TONIGHT- Eating Disorder Awareness Online Event

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Join Mental Health Matters, tonight Monday, February 28, 6-7 pm via Zoom, in recognizing National Eating Disorders week by learning more about eating disorders and how you can help yourself, and others to better understand these disorders, reduce stigma, and how to address them.

Presentation provided by
Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action

You can win a $10 Target gift card for attending!

Which Movies Will Win at the 2022 OSCARS?

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Hey, I’m Jack Jensen
Each year my family guesses who will win each award category at the OSCARS. I don’t really watch movies so I never win. Please take a couple minutes to make your picks on this google form so I can average out the answers and have a better shot at winning this year, so I can taste the sweetness of victory and rub it in my dear family’s faces. I am counting on YOU, beloved Augsburg Community! Plus it is fun to see what movies were nominated and which ones you all think should win.
Thank you all for your valuable opinions!

Make your winning picks HERE

Get to know the Augsburg Staff Union

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Did you know labor unions are associated with higher productivity, lower employee turnover, improved workplace communication, and a better-trained workforce?!

Did you know there are THREE unions on campus at Augsburg? The facilities and custodial staff have a union, the adjunct faculty have a union, and the support staff have a union, too!

The Augsburg Staff Union was voted in in January 2020, and we’re in the midst of negotiating our first contract. Come meet some of the Augsburg Staff Union–you’ll see some familiar faces. We’re your librarians, advisors, coaches, and more.

Join members of the Augsburg Staff Union in the lobby of the Christensen Center to meet with us on the following dates/times:

2/28/22 + 3/2/22 from 12-1pm and 3/4/22 from 10:30am-1pm

Interested in having Financial Transparency at the University?

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The university is facing a financial crisis in the coming year, and all aspects of the university experience and operations will be impacted in one way or another.
Who is making the decisions, and how?
What’s the full scope of the necessary changes?
Will budget cuts and changes be equitably shared?

These questions have been asked by a number of working groups at faculty and staff levels, yet many remain unanswered. Augsburg’s values call us to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. Unwillingness from university leadership to have a transparent budget process is an affront to these values.

Join the concerned staff, faculty, and university community in demanding transparency in the budget cuts and changes. All members of the university and community are invited to show their support of this petition for transparency.

Read and sign the petition here.

Auggie Connect TODAY

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Join us for Auggie Connect today! Auggie Connect is open to Augsburg students with disabilities and is a space to gather, support one another and find community. Join CLASS staff Cassie Charles & Julia Becker and your fellow Auggies 3:30-4:30 PM. Join in person in Sverdrup 102 near the Enrollment Center or via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 939 3706 4131
Passcode: 928317

We will not meet March 7 and March 14.
Contact for information or disability-related accommodations.

Auggie Connect on Zoom

Auggie Basics Housing – Application Open for Summer 2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Year

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Augsburg University is accepting applications for Auggie Basics Housing for summer 2022 and the 2022-23 academic year.

Monday, April 4, 2022 at 5pm

Auggie Basics Housing is designed to address the needs of students who are experiencing housing instability. The purpose of the program is to provide a bridge for students whose housing is not stable as they seek to identify a permanent solution.

Students accepted into Auggie Basics Housing will live on campus without cost to the student. Regardless of when students enter the program, the housing commitment will cover the full academic year if needed. If the student secures permanent housing elsewhere, they will be released from the program and the spot will be offered to another student.

Students are not required to have a meal plan if they are selected for Auggie Basics Housing, including those placed into buildings that require one.

To be eligible for Auggie Basics Housing, students must be returning students and not receiving other housing aid from the University. Incoming first-year and transfer students are not eligible to apply.

Students may apply for housing either for the summer term and/or for the academic year. Students must reapply each academic year, and may be part of the program for up to two academic years. Being chosen for Auggie Basics Housing one year does not guarantee participation in future years.


Questions may be directed to Michael Grewe, Assistant Dean of Students, at

Auggie Basics Housing Application

You’re Invited: Staff Appreciation Event

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Staff Appreciation: March 22 at 3:00 pm

Each year, Augsburg University’s Staff Senate hosts a special event where staff are recognized for years of service, completion of the Diversity and Inclusion certificate program, and outstanding contributions to the campus community. The event includes light refreshments and snacks. For staff members who wish to join us virtually, snacks will be available to pick up in the Events Office, 2nd Floor, Christensen, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, to bring back to your office to eat while you watch.

To help plan, we ask that you RSVP to this event and let us know if you plan to attend in person or virtually and whether you plan to pick up snacks.

2022 Staff Appreciation Program
Tuesday, March 22
3–4:30 p.m. | Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel
Zoom Livestream:

As part of this event, we are encouraging attendees to bring donations for Campus Cupboard, Augsburg’s student food shelf. Campus Cupboard is currently looking for donations of the following items:
Food donations: Ramen (all flavors)
Rice and/or pasta
Mac + Cheese
Gluten free pasta
Personal care items (e.g. lotion, shampoo, mouthwash, toothbrushes, etc)
Oils (olive oil, peanut oil, etc)
Peanut butter and other nut butters
Granola bars
Trail mix
Soy sauce
Snacks (e.g. Goldfish, pretzels, etc)
Paper or cloth grocery bags
Toiletry donations: laundry detergent, dish soap, clorox wipes, hand soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, makeup products, lip balm, sunscreen

Augsburg Staff Senate Website

“Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the East African Community: Part 2”

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Interfaith at Augsburg and the Muslim Student Association present:
“Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the East African Community: Part 2”
March 23, 2022 at 4:00 pm Central Time on Zoom

The East African community in the Twin Cities is experiencing a crisis of opioid addiction touching the lives of youth, young adults, and their families in our community. Two community leaders will share their perspectives and how they have responded to the crisis.

Mimi Sahlu – Mimi Sahlu is a small business owner. She is a community leader who helps others find resources. She is an activist and voice for East African women.

Abdirahman Mukhtar – Abdirahman Mukhtar worked with the Confederation of Somali Communities in Minnesota, as a youth diversion coordinator and as the youth program manager at the Brian Coyle Center of Pillsbury United Communities, a hub for Somali immigrants. He strives to make a human connection with youth who are homeless, often alienated from their own community. He is currently the Community Outreach, Equity & Inclusion Coordinator at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interfaith at Augsburg and the Muslim Student Association thank the Batalden Ethics Grant Program at Augsburg for sponsoring this event.

