Your Kid Can Enjoy Camp on Campus This Summer: Sign Up for MNUDL Summer Speech and Debate Camp

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Announcing MNUDL’s On-Campus Academic Camp for Middle and High School Students: Register Now

Looking for a way to keep your middle or high school student engaged this summer?

The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, is hosting 5 weeks of summer speech and debate camps in 2024. Camps will be held on-campus and include lunch in the Augsburg cafeteria. After-care is available for middle school students for an additional fee.

Camps include Policy Debate, Public Forum, Congressional Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Speech, and more.

Whether your student has debate experience or not, we’ve got a camp for all levels, from true beginners to intermediate to advanced!

Generous scholarships are available for those with financial need. Payment plans are also an option. You can register and claim your spot with a $5 deposit while applying for scholarships!

Learn more and sign up ASAP: