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Teaching and Learning

Get paid to learn this summer. URGO App Available

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Are you looking for a paid summer research opportunity here on campus? URGO applications for 2018 summer research are now available on the URGO website at All fields of study welcome!

We have multiple summer opportunities available for students.

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. Students receive support throughout the research process from their faculty mentor, a Speaker Series, and weekly seminars with fellow researchers. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. The program runs from May 14th – July 27th.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,000 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

Phase 1 of the applications are due February 1st, so start talking with your faculty now to learn about what research is going on in your department!

Teach in China after Graduation

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Auggies who are graduating this fall or spring are invited to apply to serve as teaching interns at Augsburg University’s exchange partner, United International College in Zhuhai, China (near Hong Kong and Macao).

Internship placements are from August 2018-June 2019. Airfare, Housing and a monthly stipend are provided. Apply by February 1st.

Job Description | Application | More Information

The End Is Near: Find the Writing Lab

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There are only five days left for students to use the help available from the wonderful writing tutors in the WL! If you haven’t already visited the Writing Lab, it’s time to do so! Writing Lab tutors await all students, grad and undergrad, and their written work – essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library and is just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken.
Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.
Note – The Lab will close after the Wed. night shift on Dec. 20!

Any questions? Contact Kathryn Swanson, English.

Will you be hungry in January?

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RSVP now for the first Sabbatical Lunch of 2018. Join us at 12:30 p.m. on January 17th in the Marshall Room for a talk by Ben Stottrup, Department of Physics.

For over a decade, work in the Augsburg Biophysics Lab has focused on the morphology and thermodynamics of thin soft matter films. Recently we added rheological techniques to investigate soft matter and fluid flow in Langmuir monolayers. A series of short vignettes will be presented to highlight several aspects of this scholarship – from student collaborators to the HCSBR.

River Semester Fall 2018 – Apply Now

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Students interested in a once-in- a-lifetime opportunity to travel the length of the Mississippi River as part of a full semester of courses should check out Augsburg’s River Semester program for Fall 2018. Students in the program will spend 100 days paddling from the Twin Cities, to St. Louis, Memphis, and beyond, before returning to the Twin Cities in December.

Courses offered include:

POL 241 Environmental and River Politics (meets Liberal Arts Foundation for Social and Behavioral Sciences)
ENV 310 Environmental Studies Field Seminar. Study grassroots organizing and meeting with stakeholders throughout the watershed.
ENV 120: Environmental Science (Science w/ Lab)
BIO 495: Topics
POL/ENV/BIO 499 Directed Research Project (possible Keystone credit)
POL/ENV 399 Internship (with a river-related organization; some internships are paid)
KEY 490 Keystone
Other courses and specialized curriculum available by special arrangement
This program also fulfills Augsburg Experience requirement

The deadline for early registration is Dec. 15, 2017, which qualifies you for a $500 discount on the program fee. Thanks to a generous donation from Pentair, there are a limited number of scholarships of up to $5,000 toward the program fees.

Full information and details at or by contacting the Augsburg Study Abroad/Away Office in Christensen Center or Prof. Joe Underhill at

Teaching & Learning

Music Therapy in China: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Course options:
-MUS 374, -MUS 474, or MUS 582. It also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Music therapists benefit greatly from exploring the evolution of music from one generation to the next, the way in which music is integrated into everyday life, and its role in health, healing, and well-being in China. Through visits to hospitals, clinics, musical venues, conservatories, and community organizations that provide health related care, students experience the interplay of music and healing practices in China. Students also engage in direct dialogue with Chinese music therapists and other rehabilitation therapists. The program allows participants to reflect on their own musical roots, and to discover how their own musical preferences have developed based on cultural experiences. We will also visit other locations of interest such as The Great Wall, Old-Town Beijing, Dazu Rock Carvings, Yangtze River Cruise and more.

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

General Announcements

Important Payroll Information

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In preparation for year-end 2017, we ask each employee to review the items below and contact us with any changes or updates to your personal information that we have on file.

Please review your 12/08/17 or 12/22/17 pay stub and verify the following:
1) Name, Address and Social Security Number
If there are any errors or records need updating due to life events, please contact Human Resources.

2) Check your tax withholdings
The tax withholdings you are currently claiming are printed on the bottom left section of your pay stub. If you wish to change your tax withholdings, please complete a new federal W-4 form and submit to the Payroll office.