Apply for the 2022-2023 Interfaith, Christensen, or Sabo Scholars – Deadline is Today

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?
Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.
In these programs, you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in faith-based non-profits, through interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science and receive at least a $2,000 scholarship.
Who is Eligible?
Christensen and Interfaith Scholars – Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
Sabo Scholars – Current students (any level) who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
APPLYING: Details about the process are available:
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

The application deadline is February 28, 2022.

Questions? Contact:
Christensen Scholars: Jeremy Myers at
Interfaith Scholars: Matt Maruggi at or
Sabo Scholars: Andy Aoki at or

Chapel: Centering Prayer

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Join us in Hoversten Chapel at 10:40 am for a time of Centering Prayer for Healing, Justice, and Hope. Today our Monday centering prayer chapel time will be around the recent loss in our community and will be a time for grieving, reflection, remembrance, and being together in community Chapel is recorded and available on the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel. Friday Chapel
Friday’s chapel:

Friday’s chapel with Pastor John Schwehn

ArcGIS Workshop April 7 – Save the Date

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ArcGIS Workshop with Esri’s Joseph Kerski
What is ArcGIS?
ArcGIS is a software developed by the company Esri that lets users to obtain and analyze data from all over the world. It is an application of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows us to visualize geographic data by creating a map or other visual representation.

Thursday, April 7, 2022 9:00am-10:30am
Room: Hagfors 301 (and Zoom option for remote participants (registration required))

60 minutes presentation by Joseph Kerski from ESRI, maker of ArcGIS. This will be a fantastic presentation!

+ Overview of Graphical Information Systems (GIS) for research and teaching
+ Show examples of simple projects using GIS
+ Hands-on component (bring your device): Adding data, mapping, symbolizing, classifying data, spatial analysis, creating web mapping applications, field tools
+ Show data sources, lessons, and tutorials for digging deeper
+ Q&A time at end

REGISTER HERE (for in-person or Zoom)

Interested in Signing up for a CSA? Info Session this Week

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A CSA farm-share dropsite is coming to Augsburg!!

Get 18-weeks of locally grown produce at its peak in mid-June through mid-October!
The share is a good amount of produce for two people but can easily be shared
between 3-4 people. Boxes are very seasonal, emphasizing a variety of produce when
it’s at its peak. TGA’s weekly member newsletter provides loads of great recipe ideas
and storage tips, along with information about the farmers who grew the food.

Come to the VIRTUAL INFO SESSION with The Good Acre’s Farm Share Manager Karin Davey for more information! Thursday, March 3rd at noon! Sign up and access the zoom link here:

Puerto Rico Arts and Culture – Take a Class in PR this May

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Sign up for the summer study away program by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez. Spend ~3 weeks in Puerto Rico in May exploring different arts in the context of community building, activism, and social justice in Puerto Rico!


• Travel: May 9-27, 2022

• Course: THR 295: Community, Arts, & Culture in Puerto Rico (Fine Arts requirement), 4 credits

• fulfills Augsburg Experience, too!

Any Augsburg student in good standing, including graduating Seniors, are eligible to apply

*** APPLY BY MARCH 18 ***

The program is filled on a rolling basis. Interested students should start an application now! Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office with questions:

Get full program details and start an application here

Stop by the Study Abroad & Away Table TODAY 1:00-2:30

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Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today in Christensen Center from 1:00 to 2:30pm

We are available to answer your questions about study abroad/away, check in on your application, or give you some information to get started.

Study Abroad & Away opportunities are for all Auggies–with programs ranging in length from 1 week to a semester or year, international locations as well as destinations in the USA, and courses to fit any major. Every Study Abroad & Away program fulfills your Augsburg Experience requirement, too!

Stop by today for more info!

Learn more about Study Abroad & Away

Summer Course: Writing for Television – Apply Now

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Do you love watching television and have ever wondered how the creators wrote their pilot for that hit TV show you love to watch? Or, are you a writer in a different medium and have always wanted to try your hand at writing for television?

Grow your writing skills this summer with the course PWC 320 “Writing for Television”. This intensive course will be modeled on a professional writer’s room and as such all students will be required to actively participate. Students will be expected to participate in the development and breaking of story while learning to pitch ideas, create outlines, and reading and providing feedback on your colleagues’ work. Each of these steps will be instrumental in aiding you with creating your own pilot!

WRITING FOR TELEVISION: Writing the Television Pilot, PWC 320

DATES: June 4 – July 30
(Please note that the course dates do not correspond to the Summer Semester Time 1 and Time 2 schedules. For drop/withdrawal dates, see the course description details in Records and Registration.)

INSTRUCTOR: Taught by Christina Ham, a highly awarded and prolific writer for both stage and screen, including Sweet Tooth for Netflix, THEM for Amazon, and Westworld for HBO. She was named one of “The Top 20 Most-Produced Playwrights of the 2018-19 Season” by American Theatre magazine.

COST: standard summer tuition rate for 4 credits: $1,704

Spots in this course are limited. Apply by May 2.

Get complete details and start an application online

Take a Spanish Course this Summer in Mexico

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Ready to learn or improve your Spanish skill? Take a class with Augsburg in Mexico this summer! Multiple programs for all levels of Spanish skill are available, in one of the most affordable study abroad programs available to Auggie AND complete your Augsburg Experience!

Check out these program options, and apply by March 1


• various dates throughout summer

• 4-12 credits

• SPA – Spanish courses at all levels beginning to advanced, can fulfill Language requirements

• independent study or internship also possible


• June 8 – July 31

• 8 credits

• SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare professionals

• INS/SPA 399: Observership


• June 8 – July 24

• 8 credits

• SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I

• SPA 116 Beginning Spanish for Ministry

• Upper-level courses available, if needed

To learn more about these programs and start an application, visit the website below.

You’re also welcome to stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christensen Center. Email us at

Get more details for all the programs listed above on our website

Transcultural Music Therapy Study Abroad in July – Apply Now

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Explore meanings and expressions of music, health, illness, and healing transculturally in the context of South Africa. The focus of this course is on developing an understanding of individuals, families, groups and communities with diverse cultural backgrounds and the use of music in community and for healing within their culture.


Travel July 10-20, 2022

Led by Professor Dr. Annie Heiderscheit

Course options:

• MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit),
• MUS 511: Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum (0 credit), or
• MUS 582: Transcultural Music Therapy (4 credits), or
• MUS 511 and MUS 582 (total 4 credits)
• also fulfills Augsburg Experience requirement!
This program is designed for Music Therapy majors, but students in music, psychology, or other related fields are also welcome.


