19

submitted by

In this time of COVID-19, there will likely be more student absences due to mandated quarantining and/or a positive COVID-19 test, even though a student feels well enough to continue in the class. Although the “best” way to address this situation depends upon the course structure, learning outcomes, and pedagogies used, CTL has put together some (mostly) universal “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can maintain student learning and minimize any additional work (and stress!) for faculty. Please see the Guidelines linked below. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the CTL Fellows for a personal consultation! If they can’t help you create a possible solution, they can refer you to somebody who can.

CTL Guidelines during COVID

TODAY: “Benign by Design: Green and Sustainable Organic Chemistry”

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Please join Dr. MIchael Wentzel (CHM), recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Contribution in Scholarship, who will present an overview of his research at Augsburg. This event will take place in the Marshall Room (Christensen Center) on Wednesday, September 29th from 3:30-4:30pm. This session is open to all Augsburg faculty, staff, and students.

Back in the Classroom: The Impact of COVID-19 on Faculty

submitted by

Please join Ellie Olson, Director of Augsburg’s Center for Wellness and Counseling, for her Zoom session “Back in the Classroom: the Impact of COVID on Faculty”. Despite our desire to return to campus with a sense of comfort and predictability, this semester seems likely to be one of continuing challenge and transition. But we HAVE learned some things from the past eighteen months that we can use to our advantage. This session will create space for faculty to name and reflect on the emotional and cognitive impact COVID has had on them, with guidance on how to manage and respond to that impact as you enter the classroom again. The target audience for this session is teaching faculty and staff, but the session is open to all. This event will be hosted by Matthew Maruggi and Katie Clark, members of the Faculty Development Committee.

This session is part of the Faculty Development Committee’s “Promoting Faculty Balance” Series

Impact of COVID on Faculty Zoom link

A Liberated Love Note – For Black Folks in DEI When “Doin’ The Work” No Longer Feels Like Enough

submitted by

In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Brittany J. Harris (also known as Brittany Janay) shares a thoughtful note of affirmation and loving accountability to Black folks working in DEI. The toll of working in DEI while Black is well documented and there are not many spaces that center the healing and nurturing that this toll calls for—particularly as Black practitioners work to dismantle the very same systems they too are impacted by.

Forum Webinar Identifying and Eliminating Systemic Barriers to Employment for Immigrants and Refugees

submitted by

When: October 21, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Lynn Thompson, Hospitality Career Pathway  |  Scarlett Xiong, Hospitality Career Pathway
Cost: Free

Register at,

Participants will be able to identify the unique barriers that immigrants and refugees face in employment. Learn creative and innovative ways the International Institute has found to address these barriers and help immigrants and refugees overcome them. Hear from employer partners who have benefited from trained employees as well as get a glimpse at the curriculum and employment navigation tools utilized in helping immigrants and refugees overcome barriers in order to achieve their dreams and goals. Finally, participants will be introduced to program participants who have benefited from the Hospitality Career Pathway.

Learning Outcomes
Identify barriers to employment for Immigrants and Refugees
Recognize the importance of employer partnerships in employment navigation
Understand the importance of a holistic approach to employment navigation

Farewell Gathering Planned for Denielle Stepka TODAY

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Come celebrate Denielle Stepka’s new career opportunity during an on-campus farewell event planned for Wednesday, September 29, from 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Denielle will be leaving her position as the Assistant Director of Marketing to pursue a new role with Wixon Jewelers. During her more than seven-year employment at Augsburg, Denielle has been exceptional at finding creative ways to enhance Augsburg’s print pieces, on-campus spaces, and digital properties through design. We thank her for years of dedication to Augsburg (and Luther Seminary!) and for the many ways she has supported students, faculty, and staff.

We will host a gathering outdoors on the quad for the university community.

Drop by, grab a sweet treat, and wish Denielle well.

Add the event to your calendar.

Fellowship Fridays

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How is the return to the not-so-normal classroom going? The pandemic is not over. Resilience is not a given, but we are all in this together and we need to get out of together. So, let’s get together and talk about it! Teaching staff and faculty join guest host Sarah Degner Riveros at 4:30 this Friday to talk about the ups and downs of this not-so-normal year.

Due October 1 – Spring ‘22 Semester-long Study Abroad and Away Applications

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Applications for semester-long spring study abroad and away programs are due October 1. This includes all semester programs at Augsburg Exchange Partner and affiliate programs.

