TOMORROW- Learn About the Augsburg Study Centers Abroad

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Stop by the Study Abroad Table tomorrow, Tuesday, October 12th, from noon to 2pm in Christensen Center. You will meet Joe Connelly, a staff member from Augsburg’s Study Center in Central America, and you can learn more about ALL of Augsburg’s Study Center programs.

Each of the unique semester programs provides a full semester course load, you can complete multiple graduation requirements, including Augsburg Experience, and you’ll receive an automatic $1,500 travel grant, in addition to your usual financial aid.

Spring 2022 semester program APPLICATIONS are open until NOVEMBER 1.

*CENTRAL AMERICA: Explore Peace & Justice in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica.

*MEXICO: Examine Migration & Human Rights, and improve your Spanish in Mexico.

*SOUTHER AFRICA: Decolonize your mind in Namibia & South Africa (thanks to a donor, this program has FREE AIRFARE for Auggies in spring 2022!)

Come visit Joe Connelly at our table on Tuesday, October 11th from 12 – 2 p.m. to learn more!

Get more information about the Augsburg Study Centers