The program has a capacity of 22 students and is filled on a rolling basis.

Have questions? Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office:

Get more program details and start an application on the Study Abroad & Away website

Registration Open: Virtual Fair: MN Private Colleges’ Job and Internship Fair

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Did you miss the in-person fair on the February, 25th?

No worries, you are still able to connect with employers by attending the VIRTUAL fair next Tuesday, March 1st which will be powered by Handshake.

The Minnesota Private Colleges’ Job & Internship Fair is designed to bring employers and students together in a way that allows students the opportunity to explore many different work and internship opportunities, and employers a cost-effective means of meeting highly talented students from Minnesota’s private colleges. The fair is sponsored by 17 private colleges in the state of Minnesota.

The fair is only open to current sophomores, juniors, seniors and December 2021 graduates.

REGISTER on Handshake to learn more on how to pre-schedule 1:1 chats with employers!

Don’t forget to have your RESUME REVIEWED by the Strommen Center.
Drop-In hours are:
Monday’s & Wednesday’s 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00am-11:30am
Fridays: 10:00am-2:00pm

REGISTER on Handshake to learn more on how to pre-schedule 1:1 chats with employers!

Age 60+? Complete this Survey for a Prize Drawing and Charitable Donation

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Augsburg community members aged 60+ are invited to participate in a short online survey on their interactions with those in other age groups. One lucky winner will win a $100 Target gift card, and for each completed survey that we receive we will donate $1 to the American Red Cross. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and helps advance student and faculty research in the Psychology Department. For more information, contact the lead investigator at, or visit the link below for additional details and contact info.

Click here to access the survey

Reminder: Planned On-Campus COVID-19 Testing Suspended

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As a reminder, the previously scheduled COVID-19 testing in Gundale Chapel on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings is suspended until further notice. The testing is unavailable due to an issue with medical provider requirements for this state program. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

More information about where to find testing resources can be found on the Outbreak Planning website:

Virtual STEM Alumni Research Talks: Cain Valtierrez-Gaytan and Laura Fricke

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Speakers: Cain Valtierrez-Gaytan and Laura Fricke

Date: Friday, March 4, 2022

Time: 3:10 – 4:20 PM

Modality: Virtual

In this session, two current graduate students will each share about their current research, as well as their path to graduate school. This will be followed by time to ask them questions about their experiences and perspectives.

Cain Valtierrez-Gaytan ‘16 is a Ph.D. candidate in the Zasadzinski Research Group of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota.

Laura Fricke ‘19 is a Ph.D. Student working with Dr. Amelia Lindsey in the Department of Entomology at the University of Minnesota.

Registration Link and Zoom Info:

Registration Link and Zoom Info

Love Learning Again? Use TutorMe

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Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

First-year and Senior Students: Watch your e-mail for the NSSE

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Are you a first-year or senior student? Check your email starting today for an invitation to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). This survey helps Augsburg better understand your experiences both inside and outside the classroom. All eligible recipients who complete the survey will be entered for a prize drawing to win or Target gift certificates! Don’t miss this opportunity for your voice to be heard – and for a chance for those sweet, sweet prizes!

Assessment Day AugSem Session Materials Now Available

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If you were unable to join us during the assessment day presentation on AugSem Course Design and Community Engagement Assessment on Tuesday 2/22, a recording of the session and supplemental materials can all now be found on the CTL website. Please contact Ben ( or Lyz ( if you’d like to follow up on anything from the day’s event!

Link to the CTL website

Artists Showcase at The Forum’s 34th Annual Conference

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Calling all artists! This year, The Forum on Workplace Inclusion is providing a platform for artists of all mediums to showcase creative expressions at the 34th annual conference around the theme Solving For X: Tackling Inequities in a World of Unknowns.

Submissions can be made in the form of print, video, or audio recording not to exceed seven minutes in duration. The deadline to submit your work is Friday March 11, 2022.

Submissions will be reviewed by committee and selected submissions notified by March 21, 2022. Artists selected will have the opportunity to attend the entirety of this year’s annual conference and be invited to share and talk about their work in a virtual showcase event Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

Use this link to submit your work:

Graduate Program Info- Augsburg BOLD

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Graduate Admissions will be holding three sessions next week to provide more information about Augsburg BOLD.
Stop by our table in Christensen by Einstein Bagels on Tuesday March 1st or Thursday March 3rd from 11:30-12:30 PM.
If you cannot make it or want to connect virtually, we will be holding an open Zoom on Wednesday March 2nd from 12:00-2:00 PM. You can register here.
We cannot wait to see you! Attendees will be entered into a drawing to win $25 gift cards from Target.

Virtual Zoom on Wednesday March 2nd from 12:00-2:00 PM

Provost Candidate on Campus March 1

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Staff and Faculty –

We will welcome Candidate #3 to campus on Tues. Mar. 1. There will be opportunities to meet and hear from the candidate as noted. A link to the candidate’s CV is posted below. Out of respect for the candidate and for the integrity of the search process, please do not share the candidate’s name or CV outside of the Augsburg community.

Link to feedback document for Candidate # 3 – survey will close Mar. 3 at 9:00 p.m.:

March 1
11:15 a.m. – Noon, OGC 100 and via Zoom access
Session with Staff and Faculty
Please register in advance – after registering you will receive a confirmation email containing Information about joining the session:

4:15 – 5:00 p.m., OGC 100 and via Zoom access
Session with Faculty (4:15-5:00 p.m.)
Please register in advance – after registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the session:

All participants are welcome. If you need accommodations, please call the University Events department at 612.330.1104 or email

As a reminder, we will also be hosting sessions with final provost candidate on Mar. 3 as follows:
• Session with Staff and Faculty (11:15 a.m. -12:00 p.m.)
• Session with Faculty (4:15-5:00 p.m.)

Both sessions will be held in person in OGC 100 and will be available via Zoom. Candidate information, Zoom details and a survey link to capture feedback will be shared in A-mail starting one business day prior to this visit.

CV – Candidate #3

Check out the New Issue of Augsburg Now magazine

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The new issue is here!

See these stories and more in the digital-only Winter 2021–22 issue of Augsburg Now:

– Students joined a small-town anti-racist book club, and others paddled the Mississippi River for 101 days. Does experiential education make a difference?
– The hustle and heart of Augsburg football coach Jack Osberg ’62
– How Augsburg’s greenhouse acquired a diverse plant collection from around the globe
– News from around campus and beyond

View these stories and more:

Augsburg Now

The OSCARS 2022: Can you Pick the Winners?