For semester programs at Augsburg CGEE locations in Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa, October 1 is the priority deadline, with a final deadline of November 1.

Anyone with questions about semester-long study abroad programs should contact

To search programs and get started, visit our website

Study Abroad with Augsburg in Mexico – Semester or Summer

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Augsburg Center for Global Education and Experience in Mexico offers Auggies the opportunity to spend a semester or summer in Mexico with a focus on experiential-style learning, social justice, and community connections. Classes are small and personalized, and programs in Mexico are among the most affordable of all our programs abroad. Check out the options:


~~Liberal Arts, Migration, and Social Change semester (fall or spring)

~~Communication and Media studies (fall only)

~~Social Work in a Latin American Context (spring only)


~~Spanish Language and Culture (all levels of Spanish available)

~~Medical Spanish and Clinical Observership (upper level Spanish required)


~~November 1 – for spring semester programs

~~March 1 – for summer or fall semester programs

Get more information and apply online

Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table TODAY 11:30-1 p.m.

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Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today in Christensen Center from 11:30am to 1pm.

We are available to answer your questions about study abroad/away, check in on your application, or give you some information to get started.

Study Abroad & Away opportunities are for all Auggies–with programs ranging in length from 1 week to a semester or year, international locations as well as destinations in the USA, and courses to fit any major. Every Study Abroad & Away program fulfills your Augsburg Experience requirement, too!

Stop by today for more info!

Learn more about Study Abroad & Away

Short Study Away in NYC or Italy on Spring Break

submitted by

Did you know you can study off-campus on spring break!? Two spring semester programs have a travel component on spring break, with various course options for each, and both programs fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement. These programs are open to students in good standing:

****ISLAM IN THE USA, traveling to NYC … choose one course:

HIS 195 (Humanities credit) or RLN 205 (Search for Meaning II credit)

see website, linked below, for full course and program details


ENL 221 – Writing about Art and Popular Culture
ENL 324 –Creative Non-Fiction
HIS 170 — Food: A Global History, fulfills a Humanities requirement
HIS 440 — Topics: Food: A Global History

see website, linked below, for full course and program details

Applications for these programs are due November 1 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the details and apply online at the Center for Global Education & Experience website.

Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad – App Due on October 5

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due October 5. This is for programs that start in Spring, summer, fall 2022, or go for the academic year 22-23.

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application. Feel free to contact the Study Abroad & Away office if you have questions.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. citizen and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

Earn Credits by Studying Abroad in Summer 2022

submitted by

Short-term study abroad & away programs in summer are a great way to earn credits, get off-campus, and do something a little different! Summer 2022 has several short program options, each with different course choices, and you only commit to 2-3 weeks of travel. All programs fulfil the Augsburg Experience requirement. Check them out!

****Community, Arts, and Culture in PUERTO RICO, USA

One course opton: THR 295 – Art for Social Change, fulfills a Fine Arts requirement

****Economic Crisis, Small Business, and Ethics in GREECE

Choose one course: Business, Economics, and Ethics in the Greek context: BUS 495, ECO 495, or Keystone 490

****Innovation & Design in the NETHERLANDS: Past & Present

Choose one ART and one HIS course:

Innovation in the Netherlands – HIS 195 (fulfills Humanities requirement) or HIS 440 (upper elective)


Intro or Advanced Digital Photography – ART 133 (fulfills Fine Arts requirement) or ART 333

****Music Therapy in SOUTH AFRICA

Choose one course: MUS 374 or 474 – Music Therapy Practicum

Grad student course options: MUS 511 and/or MUS 582

****Augsburg in MEXICO

Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry

Applications for these programs are due January 31 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the program details and apply online

New – Engaging Religious Diversity in the Workplace: Building Your Interfaith Strategy and Skillset

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When: November 8, 2021 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual Conference
Cost: $95
Level: Intermediate

Presenters: Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) | Farah Siddiqui, Salesforce | Megan Hughes Johnson, Interfaith Youth Core

This event is part of The Forum’s new Professional Development Labs learning series. More information below. This course is SHRM and HRCI certified and counts as four (4) Continuing Education Units (CEU).

