
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Thinking of a Master’s Degree? The BOLD Scholarship Cuts Your Tuition in Half

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As part of the Augsburg Bold initiative, the University has committed to a scholarship program for current seniors looking to continue their education in one of our designated graduate programs. To support our graduating students, Augsburg is offering a 50% tuition discount in the form of a scholarship in the designated programs below:

Master of Business Administration
Master of Arts in Leadership
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Arts in Education
Master of Music Therapy
Equivalency+ Master of Music Therapy

The Augsburg Bold Graduate Program Scholarship is not transferable to any other program at Augsburg University. Please email with any questions.

Click for more details!

General Announcements

Act Now: Ask Your Legislators to Invest in the Promise Equalization Scholarship

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Last year’s investment by state policymakers in college affordability through the North Star Promise left out one-third of low- and middle-income students earning bachelor’s degrees—those who attend private nonprofit colleges like Augsburg.

New legislation authored this year by Sen. Omar Fateh and Rep. Dan Wolgamott would provide financial aid parity for low- and middle-income students at nonprofit colleges. The PROMISE EQUALIZATION SCHOLARSHIP investment of $13.9 million would mirror how much the state is investing through the North Star Promise to support students at the University of Minnesota, restoring financial aid parity for students at nonprofit colleges.

With the new Promise Equalization Scholarship, the State of Minnesota would help make college more affordable and reduce student debt for those students at nonprofit colleges with the most need—just as the North Star Promise Scholarship has done for low- and middle-income students at public and tribal colleges. An estimated 13,000 students would receive an average scholarship of about $1,000, helping low- and middle-income students who currently receive the Minnesota State Grant. Here at Augsburg, about 1,400 undergraduates would benefit from the new scholarship. Because there is a large surplus in the appropriation for the North Star Promise, this can be accomplished without any additional state funding.

The Minnesota Private College Council has put together an easy way to contact your legislators—it only takes a minute.

Ask your state senator and representative to invest in the Promise Equalization Scholarship.

Students – Please Take the Textbook Affordability Survey

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Augsburg’s Textbook Affordability Working Group invites you to fill out our brief survey about how well you are able to afford the books and other materials required for your classes. We’ll use this information to help us understand whether the cost of course materials is a barrier for Auggies, so it’s important to hear from as many students as possible.

The survey is anonymous, although it does use your email address to make sure we only get one response per person. If you have questions about the survey or the Textbook Affordability Working Group, please contact Karen Alexander ( or Sara Fillbrandt (

Textbook Affordability Survey

Faculty: Let Us Know You’ll Attend Commencement

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All faculty are strongly encouraged to participate in the clapping tunnel in full regalia at commencement on May 7 or 8. Unlike in prior years, you will not need to reserve a ticket for the ceremony; however, you will need a faculty pass to enter the Target Center. Please complete the faculty sign-up form below by April 26 to let us know you plan to attend so that your credentials will be available when you arrive.

Faculty Commencement Sign-Up Form

Staff Members Needed at the Commencement Ceremony

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Staff volunteers are needed to help make the commencement ceremony on May 7 or 8 a meaningful and successful experience for our graduates and their families. Volunteer roles include:

– Ushers, greeters, and wayfinding
– Accessible seating support
– Graduate name cards

Please fill out the staff volunteer form below by April 26 to let us know of your interest. You will receive a follow-up email to confirm your volunteer assignment and provide additional details.

Staff Commencement Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Event Announcements

Connecting in the Face of Climate Change: Workshop Today

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Connecting in the Face of Climate Change

In this interactive lunch and workshop, we will be exploring ways to address climate anxiety through connective practices. Gather together with other members of the Augsburg community to explore place-based practices for reconnecting with ourselves, each other, and the rest of the natural world. We will start with a brief introduction and then tour the Augsburg Urban Arboretum together, stopping along the way to experiment with practices for remembering and restoring connections to the larger communities of which we are a part, as well as with our own sense of grounding and vitality. A locally-sourced bag lunch from Laune Bread will be available on a first come first served based for up to twenty participants!

Time: Friday, 4/12/24, 12:30- 2 PM.

Location: Meet in the Community Garden.
(Rain location CWC Group Room, 1st floor Anderson Residence Hall.)
*This event does involve walking/rolling around campus.

Contact: Christine Oliver, Counselor at the Center for Wellness & Counseling (

The Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program – April 15-16

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The Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program welcomes Dr. Bala Chaudhary, Associate Professor Of Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College. In her Convocation Lecture titled “Strategies for Anti-racist Action in STEM”, Chaudhary will explain how to create, nurture, and sustain cultures of inclusion in belonging in science (Tuesday, April 16, Hoversten Chapel, 11:00 AM). Please note the Convocation Schedule for adjusted class times on this day.

Dr. Chaudhary will also attend, mingle, and talk to students about the Zyzzogeton Research Symposium and other events as well as present a seminar for undergraduate STEM students entitled: “Continent-scale Aerial Dispersal of Fungi” April 15 at 5:00 PM in Hagfors 150.

Find out more about the Sverdrup Convocation at

Sverdrup Convocation

Next Week: Focused Conversation on Schwartz School of the Arts

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All faculty and staff are invited to the first of two April Focused Conversations on Thursday, April 18. Associate Professor Christopher Houltberg will provide an update on plans for the John N. Schwartz School of the Arts.

Thursday, April 18, 2024
12:00 p.m.
Marshall Room and via Zoom

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the livestream link, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands | Inside Augsburg (login required)

Farewell Gathering for Dixie Shafer

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Please join us on Wednesday, April 17th from 1:00-3:00 in the Marshall room to celebrate Dixie Shafer’s nearly 25 years at Augsburg. Dixie was the inaugural Director of Augsburg’s McNair Scholars program and has spent the last 20 years directing the Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity. Dixie is moving out of higher education and pursuing a new career in development with Northern Star Scouting. Dixie’s last day at Augsburg will be Friday, April 19th.

2024 Zyzzogeton Student Research Symposium – April 16

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Augsburg celebrates the creativity and scholarship of undergraduate students with its annual Zyzzogeton Student Research Symposium. The symposium falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across departments.

This year Zyzzogeton will feature posters from more than 50 undergraduate researchers in the science, social science and humanity disciplines.

Zyzzogeton will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 3 – 4:30pm in Hagfors Center. There will be a convocation schedule for that day and no classes scheduled during the event time, so we hope that all students, faculty and staff are able to attend!

Those who need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event are encouraged to contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Remember to have the name, date, and time of the event with you when contacting their office. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

Zyzzogeton website

Join Us for Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Muslim and Christian Resources for Restorative Justice

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Professor Najeeba Syeed will be the featured speaker at the sixth annual Terence Nichols Memorial Symposium lecture. The topic will be Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Muslim and Christian Resources for Restorative Justice.

When: Wednesday, April 17th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Where: University of St. Thomas, John Roach Center 126
2115 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105

Free and open to the public. For more information and to register, visit:*jtrr4i*_ga*MjA4ODkyNjcxNS4xNzEwMjk3NDU4*_ga_B7VNHGCX7P*MTcxMDI5NzQ1OC4xLjAuMTcxMDI5NzQ1OC4wLjAuMA

Keeping Track of Auggies

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