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Hey, I’m Jack Jensen
Each year my family guesses who will win each category at the OSCARS. I don’t really watch movies so I never win. Will you please take a couple minutes to make your picks on this google form so I can have a better chance to win this year, so I can taste the sweetness of victory and so rub it in my dear family’s faces. I am counting on YOU, beloved Augsburg Community!

Click here to help me pick winners for the OSCARS

Recognize a Faculty Member by Nominating them for the 2022-2023 Distinguished Contribution Award

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Augsburg annually recognizes faculty individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, and service. All faculty who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards, and anybody at Augsburg University may nominate a candidate. Adjunct faculty are eligible for a Distinguished Contribution in Teaching award specifically to recognize exceptional adjunct faculty.

For the full Call for Nominations, descriptions of criteria for each category, and the nomination form, please follow the link to the CTL Annual Awards page down below and scroll to the “Distinguished Contribution Awards” section.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Monday, March 21st (12am March 22nd) and award recipients will be announced at the April Faculty meeting as well as posted to A-mail. New this year: ALL nominees will be made public (pending award committee approval) to recognize the depth of faculty contributions.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright at or

Faculty: Tell Us What We Can Do – Take this Short Job Sustainability Survey by March 4

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The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) at Augsburg has been working on a “Faculty Balance” project for over a year so that the FDC can provide resources and advocate for things that the FDC can do to help make faculty work more sustainable now and in the future.

To that end, we’ve created a VERY short (< 5 minute) survey posted below that we would like ALL teaching faculty and staff to complete by March 4th. The information collected will be completely anonymous and will be used only by the FDC to help us focus our work. We hope to have results mostly analyzed by April and will report out then via A-mail. Thank you in advance for your time! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright at or

Faculty Questions About Budget Cuts

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The faculty and administration Budget Working Group continues its work. We send a report directly to all faculty each week and welcome questions we can address specifically. Please keep in mind the form which is the best place to send your questions as often as you like. (Aoki, Chamberlin, Kaivola, Pike, Devers, Haaland, Coskran)

Present Your Research at Zyzzogeton – Register TOMORROW (3/1)

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Augsburg’s annual Zyzzogeton Research Symposium showcases the work of over 80 undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines and will take place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Students who have conducted research over the course of the last year and would like to present a poster should register at the URGO website ( by March 1 (a mentor-approved abstract is required to register).

For questions about registration or the event, please contact

URGO Website – Zyzzogeton

Apply For URGO Student Conference Travel Funding

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URGO has a limited amount of funds this year to support students presenting their research at conferences.

URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly to make decisions on applications.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447

Student Travel Grant Application

Get Paid to Do Summer Research Off-Campus

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Get paid to conduct STEM research (a few social science options) with some of the nation’s top academics at universities, labs, or institutes through a summer research program. Such programs are a great way to enhance your education, meet new people, and explore a new city!

Visit URGO’s website using the link below to begin searching for opportunities. The deadline for many programs is in February through March 2022.

Contact URGO at to make an individual appointment if you need help finding opportunities or crafting your applications

Off-Campus Research Lists and Databases

Blood Drive in Lot L on Wednesday

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On Wednesday, March 2nd, from 10am to 3pm, the Augsburg Pre-PA Club, Augsburg Athletics, and TriBeta are hosting a blood drive. The blood mobile will be in Lot L, and check in will be in the dome.

If you donate blood:
– Bring your photo ID
– Eat and hydrate before donating
– No cold or flu symptoms for 72 hours before donating

If you have any questions, email, or

Sign-Up to Donate Blood

Need Help with FAFSA? TRIO and SFS has You Covered

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TRIO and SFS are partnering together to make sure everyone is able to filled their 2022-23 FAFSA for next school year with ease.

Join us either (or both!) From 3:30 to 4:30pm in Sverdrup 201 on:

Wednesday March 2nd
Thursday March 3rd

If you are able: Please have you FSA ID information, your 2020 tax information, and your parents’ 2020 tax information available.

Interested? Fill this registration form out!

URGO Academic-Year Research Funds

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URGO now has funding for academic-year research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 80 hours of research by May 23.

Student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals immediately. The URGO Advisory Committee will begin reviewing proposals February 21st.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or

On-Campus Research

Fulbright Info Session Thursday – Get Funded to Teach, Study, or Research Abroad

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URGO is hosting an online Fulbright info session on Thursday, March 3rd at 1 PM.

– Hear from Fulbright staff about fully funded opportunities for U.S. citizens to travel and pursue graduate or professional study, conduct research, or teach English.
– Learn about the types of Fulbright awards, application components and tips, and get your
questions answered.
– Join a special Augsburg breakout session with Dixie Shafer, our campus Fulbright Program Advisor, to learn more about the application process.

For more information about the program check out the Fulbright website:

If you have any questions or can’t attend the session, please contact

Click here to Register

Call Out For Student Interviewers and Campus Partners For Multicultural Life

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We are ready to interview Program Managers for Multicultural Life! We need student interviewers and campus partners to help meet potential MLife Candidates.

Please come participate in our Candidates’ to give us your feedback on who you most feel is a good fit with Augsburg.

Student Interviewers would gain these great skills:
To gain professional experiences to add to your resume.
To learn communication, interview, and leadership skills.
To be able to have/practice your voice being heard as a student.
To be able to learn a different perspective in interviewing.
To create a social network with other people on campus.
To build a foundation with potential Multicultural Life Staff.

This is a great opportunity!

To be invited to these student interviews here:

Campus Partner sessions:

If you have any questions about being a student interviewer contact

Student Interview website (must be login with your Inside Augsburg credentials)

Puerto Rico is calling – Take a Fine Arts course in May

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Sign up for the summer study away program by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez. Spend ~3 weeks in Puerto Rico in May exploring different arts in the context of community building, activism, and social justice in Puerto Rico!

• Travel: May 9-27, 2022
• Course: THR 295: Community, Arts, & Culture in Puerto Rico (Fine Arts requirement), 4 credits
• fulfills Augsburg Experience

Any Augsburg student in good standing, including graduating Seniors, are eligible to apply


The program is filled on a rolling basis. Interested students should start an application now! Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office with questions:

Get full program details and start an application here

Take a Spanish Course this Summer in Mexico

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Ready to learn or improve your Spanish skill? Take a class with Augsburg in Mexico this summer! Multiple programs for all levels of Spanish skill are available, in one of the most affordable study abroad programs available to Auggie AND complete your Augsburg Experience!

