Ace Your Next Interview with Big Interview

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Use Big Interview to learn and practice your interview skills, whether you’re interviewing for a job or graduate school.

Big Interview is an online platform where you can practice answering real interview questions before you have to do the real thing.

About Big Interview

Have you ever wondered how to answer the question “What is your greatest weakness” or “Why do you want to work here”? On Big Interview you will get a chance to answer these questions and more. You can video record your responses to interview questions to review yourself or send to a friend to provide you with feedback.

Big Interview includes:
-A robust Video and Written Curriculum for both visual and auditory learners
-A Virtual Interview Practice Tool that mimics a real-life interview
-Artificial Intelligence that immediately evaluates answers and provides feedback for improvement
-Quizzes and Worksheets to reinforce learning
-A Resume Builder, templates, and lessons on writing and formatting a first resume
-Lessons on professional communication skills, workplace etiquette, social media presence, wardrobe, body language and much, much more

Click here to log into Big Interview. You will use your Augsburg University Credentials to log in.