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On Friday, April 26th, we will be welcoming Dr. Marci Sortor, Provost, St. Olaf College to campus. Dr. Sortor has experience as an HLC peer reviewer and has graciously agreed to serve as a reviewer for our mock site visit to help us prepare for our upcoming reaffirmation of accreditation visit in October 2024. On behalf of the HLC Steering Committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the following session: Open forum for faculty and staff on Criteria 3 (Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support) and 4 (Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement).
Here’s what you need to know:
WHO: All faculty (RFT and adjunct) and staff
WHAT: An opportunity to practice answering questions related to teaching, learning, and assessment.
WHEN: Friday, April 26th from 10:45am to 11:30am
WHERE: Marshall Room
WHY: To help ensure our community is ready for our HLC site visit on October 21-22, 2024.
HOW: You can prepare by reviewing the draft assurance argument, focusing on Criteria 3 and 4. The draft argument can be found in Moodle.
Please consider joining us!