Auggies Networking Experience – Explore. Experience. Evolve.

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5:30-8:00 p.m.
Foss Center (FREE and open to all majors and students, & alumni)

Food, beverages and free headshots provided.

Spend an evening networking with students and alumni from various industries. This is a great opportunity to practice networking skills with alumni as they share their career insights and stories with students. Alumni are also able to reconnect with their peers. Attending events like this will benefit you by building relationships that can help you professionally now and in the future.

New this Year – Mock Interviews offered during the event! Please signup by emailing your name, major, career interest, and year to You will then be assigned a time for a 10-15 minute interview with an alumni. Space is limited with only 12 spots available on a first to email first serve basis.

For those alumni who want more time to network with their peers, we welcome you to gather at the Republic at Seven Corners after the event.

Alumni (even if employed by Augsburg) please register at:


Students click on the Join Event button in Handshake to register.