Employees and Managers please make necessary contingencies if your time and access is limited over and around the holiday break and you want to be paid appropriately and timely.
1) Last Pay Date of 2017 – 12/22/2017
All employees Kronos time must be completed by 2pm on Monday, 12/18 and all Managers must have approvals completed by 10am Tuesday, 12/19. Any paper timesheets must be signed and submitted by Noon on Wednesday, 12/20.

2) First Pay Date of 2018 – 01/05/2018
Monday January 1st is a holiday for Augsburg University, all Kronos time will automatically submit at 2pm, if the employee did not submit themselves. The Manager deadline will still be 10am Tuesday, January 2nd. It is strongly suggested that employees complete their time and submit for approval prior to the holiday break and managers approve as often as they can to ensure the 10am deadline is upheld.

If you need any further assistance please contact Payroll at Thank you and have a safe and happy holiday!

Toys for Tots Drive – Donate in the StepUP Office

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Hello Augsburg University,

The StepUP Peer Advisors from the StepUP Program at Augsburg University have organized a toy drive to support Toys for Tots this holiday season. If you are a student, staff, or faculty member, who is willing to donate brand new toys (not used) to this great cause, please drop off any donation in the StepUP Office. The StepUP Office is located on the second floor of the Oren Gateway Center. We will be accepting donations until December 20th. If you have any friends or family who may be interested in participating, please let them know!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Cody Thompson at Thank you all for your kindness and generosity this holiday season! Happy Holidays!

NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship: application deadline Friday, Jan. 19

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Students can now apply for the 2017-18 NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship Program at Augsburg College. This scholarship program supports the advancement of academically focused undergraduates seeking professional careers in the natural sciences, especially space physics & engineering, mathematics, and science/mathematics education.

This competitive program awards 6 scholarships for spring semester, 2018, in the following areas:
**Emerging Scholarship (Sophomore-Junior). Four scholarships of $1000 to encourage students whose course of study shows progress in meeting the criteria of this scholarship program.
**Enhanced Scholarship (Sophomore-Senior). Two scholarships of $2000 to support students who have shown considerable progress in meeting the criteria of this scholarship program.

Strong candidates for the grant will be students who…
-are a sophomore, junior, or senior majoring in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, pre-engineering, or mathematics/science education;
-can demonstrate strong academic performance and leadership within their major area; and
-show an interest in contributing to NASA’s mission.

Please note that students from traditionally underrepresented groups in science and mathematics fields are especially encouraged to apply. No applicant shall be denied consideration based on race, creed, color, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, or ability.

Deadline for application: Friday, January 19, 2017.

More information about the scholarship, along with links to the application packets, can be found at the NASA Scholarship Information. If you need this information in alternative form, please contact STEM programs at

Questions? Please contact STEM Programs at

NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship

LSAMP NSS Funding for National Society of Black Engineers Convention

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The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is holding its 44th annual convention March 21-25, 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA. NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” ( Students who have attended in past years have found the conference to be an excellent professional development opportunity.

Augsburg students who are eligible for funding through LSAMP NSS may apply for travel funding to attend the NSBE convention. To learn more, see the “LSAMP NSS Funding” general announcement in Amail, email, or go to Students interested in attending should be in good academic standing as it will be necessary to miss some classes.

To find out more or express your interest in attending this convention, contact by Friday, December 15.

NSBE Convention Webpage

LSAMP NSS Funding Opportunities for Underrepresented Students in STEM

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Are you an underrepresented student pursuing a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? If so, you might be eligible to participate in LSAMP North Star STEM (NSS). Augsburg’s LSAMP NSS program is designed to help STEM students succeed through peer mentoring, workshops, research opportunities, industry visits, and conference travel. LSAMP NSS funding opportunities include:

-Professional development stipends (up to $500) for participation in LSAMP NSS programming
-Travel funding for professional STEM conferences (including airfare and lodging)
-Academic year or summer research funding (contingent on mentor match)

STEM majors at Augsburg: biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, physics

LSAMP NSS eligibility:
-Full-time student pursuing a STEM major.
-US citizen or permanent resident.
-Underrepresented in STEM as defined by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This includes being Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native or Pacific Islander.