Americans encounter more religious diversity at work than in any other sphere of life, yet religion is too often left out of the diversity conversation. Many of us are uncomfortable talking about religion at work because we are afraid of offending our colleagues or wading into uncertain legal territory, but engaging religious diversity can lead to stronger team culture and better relationships with clients and consumers. Join Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) for a Professional Development Lab that will give you the chance to explore issues of religious identity and diversity at work, develop your interfaith skillset, and create an action plan for how you will engage religious and secular identity in your workplace.

Learning Outcomes
1. Learn why engaging religious diversity matters in the workplace
2. Identify concrete skills to engage religious diversity and enhance workplace culture
3. Create a customized action plan for how to engage religious diversity productively in your workplace

Action Planning Breakouts
Unique to the PDL learning experience, each PDL includes Action Planning Breakout Sessions. The Action Planning Breakout Sessions give individuals a chance to participate in small group work that results in having their own goal-oriented action plan to take what they learned at the PDL and apply it in their workplace or organization. This PDL has three concurrent and different breakout sessions. Participants can choose a breakout session that best applies to their circumstance.

Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the Somali Community

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Thursday, September 30 at 4-5 pm
Webinar sponsored by Interfaith at Augsburg and Muslim Student Association with thanks to the Batalden Ethics Grant

Please join us for a panel discussion moderated by MSA president Sharmarke Omar with:

Imam Abdisalam Adam, Islamic Civic Society of America; Assistant Principal of Highland High School in St. Paul; former Augsburg Interfaith Fellow
Farhia Budul, CPRS, CPP, FPRS, Founder, Niyyah Recovery Initiative
Niyyah Recovery Initiative (NRI) is the first Recovery Community Organization in the nation to provide culturally responsive peer recovery support, education, awareness and advocacy in the East African immigrant, refugee, and Muslim population in Minnesota.
Cadnaan Deeq, former Augsburg student

At a time when the local Somali community is facing a crisis of opioid addiction, we will hear the perspectives of a community leader and educator, an expert in culturally responsive peer recovery support, and a student. In addition to learning more about the crisis we will focus on ways religious communities, health care providers and Augsburg are responding and might collaborate in the future. There will be time for questions from participants.


Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interfaith at Augsburg

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome- Noon Today

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Please join the Steve Fund toady at noon, for a national conversation on identifying and combating the Imposter Phenomenon for college students of color!

Come learn about the impact and experience of Imposter Phenomenon on young people of color. Discover strategies, resources, and tools and techniques young people can use to deal with stress, anxiety and other negative mental health impacts associated with the phenomenon to promote healing, well-being, and mental health so they can survive and thrive in the college environment and as they enter the workforce.

This event is free and open to students of color in, or headed to, college, and all who support them, including family members, educators, and mental health professionals. Registration link below.


Dr. Kevin O. Cokley, Steve Fund Mental Health Expert, Chair-Elect, Department of Educational Psychology. University of Texas at Austin

Register here

Attention New and Early Career Faculty: Save the Dates

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Thanks everyone who replied to our survey. We have scheduled two gatherings based on people’s availability and interests.

*Thursday, October 7th at 8:30 AM meet up for coffee at Einstein Bro Bagels in the Christiansen Center.

*Tuesday, October 19th at 12 noon in the Quad to eat BYO lunch together.

We will have a back- up inside space reserved if the weather is not favorable to eating outside. We hope to see you there! -Trisha Hopkins-Smith and Katie Martin

Personal Care Assistants Needed

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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Fall semester! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun! Receive a 500 dollar bonus if you work until the end of the semester.

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join!

A Liberated Love Note – For Black Folks in DEI When “Doin’ The Work” No Longer Feels Like Enough

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Brittany J. Harris (also known as Brittany Janay) shares a thoughtful note of affirmation and loving accountability to Black folks working in DEI. The toll of working in DEI while Black is well documented and there are not many spaces that center the healing and nurturing that this toll calls for—particularly as Black practitioners work to dismantle the very same systems they too are impacted by.

Forum Webinar Identifying and Eliminating Systemic Barriers to Employment for Immigrants and Refugees

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When: October 21, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT
Level: Introductory
Track: Critical Employment Practices
Presenters: Lynn Thompson, Hospitality Career Pathway  |  Scarlett Xiong, Hospitality Career Pathway
Cost: Free

Register at,

Participants will be able to identify the unique barriers that immigrants and refugees face in employment. Learn creative and innovative ways the International Institute has found to address these barriers and help immigrants and refugees overcome them. Hear from employer partners who have benefited from trained employees as well as get a glimpse at the curriculum and employment navigation tools utilized in helping immigrants and refugees overcome barriers in order to achieve their dreams and goals. Finally, participants will be introduced to program participants who have benefited from the Hospitality Career Pathway.

