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Come celebrate Lauren Causey’s new career opportunity during an on-campus farewell event planned for Thursday, October 7, from 2:00-3:00 pm in the quad (OGC 100 if inclement weather).
We want to celebrate Lauren Causey’s new career opportunity as the Executive Director of the Office of Sponsored Research and Projects at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. As the Director of Augsburg’s Office of Sponsored Programs, Lauren led our campus work in all things grant-related. In the process she also became a Certified Research Administrator. Those of us who have worked closely with Lauren in grant preparation and management know her incredible capacity to write compelling narratives around Augsburg’s mission and her amazing attention to detail. Her talents and steadfast professionalism, patience, and grace created the foundation for numerous grants over the past 3 years,
We thank Lauren for her dedication to our campus and the true impact her work had in supporting our students and faculty since joining the Augsburg staff in 2018. We wish Lauren well in her new endeavors and know that she will always be a part of our Augsburg family.
Drop by, grab a goodie and wish Lauren well!