ED Talk January 19: “Better Teaching /Better Arguments: Argumentation Based Learning Experiences”

submitted by reederm@augsburg.edu

At its heart, every discipline teaches students how to make arguments- about gravity, viruses, truth, God, politics, etc. Unfortunately, for many instructors arguments in class seem like inviting conflict, distraction, and low course evaluations. And it’s true, if done poorly, argumentation in the classroom can be alienating, traumatizing, and counterproductive. But, when done well, argumentation in the classroom can build relationships, empathy, and more rigorous evidence-based learning. Join Bob Groven, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Faculty Director of the MN Urban Debate League, for an overview of how to use argumentative experiences to create more dynamic, inclusive, and student empowered classes.

CTL will offer ED Talks (based on the concept of TED Talks) before each faculty meeting from 3:10-3:30pm over Zoom (link provided below; Augsburg login required). This year’s theme is “The Future of the Professoriate at Augsburg”, and 2021-2022 ED talks will be framed under this broad theme that speaks to our “new normal” and beyond. All ED talks are recorded and posted on the Augsburg CTL website homepage for later viewing.