Check out these program options, and apply by March 1

• various dates throughout summer
• 4-12 credits
• SPA – Spanish courses at all levels beginning to advanced, can fulfill Language requirements
• independent study or internship also possible

• June 8 – July 31
• 8 credits
• SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare professionals
• INS/SPA 399: Observership

• June 8 – July 24
• 8 credits
• SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I
• SPA 116 Beginning Spanish for Ministry
• Upper-level courses available, if needed

To learn more about these programs and start an application, visit the website below.

You’re also welcome to stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christensen Center. Email us at

Get more details for all the programs listed above on our website

Music Therapy Study Abroad in July – Apply Now

submitted by

Explore meanings and expressions of music, health, illness, and healing, transculturally in the context of South Africa. The focus of this course is on developing an understanding of individuals, families, groups and communities with diverse cultural backgrounds and the use of music in community and for healing within their culture.

Travel July 10-20, 2022
Led by Professor Dr. Annie Heiderscheit

Course options :
•Undergrad: MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit),
• Graduate: MUS 511, or MUS 582, or MUS 511+582
• also fulfills Augsburg Experience requirement!

This program is designed for Music Therapy majors, but students in music, psychology, or other related fields are also welcome.


The program has a capacity of 22 students and is filled on a rolling basis.

Have questions? Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office:

Get more program details and start an application here

Apply for the 2022-2023 Interfaith, Christensen, or Sabo Scholars – Deadline is Monday

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?
Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.
In these programs, you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in faith-based non-profits, through interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science and receive at least a $2,000 scholarship.
Who is Eligible?
Christensen and Interfaith Scholars – Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
Sabo Scholars – Current students (any level) who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
APPLYING: Details about the process are available:
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

The application deadline is February 28, 2022.

Questions? Contact:
Christensen Scholars: Jeremy Myers at
Interfaith Scholars: Matt Maruggi at or
Sabo Scholars: Andy Aoki at or

Chapel: Pastor John Schwehn

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Join us in Hoversten Chapel at 10:40 am for a 20-minute worship service. Today Pastor John Schwehn will preach and will offer a blessing for the Augsburg Baseball Team. Richnetta Parker, vocal, and Andrea Sorum, piano, will provide music. Chapel services are recorded and available on the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel.

Thursday Chapel with Jazz Combo

Eating Disorder Awareness Online Event

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Join Mental Health Matters, Monday, February 28, 6-7 pm via Zoom, in recognizing National Eating Disorders week by learning more about eating disorders and how you can help yourself, and others to better understand these disorders, reduce stigma, and how to address them.

Presentation provided by
Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action

You can win a $10 Target gift card for attending!

Faculty Questions About Budget Cuts

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The faculty and administration Budget Working Group continues its work. We send a report directly to all faculty each week and welcome questions we can address specifically. Please keep in mind the form which is the best place to send your questions as often as you like. (Aoki, Chamberlin, Kaivola, Pike, Devers, Haaland, Coskran)

Who do You Think Will Win at the OSCARS 2022?

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Hey, I’m Jack Jensen
Each year my family guesses who will win each category at the OSCARS. I don’t really watch movies so I never win. Will you please take a couple minutes to make your picks on this google form so I can win this year, so I can taste the sweetness of victory and rub it in my dear family’s faces. I am counting on YOU, beloved Augsburg Community!


Graduate Program Info- Augsburg BOLD

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Graduate Admissions will be holding three sessions next week to provide more information about Augsburg BOLD.  
Stop by our table in Christensen by Einstein Bagels on Tuesday March 1st or Thursday March 3rd from 11:30-12:30 PM.  
If you cannot make it or want to connect virtually, we will be holding an open Zoom on Wednesday March 2nd from 12:00-2:00 PM.  You can register here.
We cannot wait to see you!  Attendees will be entered into a drawing to win $25 gift cards from Target.

Virtual Zoom on Wednesday March 2nd from 12:00-2:00 PM

Love Learning Again? Use TutorMe

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Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

Equity and Social Justice Training Opportunities

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As part of the 2021-2022 Institution-wide DEI Plan, two equity and social justice-based trainings are being offered this spring semester by Joanne Reeck, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion. These trainings will feature education-based case studies on poverty and socioeconomic status and will take place on Wed, Mar 9 @ 3-4:30 p.m. and Tue, Apr 5 @ 3-4:30 p.m.

To sign-up, click below:

Please note that these workshops also count toward maintaining good standing and good advanced standing in the Augsburg University Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program. For more information, contact the Equity and Inclusion Initiatives Department at or 612-330-1126.

Age 60+? Complete this Survey for a Prize Drawing and Charitable Donation

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Augsburg community members aged 60+ are invited to participate in a short online survey on their interactions with those in other age groups. One lucky winner will win a $100 Target gift card, and for each completed survey that we receive we will donate $1 to the American Red Cross. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and helps advance student and faculty research in the Psychology Department. For more information, contact the lead investigator at, or visit the link below for additional details and contact info.

Click here to access the survey

Call Out For Student Interviewers and Campus Partners For Multicultural Life

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We are ready to interview Program Managers for Multicultural Life! We need student interviewers and campus partners to help meet potential MLife Candidates.

Please come participate in our Candidates’ to give us your feedback on who you most feel is a good fit with Augsburg.

Student Interviewers would gain these great skills:
To gain professional experiences to add to your resume.
To learn communication, interview, and leadership skills.
To be able to have/practice your voice being heard as a student.
To be able to learn a different perspective in interviewing.
To create a social network with other people on campus.
To build a foundation with potential Multicultural Life Staff.

This is a great opportunity!

To be invited to these student interviews here:

Campus Partner sessions:

If you have any questions about being a student interviewer contact

Student Interview website (must be login with your Inside Augsburg credentials)

Blood Drive in Lot L on March 2 – Table Today to Sign Up

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On Wednesday, March 2nd, from 10am to 3pm, the Augsburg Pre-PA Club, Augsburg Athletics, and TriBeta are hosting a blood drive. The blood mobile will be in Lot L, and check in will be in the dome.

If you donate blood:
– Bring your photo ID
– Eat and hydrate before donating
– No cold or flu symptoms for 72 hours before donating

We will have a table today in Christensen Center lobby from 2-4PM to help you sign up! Stop on by.

If you have any questions, email, or

Sign-up to Donate Blood

Recognize a Faculty Member by Nominating them for the 2022-2023 Distinguished Contribution Award

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Augsburg annually recognizes faculty individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, and service. All faculty who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards, and anybody at Augsburg University may nominate a candidate. Adjunct faculty are eligible for a Distinguished Contribution in Teaching award specifically to recognize exceptional adjunct faculty.

