Study Abroad with Augsburg in Central America or Southern Africa

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Augsburg Center for Global Education and Experience in Central America and Southern Africa offer Auggies the opportunity to spend a transformative semester immersed in community abroad. With a small cohort of peers, you will engage with the courses, the places you visit, and the people you meet. These programs are perfect for students who enjoy experiential, hands-on learning. The programs listed below are available in both fall and spring semesters. You can use all your financial aid, receive an automatic $1500 Travel Grant, and you can apply for additional scholarships, too!

Check out the options: CENTRAL AMERICA: Peace, Justice, and Community Engagement ~~three countries in one semester: Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador ~~Courses in Spanish, Religion, History or Women’s & Gender Studies, and Political Science ~~Host family stays help you improve Spanish skills quickly ~~All courses in English, no Spanish knowledge required

SOUTHERN AFRICA: Nation Building and Decolonizing the Mind ~~travel to South Africa and Namibia in one semester ~~courses in History, Political Science, Religion, Environmental Studies, Wellness ~~Internships available in a variety of fields

APPLY BY ~~November 1 – for spring semester programs ~~March 1 – for fall semester programs

Get more information about classes and costs, and apply online here