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an initiative funded by the NSF to support underrepresented students pursuing a STEM degree. Minnesota’s LSAMP program is called the North Star STEM Alliance and includes 17 colleges, universities and community organizations.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us at or complete the following application:

Please note that funding through NSF requires citizenship or permanent residence, but all students are welcome to participate in programming.

North Star STEM Application

Central Services holiday hours

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Central Services will be closed for the Augsburg University designated holidays December 25, 26, 29 and January 1. Hours of operation for December 27 & 28 are as follows:

Copy Center – closed

Shipping & Receiving and outgoing mail – 9 AM – 4:30 PM

Mailroom – 10AM – 1 PM

Mail and packages will be delivered on the normal routes on December 27 & 28.

Denmark & Iceland: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: ENL 270 or ENL 395, AND SOC 111/URB 111, or SOC 295/URB 295 The program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

In this program, students will have the opportunity to learn about two amazing cities: Reykjavik and Copenhagen and earn 8 credits at the same time! This two-course Augsburg Abroad experience explores the relationship between city and text; it is an interdisciplinary celebration of cities, with Reykjavik and Copenhagen and their environs as the sites of the celebration. Students will access the artistic heart of the city by immersing themselves in the real-life locations of Hamlet, Copenhagen Noir, and major films. Simultaneously, they will tour Copenhagen (often via bike and public transport) to learn why it is a mecca of urban sustainability and livability with some of the most inspired public spaces in the world. The program will also include a one-night stopover in Iceland, where students can explore Icelandic community life, explore its Viking history and storytelling (sagas).

Applications are due on January 31.

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants can apply their summer funds to this program!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Palestine & Israel: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: RLN 205 or RLN 490. This program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Join this two-week course to gain a transformational learning experience. You will be immersed in the Israeli and Palestinian contexts, particularly focusing on the three Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Through lectures, readings, and conversations you will deepen your understanding of the history, sacred texts, beliefs and practices of the three Abrahamic faiths. Particular attention will be given to the roots of conflicts in the region and to peacebuilding movements.
We will visit holy sites that are at the center of the sacred stories that shape the beliefs and practices of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We will hear how faith shapes the daily lives of those living in the land often called “holy.”

Applications are due on January 31, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Apply to be a Peer Advisor in Study Abroad & Study Away

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The Study Abroad/Away office is hiring this spring! If you enjoyed your off-campus experience and would like to share what you learned with other Auggies, this could be a perfect job for you. We offer 10 hours a week and the opportunity to stay on in the summer and next year.

Great candidates:
***are currently sophomores or juniors
***have strong organizational and public speaking skills
***are interested in sharing cross-cultural experiences with other students

Please contact Andrea Dvorak with questions about the job:

Check out the job description and apply here!

AP, Pcard and Purchasing Training for Budget Managers

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Budget managers and staff are invited to participate in upcoming training sessions for Paperless Accounts Payable, P-Cards, and Purchasing. There are three sessions currently scheduled:

December 19, 2017 Marshall Room – 11am-12pm
December 21, 2017 Augsburg Room – 1pm-2pm
January 2, 2018 Marshall Room – 2pm-3pm

Event Announcements

Faculty and Staff Holiday Party at Hagfors Center

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Celebrate the Holidays and the conclusion of another successful semester with a sneak-peak of Hagfors Center! Join colleagues and friends on Thursday, December 21 to enjoy refreshments and self-guided tours of the building. Festivities begin at 3:00pm!

What: Faculty and Staff Holiday Party
Where: Hagfors Center Commons and Classroom 150
When: Thursday, December 21 3pm-5pm

Dogs & Stress Relief – TODAY

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Our good friends from Paws for Learning will be on campus in preparation for finals week. Stop by Christensen Center Lobby today 10:30 – 12:00 pm and again finals week on Monday 12/18 from 10 – 11:30 am and Wednesday 12/20 from 9:30 – 11:00 am on the Skyway Level of Lindell Library (near Gage Center). Stop by any or all of these times to get your furry friend fix!!

Curious about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA?

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Have you thought about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA? Attend one of our daily drop-in Info Sessions to hear about the basics and how you can get started. We cover how to choose a program, study abroad finances, academic credit, and more.

Come to the Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center, for a 20-minute Info Session:
Mondays at 10:40 am
Tuesdays at 2:15 pm
Wednesdays at 10:40 am
Thursdays at 3:40 pm
Fridays at 1:45 pm

Check here for more info about Study Abroad/Away

Keeping Track of Auggies

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