For the full Call for Nominations, descriptions of criteria for each category, and the nomination form, please follow the link to the CTL Annual Awards page down below and scroll to the “Distinguished Contribution Awards” section.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Monday, March 21st (12am March 22nd) and award recipients will be announced at the April Faculty meeting as well as posted to A-mail. New this year: ALL nominees will be made public (pending award committee approval) to recognize the depth of faculty contributions.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright at or

Assessment Day AugSem Session Materials Now Available

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If you were unable to join us during the assessment day presentation on AugSem Course Design and Community Engagement Assessment on Tuesday 2/22, a recording of the session and supplemental materials can all now be found on the CTL website. Please contact Ben ( or Lyz ( if you’d like to follow up on anything from the day’s event!

Link to the CTL website

First-year and Senior Students: Watch your e-mail for the NSSE

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Are you a first-year or senior student? Check your email starting today for an invitation to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). This survey helps Augsburg better understand your experiences both inside and outside the classroom. All eligible recipients who complete the survey will be entered for a prize drawing to win or Target gift certificates! Don’t miss this opportunity for your voice to be heard – and for a chance for those sweet, sweet prizes!

Faculty: Tell Us What We Can Do – Take this Short Job Sustainability Survey by March 4

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The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) at Augsburg has been working on a “Faculty Balance” project for over a year so that the FDC can provide resources and advocate for things that the FDC can do to help make faculty work more sustainable now and in the future.

To that end, we’ve created a VERY short (< 5 minute) survey posted below that we would like ALL teaching faculty and staff to complete by March 4th. The information collected will be completely anonymous and will be used only by the FDC to help us focus our work. We hope to have results mostly analyzed by April and will report out then via A-mail. Thank you in advance for your time! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright at or

Candidate Presentations, El-Hibri Chair and Executive Director, Interfaith

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The search committee invites you to meet and hear from the candidates for the position of inaugural El-Hibri Endowed Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith at Augsburg. The three finalists will be on campus over the coming weeks. Public Presentations followed by Q & A will be held – both in person in OGC 100 and via Zoom – as follows:

Wed. Mar. 2, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Candidate #1)
Tues. Mar. 8, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Candidate #2)
Wed. Mar. 9, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. (Candidate #3)

All participants are welcome. If you need accommodations, please call the University Events department at 612.330.1104 or email

Presentations will be based on the following prompt:
“Create a presentation that describes what in your professional, scholarly, and/or personal background has equipped you to lead Interfaith at Augsburg. Based on this experience, detail what you see as the specific ways you can further Augsburg’s commitment to advancing interfaith leadership on campus and nationally.”

Candidate names and CVs as well as Zoom links will be shared in advance of each visit. Please watch A-mail for further details.

For your reference:

Position posting/position description

Reminder: Faculty Scholarship and International Grants due in 1 Week

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The Provost and Faculty Development Committee are pleased to offer two types of grants to support Augsburg faculty scholarship in Summer 2022 and/or during the 2022-2023 academic year.

The Scholarship Grant provides up to $4000 to support the scholarly endeavors of full-time Augsburg faculty.

The Provost’s Internationalization Grant provides up to $2500 to support the collaboration of full-time Augsburg faculty with an Augsburg CGEE Global site or with existing international partner institutions.

Both grant applications are open until Friday, March 4, 2022 at noon and funds awarded will be available beginning June 1, 2022. To read the full Call for Proposals for each of these grants and apply, please see the Annual Awards page of the CTL website.

As always, please feel free to contact the CTL director, Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright (, if you have any questions that are not answered on that page!

Auggie Connect for Students with Disabilities

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Auggie Connect is open to Augsburg students with disabilities and is a space to gather, support one another and find community. Join CLASS staff Cassie Charles & Julia Becker and your fellow Auggies on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 PM. Join in person in Sverdrup 102 near the Enrollment Center or via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 939 3706 4131
Passcode: 928317

Contact for information or disability-related accommodations.

Need Help with FAFSA? TRIO and SFS has You Covered

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TRIO and SFS are partnering together to make sure everyone is able to filled their 2022-23 FAFSA for next school year with ease.

Join us either (or both!) From 3:30 to 4:30pm in Sverdrup 201 on:

Wednesday March 2nd
Thursday March 3rd

If you are able: Please have you FSA ID information, your 2020 tax information, and your parents’ 2020 tax information available.

Interested? Fill this registration form out!

Norway Study Abroad – Interested?

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If so, join this informational webinar put on by the Norwegian Consulate in Minneapolis, to be held on March 3, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. CST (see registration link below).

This event will provide the information about the how, where, and why you should consider Norway as your next study abroad experience.

And if you are serious, know that Augsburg has many exchange partner universities in Norway where you can study abroad for a semester – and all Auggies get a $1000 automatic travel grant for choosing one of them!

Explore options for your major at, contact us at or stop by the study abroad/away office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christiansen.

Webinar Registration Here

Focused Conversation on the Center for Adults and Continuing Education: TODAY

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Join Monica Devers, dean of graduate and professional studies, and Jeremy Updike, executive director of our new Center for Adult and Continuing Education, for a Focused Conversation on the new center, which is a key priority for achieving net tuition revenue growth that came out of the Grow Sustainably Task Force.

Focused Conversation on the Center for Adults & Continuing Education
Thursday, February 24
1 p.m.
Marshall Room and Zoom

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page (log in required).

All Hands Page

Eating Disorder Awareness Online Event

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Join Mental Health Matters in recognizing National Eating Disorders week by learning more about eating disorders and how you can help yourself, and others to better understand these disorders, reduce stigma, and how to address them. You can win a $10 Target gift card for attending!

Apply for the 2022-2023 Interfaith, Christensen, or Sabo Scholars – Deadline is February 28, 2022

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?
Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.
In these programs, you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in faith-based non-profits, through interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science and receive at least a $2,000 scholarship.
Who is Eligible?
Christensen and Interfaith Scholars – Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
Sabo Scholars – Current students (any level) who plan to study on campus all of the 2022-23 academic year.
APPLYING: Details about the process are available:
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

The application deadline is February 28, 2022.

