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Take an online course in playwriting with real-world playwrights from around the country! This unique opportunity is available to Augsburg students through our relationship with the prestigious Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis.
There are a few spots remaining on the fall 2022 semester courses:
**Topics in Playwriting: Expanding Theatrical Possibilities Through Genre Writing (PWC 310)
**Writing for Television (PWC 320)
**Topics in Writing for Screen and Stage: Expanding Theatrical Possibilities Through Genre Writing (PWC 510)
**Topics in Writing for Screen and Stage: Writing for Television (PWC 510)
There is a short application to fill out to be enrolled in the course as seats are limited. Deadline has been extended to August 7, or until seats are full. Courses count as Augsburg courses and can be taken as part of an Auggie’s regular semester load.