Learning Outcomes
1. Identify barriers to employment for Immigrants and Refugees
2. Recognize the importance of employer partnerships in employment navigation
3. Understand the importance of a holistic approach to employment navigation

New – Engaging Religious Diversity in the Workplace: Building Your Interfaith Strategy and Skillset

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When: November 8, 2021 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual Conference
Cost: $95
Presenters: Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC)  |  Farah Siddiqui, Salesforce  |  Megan Hughes Johnson, Interfaith Youth Core

This event is part of The Forum’s new Professional Development Labs learning series. More information below.

Americans encounter more religious diversity at work than in any other sphere of life, yet religion is too often left out of the diversity conversation. Many of us are uncomfortable talking about religion at work because we are afraid of offending our colleagues or wading into uncertain legal territory, but engaging religious diversity can lead to stronger team culture and better relationships with clients and consumers. Join Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) for a Professional Development Lab that will give you the chance to explore issues of religious identity and diversity at work, develop your interfaith skillset, and create an action plan for how you will engage religious and secular identity in your workplace.

Learning Outcomes
1. Learn why engaging religious diversity matters in the workplace
2. Identify concrete skills to engage religious diversity and enhance workplace culture
3. Create a customized action plan for how to engage religious diversity productively in your workplace
About The Forum’s Professional Development Labs
Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are half-day interactive learning experiences intended to develop professional competencies that support leaders in reaching the next level in their DEI leadership. Unlike traditional workshop sessions, PDLs will be goal oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership. PDLs will be offered synchronously in varying formats (in-person, hybrid or virtual) based on CDC convening recommendations.

MnDot Road Updates

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MnDot has opened the northbound side of the 25th Avenue bridge to traffic, the south side will remain closed at least until mid-October. Also, I94 west is closed between Highway 280 and 25th Avenue from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. nightly through Wednesday, October 6 for repairs to the 25th Avenue bridge. This does include weekends. MnDot apologizes for any inconvenience.

Athletic Dome Installation November 20 and Science 123 Classroom Updates

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The date has been set for the new athletic dome to be installed. Weather permitting, it is set to be completed on Saturday, November 20.

The Science 123 renovation project continues to make progress. When completed, the classroom will include the addition of new tiered platforms, chairs, and new carpeting and paint. The audio visual equipment is being updated as well. It is anticipated the tiers will be completed this week to be followed by new carpet installation. Updates will continue to appear in A-Mail until the project is completed.

Buildings with HVAC systems have been upgraded with MERV-13 filters circulating fresh air 24 hours a day. In buildings without central HVAC systems, HEPA filtration units have been added in office spaces. There are also HEPA filtration units in classrooms.

For additional information you can visit the Facilities Management website listed below.

Farewell Gathering Planned for Denielle Stepka TOMORROW

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Come celebrate Denielle Stepka’s new career opportunity during an on-campus farewell event planned for Wednesday, September 29, from 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Denielle will be leaving her position as the Assistant Director of Marketing to pursue a new role with Wixon Jewelers. During her more than seven-year employment at Augsburg, Denielle has been exceptional at finding creative ways to enhance Augsburg’s print pieces, on-campus spaces, and digital properties through design. We thank her for years of dedication to Augsburg (and Luther Seminary!) and for the many ways she has supported students, faculty, and staff.

We intend to host a gathering outdoors on the quad for the university community. But, if the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll celebrate in the Christensen Center’s Student Art Gallery area instead.

Drop by, grab a sweet treat, and wish Denielle well.

Add the event to your calendar.

Annual TriBeta Plant Sale this Thursday

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TriBeta and the Biology Dept. Greenhouse are holding their annual plant sale!

Date: Thursday, September 30
Time: 10 a.m. — 3 pm.
Where: Lobby of the Christensen Center

Stop by and pick up a new green friend for your dorm room or office windowsill! We’ll have a great selection of easy-care species, string plants, succulents, carnivorous plants, and even a few sought-after aroids. We have very limited numbers of the most desirable plants, so get there early!