Questions? Contact:
Christensen Scholars: Jeremy Myers at
Interfaith Scholars: Matt Maruggi at or
Sabo Scholars: Andy Aoki at or

Chapel: Jazz Combo and Pastor Babette Chatman

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Join us in Hoversten Chapel at 11:30 am for a 20-minute worship service. Today we welcome the Augsburg Jazz Combo directed by Rafael Rodriguez to chapel. Pastor Babette Chatman will share a reflection. Chapel services are recorded and available on the Campus Ministry YouTube Channel.

Wednesday Chapel with Chris Stedman

Candidate Presentations, El-Hibri Chair and Executive Director, Interfaith

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The search committee invites you to meet and hear from the candidates for the position of inaugural El-Hibri Endowed Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith at Augsburg. The three finalists will be on campus over the coming weeks. Public Presentations followed by Q & A will be held – both in person in OGC 100 and via Zoom – as follows:

Wed. Mar. 2, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Candidate #1)
Tues. Mar. 8, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Candidate #2)
Wed. Mar. 9, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. (Candidate #3)

Presentations will be based on the following prompt:
“Create a presentation that describes what in your professional, scholarly, and/or personal background has equipped you to lead Interfaith at Augsburg. Based on this experience, detail what you see as the specific ways you can further Augsburg’s commitment to advancing interfaith leadership on campus and nationally.”

Candidate names and CVs as well as Zoom links will be shared in advance of each visit. Please watch A-mail for further details.

For your reference:

Position posting/position description

Phishing Awareness Reminder

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With the current geopolitical tensions in the world the incidence of cyber attacks (especially phishing) increases. We subscribe to several organizations that keep us informed of the changing cyber risks and this is what we’re hearing.

This short video (under seven minutes) is a nice calm list of tips to prevent being fooled by a phishing scam or other social engineering scams.

Avoiding Phishing Scams

Augsburg Leadership Awards and Augsburg Senior Leadership Society Nominations are Open

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The Augsburg Leadership Awards are given at the end of every spring semester to outstanding student leaders and student organizations. Members of the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society are inducted, graduating Act Six scholars are honored, and recent graduates of the Emerging Leaders Program are celebrated and recognized. A link to further description on awards can be found here.

The Augsburg Senior Leadership Society recognizes graduating seniors for their leadership contributions over the course of their tenure at Augsburg University. A link to the criteria can be found here.

Nominations for both can be found in Auggie Life and will be open from this Thursday, February 10th to March 10th. The induction ceremony will take place April 3rd, in Hoversten Chapel.

First-year and Senior Students: Watch your e-mail for the NSSE

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Are you a first-year or senior student? Check your email starting today for an invitation to complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). This survey helps Augsburg better understand your experiences both inside and outside the classroom. All eligible recipients who complete the survey will be entered for a prize drawing to win or Target gift certificates! Don’t miss this opportunity for your voice to be heard – and for a chance for those sweet, sweet prizes!

Assessment Day AugSem Session Materials Now Available

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If you were unable to join us during the assessment day presentation on AugSem Course Design and Community Engagement Assessment on Tuesday 2/22, a recording of the session and supplemental materials can all now be found on the CTL website. Please contact Ben ( or Lyz ( if you’d like to follow up on anything from the day’s event!

Link to the CTL website

Summer Courses Abroad and Away – Deadlines Extended – Greece, Netherlands, Puerto Rico

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Need Augsburg Experience? Short study abroad/away programs are a great way to do it!

In summer 2022, several short programs are on offer, each only 2-3 weeks of travel. You will earn credits AND complete your Augsburg Experience, a winning combo!

Spaces still available, so deadlines were extended for new applicants!

• May 15-29, 2022
• 8 credits
• ART 133 or 333 – Digital Photography, ART 133 fulfills a Fine Arts requirement, and
• HIS 195 or 440 – Innovation in the Netherlands, HIS 195 fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Apply by February 22

• May 9-27, 2022
• 4 credits
•THR 295, 4 credits – fulfills Fine Arts requirement
• Apply by March 18

• May 5-23, 2022
• 4 credits
• KEY 490 or ECO 495
• Apply by March 1

To learn more about these programs and start an application, visit the website below.

You’re also welcome to stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christensen Center. Email us at

Get program details and apply online on the Study Abroad & Away website

Summer Course: Writing for Television – Apply Now

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Do you love watching television and have ever wondered how the creators wrote their pilot for that hit TV show you love to watch? Or, are you a writer in a different medium and have always wanted to try your hand at writing for television?

Grow your writing skills this summer with the course PWC 320 “Writing for Television”. This intensive course will be modeled on a professional writer’s room and as such all students will be required to actively participate. Students will be expected to participate in the development and breaking of story while learning to pitch ideas, create outlines, and reading and providing feedback on your colleagues’ work. Each of these steps will be instrumental in aiding you with creating your own pilot!

WRITING FOR TELEVISION: Writing the Television Pilot, PWC 320

DATES: June 4 – July 30
(Please note that the course dates do not correspond to the Summer Semester Time 1 and Time 2 schedules. For drop/withdrawal dates, see the course description details in Records and Registration.)

INSTRUCTOR: Taught by Christina Ham, a highly awarded and prolific writer for both stage and screen, including Sweet Tooth for Netflix, THEM for Amazon, and Westworld for HBO. She was named one of “The Top 20 Most-Produced Playwrights of the 2018-19 Season” by American Theatre magazine.

COST: standard summer tuition rate for 4 credits: $1,704

Spots in this course are limited. Apply by May 2.

Get complete details and start an application online

Take a Spanish Course this Summer in Mexico

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Ready to learn or improve your Spanish skill? Take a class with Augsburg in Mexico this summer! Multiple programs for all levels of Spanish skill are available, in one of the most affordable study abroad programs available to Auggie AND complete your Augsburg Experience!

Check out these program options, and apply by March 1


• various dates throughout summer

• 4-12 credits

• SPA – Spanish courses at all levels beginning to advanced, can fulfill Language requirements

• independent study or internship also possible


• June 8 – July 31

• 8 credits

• SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare professionals

• INS/SPA 399: Observership


• June 8 – July 24

• 8 credits

• SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I

• SPA 116 Beginning Spanish for Ministry

• Upper-level courses available, if needed

To learn more about these programs and start an application, visit the website below.

You’re also welcome to stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christensen Center. Email us at

Get more details for all the programs listed above on our website

Staff and Faculty Share Your Experiences from Studying Abroad

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Are you a Staff/Faculty member who has studied abroad or away in the past? We want to hear from you!

The Study Abroad and Study Away office is looking to feature Staff and Faculty study abroad stories on our Instagram page with Throwback Thursday posts. These posts are to encourage Augsburg students to study abroad and away!

