Take Credits in Puerto Rico in May – Info Session Tomorrow

submitted by stoddard@augsburg.edu

Tomorrow, attend the zoom info sesison to learn more about the summer study away program, Community, Arts, and Culture in Puerto Rico, led by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez.

Spend ~3 weeks in Puerto Rico in May exploring different arts in the context of community building, activism, and social justice in Puerto Rico! Through this program, you will complete THR 295, a 4-credit course that fulfills the Fine Arts general education requirement. Participation in the program also fulfills your Augsburg Experience requirement!

Wednesday, January 19, 10:30-11:30 am
Join the zoom here: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/91608984251

**We will talk about what to expect while in Puerto Rico and the itinerary and program highlights
**Get details about costs and scholarships
**we will answer your questions about the program and application
**Join when you’re able, and stay as long as you’re able.
**We will record the essential parts of this info session to share afterward

Any Augsburg student in good standing, including graduating Seniors, are eligible to apply

Students applying for this program can also apply for a small scholarship to help fund their experience. Scholarship information is on the program page, linked below. Scholarship applications due on January 20.


The program is filled on a rolling basis. Interested students should start an application now! Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office with questions: abroad@augsburg.edu

Get full program details and start an application here