Cash only. Plant prices start at $5, and earnings go directly toward supporting TriBeta and Greenhouse activities.

Detailed plant sale flyer

CTL’s Guide for Adapting to Increases in Student Absences Due to COVID-19

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In this time of COVID-19, there will likely be more student absences due to mandated quarantining and/or a positive COVID-19 test, even though a student feels well enough to continue in the class. Although the “best” way to address this situation depends upon the course structure, learning outcomes, and pedagogies used, CTL has put together some (mostly) universal “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can maintain student learning and minimize any additional work (and stress!) for faculty. Please see the Guidelines linked below. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the CTL Fellows for a personal consultation! If they can’t help you create a possible solution, they can refer you to somebody who can.

CTL Guidelines during COVID

CTL Guidelines during COVID

“Benign by Design: Green and Sustainable Organic Chemistry”

submitted by

Please join Dr. MIchael Wentzel (CHM), recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Contribution in Scholarship, who will present an overview of his research at Augsburg. This event will take place in the Marshall Room (Christensen Center) on Wednesday, September 29th from 3:30-4:30pm. This session is open to all Augsburg faculty, staff, and students.

Summer Language Study with Critical Language Scholarship

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The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded eight to ten week language and cultural immersion program abroad in which students receive eight credits of intensive language instruction in less-commonly taught languages, as well as structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. CLS is part of a US State Department initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages critical to national security and economic prosperity. There are fifteen languages that applicants can select from.

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths. Competitive applicants will need to be able to illustrate a commitment to language learning, a very strong academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting, and ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging cultural environment. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Languages with no previous study required:

Languages with one year prior study required:

Languages with two years prior study required:

The URGO office provides advising and application support for CLS. Please contact (reference CLS) to set up an appointment before October 8th.

CLS Website

Paid Summer Program to Study Public Policy

submitted by

Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The program was started to address the lack of diversity across the spectrum of professional public service, including government, nonprofits, public policy institutions, and international organizations. The purpose of the JSI Fellowship is to prepare students to obtain a Master’s or joint degree, in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field.

Selected participants spend the summer at one of six participating universities (University of Minnesota, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, University of Washington or University of Michigan) where they take courses, learn from top leaders in the field and build their professional skills. Students must have junior or senior status and be planning to graduate between December 2022 and August 2023. To be competitive for this opportunity, students should have a 3.5 GPA or above. There is no cost to attend and participants receive a stipend.

Contact URGO at and reference your interest in PPIA before October 1 to set up a meeting to learn more

Eligibility and Requirements

Moodle Gradebook Drop-in Help Tuesday and Wednesday

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The E-Learning Team is here to help you ensure your Moodle Gradebook is accurate in preparation for required Week 6 Advisory Grades reporting. Please feel free to email the E-Learning Specialist (Bonnie Tensen, or your LFC for help OR Zoom drop-in for gradebook help TOMORROW (Tuesday, 9/28 from 3:00-4:00) or Wednesday (9/29, 11:30-1:00).

Moodle Gradebook Drop-in Help Zoom link

Due October 1 – Spring ‘22 Semester-long Study Abroad and Away Applications

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Applications for semester-long spring study abroad and away programs are due October 1. This includes all semester programs at Augsburg Exchange Partner and affiliate programs.

For semester programs at Augsburg CGEE locations in Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa, October 1 is the priority deadline, with a final deadline of November 1.

Anyone with questions about semester-long study abroad programs should contact

To search programs and get started, visit our website

Short Study Away in NYC or Italy on Spring Break

submitted by

Did you know you can study off-campus on spring break!? Two spring semester programs have a travel component on spring break, with various course options for each, and both programs fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement. These programs are open to students in good standing:

****ISLAM IN THE USA, traveling to NYC … choose one course:

HIS 195 (Humanities credit) or RLN 205 (Search for Meaning II credit)

see website, linked below, for full course and program details


ENL 221 – Writing about Art and Popular Culture
ENL 324 –Creative Non-Fiction
HIS 170 — Food: A Global History, fulfills a Humanities requirement
HIS 440 — Topics: Food: A Global History

see website, linked below, for full course and program details

Applications for these programs are due November 1 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the details and apply online at the Center for Global Education & Experience website.

Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad – App Due on October 5

submitted by

The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due October 5. This is for programs that start in Spring, summer, fall 2022, or go for the academic year 22-23.

