Take a Fine Arts Theater Course in Puerto Rico in May

submitted by stoddard@augsburg.edu

Sign up for the summer study away program, Community, Arts, and Culture in Puerto Rico, led by professor Beliza Torres Narvaez. Spend ~3 weeks in Puerto Rico in May exploring different arts in the context of community building, activism, and social justice in Puerto Rico!

Through this program, you will complete THR 295, a 4-credit course that fulfills the Fine Arts general education requirement. Participation in the program also fulfills your Augsburg Experience requirement!

Program details:

Travel: May 9-27, 2022

Course: THR 295: Community, Arts, & Culture in Puerto Rico (Fine Arts requirement)

Any Augsburg student in good standing, including graduating Seniors, are eligible to apply

Students applying for this program can also apply for a small scholarship to help fund their experience. Scholarship information is on the program page, linked below. Scholarship applications due on January 20.


The program is filled on a rolling basis. Interested students should start an application now! Contact the Study Abroad & Away Office with questions: abroad@augsburg.edu

Get full program details and start an application here