Check us out on Instagram: global_auggies

Questions? Email

Fill out the Google Form here!

Transcultural Music Therapy Study Abroad in July – Apply Now

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Explore meanings and expressions of music, health, illness, and healing, transculturally in the context of South Africa. The focus of this course is on developing an understanding of individuals, families, groups and communities with diverse cultural backgrounds and the use of music in community and for healing within their culture.


Travel July 10-20, 2022

Led by Professor Dr. Annie Heiderscheit

Course options :

•Undergrad: MUS 374 or 474: Music Therapy Practicum (1 credit),

• Graduate: MUS 511, or MUS 582, or MUS 511+582

• also fulfills Augsburg Experience requirement!

This program is designed for Music Therapy majors, but students in music, psychology, or other related fields are also welcome.


The program has a capacity of 22 students and is filled on a rolling basis.

Have questions? Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office:

Get more program details and start an application here

Age 60+? Complete this Survey for a Prize Drawing and Charitable Donation

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Augsburg community members aged 60+ are invited to participate in a short online survey on their interactions with those in other age groups. One lucky winner will win a $100 Target gift card, and for each completed survey that we receive we will donate $1 to the American Red Cross. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and helps advance student and faculty research in the Psychology Department. For more information, contact the lead investigator at, or visit the link below for additional details and contact info.

Click here to access the survey

Provost Candidates – Feedback Forms

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The Provost Search Committee is requesting your assistance in providing feedback and input as part of the search process. Please use the surveys linked below to provide your feedback on the provost candidates who were on campus this week, February 21 and 22. Please note, both surveys will close at 9:00 p.m. on Thur. Feb. 24

Link to feedback survey for Candidate #1 (on campus Feb. 21) –

Link to feedback survey for Candidate #2 (on campus Feb. 22) –

If you have any questions, please contact Cyndi Berg at or Tim Pippert at

Thank you.

Check out the New Issue of Augsburg Now magazine

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The new issue is here!

See these stories and more in the digital-only Winter 2021–22 issue of Augsburg Now:

– Students joined a small-town anti-racist book club, and others paddled the Mississippi River for 101 days. Does experiential education make a difference?
– The hustle and heart of Augsburg football coach Jack Osberg ’62
– How Augsburg’s greenhouse acquired a diverse plant collection from around the globe
– News from around campus and beyond

View these stories and more:

Looking for More Resources Related to Eating Concerns?

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The CWC website has links to on-line resources and local treatment centers. You can also take screening tests related to all sorts of concerns, including eating.

Please check out our website. Or set up an appointment or use or Walk In hours to talk directly with a CWC counselor!

CWC Eating Concerns Webpage

Equity and Social Justice Training Opportunities

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As part of the 2021-2022 Institution-wide DEI Plan, two equity and social justice-based trainings are being offered this spring semester by Joanne Reeck, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion. These trainings will feature education-based case studies on poverty and socioeconomic status and will take place on Wed, Mar 9 @ 3-4:30 p.m. and Tue, Apr 5 @ 3-4:30 p.m.

To sign-up, click below:

Please note that these workshops also count toward maintaining good standing and good advanced standing in the Augsburg University Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program. For more information, contact the Equity and Inclusion Initiatives Department at or 612-330-1126.

The OSCARS 2022 Ballot

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Hello, I’m Jack Jensen.
I need your help. Each year my family picks who we think will win each category of the OSCARS and who ever gets the most correct wins. I never win. Help me taste the sweetness of victory and bragging rights so I can rub it in my dear family’s faces. I have my faith in YOU, beloved Augsburg community!

The OSCARS Winning Picks

Campus Partners Interview Today for LGBTQIA+ and American Indian Program Manager

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Hello Campus Partners! Multicultural Life would like to formally invite you all to attend our LGBTQIA+ and American Indian Program Manager Candidates interviews today! Attend whichever interview session you can!

Below are the dates and times for the interviews through Zoom!

LGBTQIA Program Manager interview
Date: 2/24
Time:10:00am to 10:45am
Zoom Link (make sure you join during the correct time):

American Indian Program Manager interview
Date: 2/24
Time: 1:50pm to 2:35pm
Zoom Link (make sure you join during the correct time):

If you have any questions or concerns please email Keo,

RSVP to get more information for FUTURE interviews!

Student Zoom Interviewers Needed for LGBTQIA+ and American Indian Program Manager Today

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Multicultural Life will be inviting candidates to interview over Zoom for Program Managers today! Students! Please join us today over Zoom to interview your potential Program Managers. Below you will find the interview times and Zoom link for today’s sessions.

MLife will be providing the interview questions and you can even come up with some questions of your own!

LGBTQIA+ Program Manager
Date: 2/24/2022
Time: 9:10am-9:50am
Zoom Link (make sure you join during the correct time):

American Indian Program Manger
Date: 2/24/2022
Time: 1:00-1:40pm
Zoom Link (make sure you join during the correct time):

If you have any questions or concerns, email!

Student Interviewers would gain these great skills:
*To gain professional experiences to add to your resume.
*To learn communication, interview, and leadership skills.
*To be able to have/practice your voice being heard as a student.
*To be able to learn a different perspective in interviewing.
*To create a social network with other people on campus.
*To build a foundation with potential Multicultural Life Staff.

RSVP Here For FUTURE Student Interviews

Interested in Research and Graduate School? Apply for the McNair Scholars Program

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Augsburg’s TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting students for Fall 2022 admission. Eligible applicants will be at Junior status by the end of Spring 2023 and available to conduct full-time research Summer 2023. Students from all majors are welcome to apply, though preference is given to applicants that are interested in pursuing a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree. The deadline to apply is April 1.

The TRIO McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through coursework, academic advising, workshops, and involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. The program also assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. Students will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($6000) with an Augsburg faculty member during Summer of 2023.

The McNair Scholars Program is federally-funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible, applicants must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college or university) AND low-income AND/OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, applicants must be either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and maintain at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (3.0+ preferred).

If you are interested in learning more about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Assistant, Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about the program or if you’re unsure whether or not you qualify.

McNair Website

Present Your Research at Zyzzogeton – Register by March 1

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Augsburg’s annual Zyzzogeton Research Symposium showcases the work of over 80 undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines and will take place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Students who have conducted research over the course of the last year and would like to present a poster should register at the URGO website ( by March 1 (a mentor-approved abstract is required to register).

For questions about registration or the event, please contact

URGO Website – Zyzzogeton