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application. Feel free to contact the Study Abroad & Away office if you have questions.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. citizen and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

Short-term Abroad and Away in Summer 2022

submitted by

Short-term study abroad & away programs in summer are a great way to earn credits, get off-campus, and do something a little different! Summer 2022 has several short program options, each with different course choices, and you only commit to 2-3 weeks of travel. All programs fulfil the Augsburg Experience requirement. Check them out!

****Community, Arts, and Culture in PUERTO RICO, USA

One course opton: THR 295 – Art for Social Change, fulfills a Fine Arts requirement

****Economic Crisis, Small Business, and Ethics in GREECE

Choose one course: Business, Economics, and Ethics in the Greek context: BUS 495, ECO 495, or Keystone 490

****Innovation & Design in the NETHERLANDS: Past & Present

Choose one ART and one HIS course:

Innovation in the Netherlands – HIS 195 (fulfills Humanities requirement) or HIS 440 (upper elective)


Intro or Advanced Digital Photography – ART 133 (fulfills Fine Arts requirement) or ART 333

****Music Therapy in SOUTH AFRICA

Choose one course: MUS 374 or 474 – Music Therapy Practicum

Grad student course options: MUS 511 and/or MUS 582

****Augsburg in MEXICO

Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry

Applications for these programs are due January 31 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the program details and apply online

Bookstore Hours Starting September 27 and Homecoming Day Hours

submitted by

The bookstore hours will be adjusted to the following starting 9/27:
Monday-Friday:9:00am to 4:00pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

If you need assistance after we close up to 5:00pm Monday through Friday please contact the bookstore at or (612)359-6491 to do so.

The bookstore will be open on homecoming day (10/2) from 10am-2pm

CTL’s Guide for Adapting to Increases in Student Absences due to COVID-19

submitted by

In this time of COVID-19, there will likely be more student absences due to mandated quarantining and/or a positive COVID-19 test, even though a student feels well enough to continue in the class. Although the “best” way to address this situation depends upon the course structure, learning outcomes, and pedagogies used, CTL has put together some (mostly) universal “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can maintain student learning and minimize any additional work (and stress!) for faculty. Please see the Guidelines linked below. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the CTL Fellows for a personal consultation! If they can’t help you create a possible solution, they can refer you to somebody who can.

CTL Guidelines during COVID

Chapel: Centering Prayer for Healing, Justice, and Hope

submitted by

Join us in Hoversten Chapel at 10:40 am for a time of Centering Prayer for Healing, Justice, and Hope. We will offer quiet space for prayer and healing. If you would like to see the chapel service from Friday with Rev. Mark Hanson, it is available on the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel.

Chapel with Rev. Mark Hanson

Blessing of the Animals – Photos Requested

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On Friday, October 1, Campus Ministry will have a Blessing of the Animals service in Hoversten Chapel at 10:40 am as we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals. Our service will include a lively blessing ritual of animals and pets to honor St. Francis’ devotion to all God’s creatures.

We invite students, staff, and faculty to bring their animals for a blessing that morning, but we would also like to have a slideshow of some of our dear animal friends. If you have an animal friend or pet that you would like to have in the slideshow, please send a photo to Janice Dames at by Wednesday, September 29.

Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the Somali Community

submitted by

Thursday, September 30 at 4-5 pm
Webinar sponsored by Interfaith at Augsburg and Muslim Student Association with thanks to the Batalden Ethics Grant

Please join us for a panel discussion moderated by MSA president Sharmarke Omar with:

Imam Abdisalam Adam, Islamic Civic Society of America; Assistant Principal of Highland High School in St. Paul; former Augsburg Interfaith Fellow
Farhia Budul, CPRS, CPP, FPRS, Founder, Niyyah Recovery Initiative
Niyyah Recovery Initiative (NRI) is the first Recovery Community Organization in the nation to provide culturally responsive peer recovery support, education, awareness and advocacy in the East African immigrant, refugee, and Muslim population in Minnesota.
Cadnaan Deeq, former Augsburg student

At a time when the local Somali community is facing a crisis of opioid addiction, we will hear the perspectives of a community leader and educator, an expert in culturally responsive peer recovery support, and a student. In addition to learning more about the crisis we will focus on ways religious communities, health care providers and Augsburg are responding and might collaborate in the future. There will be time for questions from participants.


Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interfaith at Augsburg

“Benign by Design: Green and Sustainable Organic Chemistry”

submitted by

Please join Dr. MIchael Wentzel (CHM), recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Contribution in Scholarship, who will present an overview of his research at Augsburg. This event will take place in the Marshall Room (Christensen Center) on Wednesday, September 29th from 3:30-4:30pm. This session is open to all Augsburg faculty, staff, and students.

Save the Dates: New and Early Career Faculty

submitted by

Thanks everyone who replied to our survey. We have scheduled two gatherings based on people’s availability and interests.

*Thursday, October 7th at 8:30 AM meet up for coffee at Einstein Bro Bagels in the Christiansen Center.

*Tuesday, October 19th at 12 noon in the Quad to eat BYO lunch together.

We will have a back- up inside space reserved if the weather is not favorable to eating outside. We hope to see you there! -Trisha Hopkins-Smith and Katie Martin

Moodle Gradebook Checkups and Drop-in Help

submitted by

The E-Learning Team is here to help you ensure your Moodle Gradebook is accurate in preparation for required Week 6 Advisory Grades reporting. Please feel free to email the E-Learning Specialist (Bonnie Tensen, or your LFC for help OR Zoom drop-in for gradebook help next Tuesday (3:00-4:00 on 9/28) or Wednesday (11:30-1:00, 9/29).

Drop-in Gradebook Help

Annual TriBeta Plant Sale

submitted by

TriBeta and the Biology Dept. Greenhouse are holding their annual plant sale!

Date: Thursday, September 30
Time: 10 a.m. — 3 pm.
Where: Lobby of the Christensen Center

Stop by and pick up a new green friend for your dorm room or office windowsill! We’ll have a great selection of easy-care species, string plants, succulents, carnivorous plants, and even a few sought-after aroids. We have very limited numbers of the most desirable plants, so get there early!

Cash only. Plant prices start at $5, and earnings go directly toward supporting TriBeta and Greenhouse activities.

Detailed plant sale flyer

Summer Language Study with Critical Language Scholarship

submitted by

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded eight to ten week language and cultural immersion program abroad in which students receive eight credits of intensive language instruction in less-commonly taught languages, as well as structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. CLS is part of a US State Department initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages critical to national security and economic prosperity. There are fifteen languages that applicants can select from.

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths. Competitive applicants will need to be able to illustrate a commitment to language learning, a very strong academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting, and ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging cultural environment. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Languages with no previous study required:

Languages with one year prior study required:

Languages with two years prior study required:

The URGO office provides advising and application support for CLS. Please contact (reference CLS) to set up an appointment before October 8th.

CLS Website

Paid Summer Program to Study Public Policy

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Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The program was started to address the lack of diversity across the spectrum of professional public service, including government, nonprofits, public policy institutions, and international organizations. The purpose of the JSI Fellowship is to prepare students to obtain a Master’s or joint degree, in public policy, public administration, international affairs, or a related field.

Selected participants spend the summer at one of six participating universities (University of Minnesota, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, University of Washington or University of Michigan) where they take courses, learn from top leaders in the field and build their professional skills. Students must have junior or senior status and be planning to graduate between December 2022 and August 2023. To be competitive for this opportunity, students should have a 3.5 GPA or above. There is no cost to attend and participants receive a stipend.

Contact URGO at and reference your interest in PPIA before October 1 to set up a meeting to learn more

Eligibility and Requirements

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome- This Tuesday at Noon

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Please join the Steve Fund on Tuesday at noon, for a national conversation on identifying and combating the Imposter Phenomenon for college students of color! Event will be Tuesday, September 28th, from 12-1 PM.

Come learn about the impact and experience of Imposter Phenomenon on young people of color. Discover strategies, resources, and tools and techniques young people can use to deal with stress, anxiety and other negative mental health impacts associated with the phenomenon to promote healing, well-being, and mental health so they can survive and thrive in the college environment and as they enter the workforce.

This event is free and open to students of color in, or headed to, college, and all who support them, including family members, educators, and mental health professionals. Registration link below.


Dr. Kevin O. Cokley, Steve Fund Mental Health Expert, Chair-Elect, Department of Educational Psychology. University of Texas at Austin

Register here

Due October 1 – Spring ‘22 Semester-long Study Abroad and Away Applications

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Applications for semester-long spring study abroad and away programs are due October 1. This includes all semester programs at Augsburg Exchange Partner and affiliate programs.

For semester programs at Augsburg CGEE locations in Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa, October 1 is the priority deadline, with a final deadline of November 1.

Anyone with questions about semester-long study abroad programs should contact

To search programs and get started, visit our website

Employer Table: ACR Homes is Hiring

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Stop by the lobby of the Christensen Center on Monday, September 27th or Tuesday, September 28th between 10:00am-1:00pm to learn more!

The ACR Homes team consists of 1000 professionals working to make an impact in the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly. ACR has a wide range of positions; from flexible direct care that offers hands-on patient care experience and competitive pay, to management with a rent-free live-in option. ACR Homes has a position available for anyone.

When you get a job at ACR Homes, you join the ACR team! You become part of a tight-knit and fun-loving community, working together to provide the best possible care for people with disabilities.

We pair you up with a mentor to help you through training and answer any questions you may have, and make sure you don’t feel like you’re doing this alone.

You’ll also have access to community building events for ACR staff like Employee Appreciation Day and Wellness Day, as well as small groups for more specific interests like fitness groups and dog lover groups that help staff to meet coworkers with similar interests. So don’t worry, we’re all in this together!

Learn more at or stop by our table.

Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad – App Due on October 5

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due October 5. This is for programs that start in Spring, summer, fall 2022, or go for the academic year 22-23.

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application. Feel free to contact the Study Abroad & Away office if you have questions.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. citizen and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

Short-term Abroad and Away in Summer 2022

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Short-term study abroad & away programs in summer are a great way to earn credits, get off-campus, and do something a little different! Summer 2022 has several short program options, each with different course choices, and you only commit to 2-3 weeks of travel. All programs fulfil the Augsburg Experience requirement. Check them out!

****Community, Arts, and Culture in PUERTO RICO, USA

One course opton: THR 295 – Art for Social Change, fulfills a Fine Arts requirement

****Economic Crisis, Small Business, and Ethics in GREECE

Choose one course: Business, Economics, and Ethics in the Greek context: BUS 495, ECO 495, or Keystone 490

****Innovation & Design in the NETHERLANDS: Past & Present

Choose one ART and one HIS course:

Innovation in the Netherlands – HIS 195 (fulfills Humanities requirement) or HIS 440 (upper elective)


Intro or Advanced Digital Photography – ART 133 (fulfills Fine Arts requirement) or ART 333

****Music Therapy in SOUTH AFRICA

Choose one course: MUS 374 or 474 – Music Therapy Practicum

Grad student course options: MUS 511 and/or MUS 582

****Augsburg in MEXICO

Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry

Applications for these programs are due January 31 — use the link below!

Got questions? Get in touch:, or stop by Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center

Get all the program details and apply online

A Liberated Love Note – For Black Folks in DEI When “Doin’ The Work” No Longer Feels Like Enough

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Brittany J. Harris (also known as Brittany Janay) shares a thoughtful note of affirmation and loving accountability to Black folks working in DEI. The toll of working in DEI while Black is well documented and there are not many spaces that center the healing and nurturing that this toll calls for—particularly as Black practitioners work to dismantle the very same systems they too are impacted by.

Auggie Connect TODAY – Sverdrup 102 or Zoom

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Over the last school year, it felt difficult to connect and we are glad to be able to reconnect. Auggie Connect is open to Augsburg students with disabilities and is a space to gather, support one another and find community.

Join CLASS staff Cassie Charles and your fellow Auggie students on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 PM. Join us in person (Sverdrup 102, near the Enrollment Center) or via Zoom.

Meeting topics may include assistive technology, communicating effectively with instructors, managing stress and other topics of interest to you. Contact for disability-related accommodations.
See you today!
Zoom Meeting ID: 930 1256 1020
Passcode: 787265

Join Zoom Meeting TODAY

Yard Games this Sunday– Prizes Available

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Yard games including Spike ball, ladder golf and cornhole are available to play. Games require a partner and will be single elimination style! You must be an Augsburg student to attend. Please click the link to sign up on the spreadsheet! Prizes will be won and snacks will be provided! Check in is 2:45pm, 3pm start time. Takes place on Edor Nelson Field!

Personal Care Assistants Needed

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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Fall semester! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun! Receive a 500 dollar bonus if you work until the end of the semester.

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join!