
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Robbery on campus- Jan. 21

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In compliance with the “Timely Notice” provision of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is giving notice of a criminal incident that occurred outside of Anderson Residence Hall on the Minneapolis Campus on Jan. 21.

REPORTED OFFENSE: Resident student was standing near Anderson Hall north entrance looking at phone. Resident was approached by two suspects who were asking for the time. After approaching and repeating the question, first suspect displayed a black semi-automatic pistol which was kept in his waistband. Suspect demanded wallet, shoulder bag and cell phone. Resident was told to remove the SIM card from the phone. Suspect reportedly disabled the GPS setting. Both suspects fled westbound toward 20th Avenue South. Additional witness reported a black Honda or Accura accelerating at a high rate of speed on 20th Avenue toward Riverside.
SUSPECTS: Descriptions as reported by victim:
Suspect #1 (displayed weapon): Somali male late teens-early 20s, thin, 130 lbs, 5-10 to 6-0, waist high black jacket with maroon hoodie underneath, appeared to be short black hair underneath hood, no facial hair
Suspect #2: Somali male late teens-early 20s, thin, 6-0 to 6-2, gray hooded sweat shirt and khaki pants
STATUS: This incident remains under investigation by Augsburg Department of Public Safety and the Minneapolis Police Department. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact DPS at 612-330-1717.
Augsburg’s DPS works diligently to provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere for our students, staff, faculty and visitors. We ask your assistance in working toward that goal. Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (1717). We also encourage you to utilize the resources available at our website:

Scott Brownell
Director of Public Safety

Parking Lot Closures 1/27/18

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Lots A, D, C and G will be closed on Saturday 1/27/18 for the Hagfors Center Grand Opening. Any vehicles left in the lots may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Ticketing will be suspended for anyone with a valid Augsburg permit on Saturday 1/27, and they will be able to park in any other lot on campus (B, J, K, or L).

Please email with any questions.

Teaching and Learning

Palestine & Israel: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: RLN 205 or RLN 490. This program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Join this two-week course to gain a transformational learning experience. You will be immersed in the Israeli and Palestinian contexts, particularly focusing on the three Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Through lectures, readings, and conversations you will deepen your understanding of the history, sacred texts, beliefs and practices of the three Abrahamic faiths. Particular attention will be given to the roots of conflicts in the region and to peacebuilding movements.
We will visit holy sites that are at the center of the sacred stories that shape the beliefs and practices of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We will hear how faith shapes the daily lives of those living in the land often called “holy.”

Applications are due on January 31, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Paid Fellowship for Trip to Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.

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The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program annually selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select few universities to participate in the program. Multiple Augsburg students were selected last year for the trip.

The 2018 trip will take place on April 24th. Applications are due on February 28th and can be found at If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at or 612-330-1446.

– U.S. Citizen
– Full-time student
– At least a sophomore and cannot be graduating before Spring 2019
– 3.0 GPA or higher

Faculty: How URGO Can Support Your Research

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URGO’s summer research program is designed to both enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.

Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise.

While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship, for example, is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.

To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:

Phase 1 of summer research applications are due February 1st, with complete proposals due February 22nd.

Get Paid to Learn This Summer

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Are you looking for a paid summer research opportunity here on campus? URGO applications for 2018 summer research are now available on the URGO website at All fields of study welcome!

We have multiple summer opportunities available for students.

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. Students receive support throughout the research process from their faculty mentor, a Speaker Series, and weekly seminars with fellow researchers. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. The program runs from May 14th – July 27th.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,000 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

Phase 1 of the applications are due February 1st, so start talking with your faculty now to learn about what research is going on in your department!

4 Days in May – What are your ideas?

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Last year, Faculty Development Committee developed a new strategy for what had been known as “The May Calendar.” Our goal is to provide a predictable, accessible, convenient, useful, engaging, meaningful (shall I keep going?), etc. schedule for faculty and staff development opportunities in early May (after grading and before you take a well-deserved break).

This year, “4 Days in May” will be held May 8-11 and include the “Creating an Inclusive Campus” conference. Based on our goal to highlight faculty and staff development events over just a few days, we have three requests:

1) Mark your calendars and plan on attending.

2) Please refrain from scheduling departmental retreats, etc. during the mornings and early afternoons of May 8-11.

3) If you have any requests for workshops, discussions, or demonstrations, please contact Tim Pippert or any member of the Faculty Development Committee by February 1st.

Peace Scholars Program Applications – Due Feb 1, 2018

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Attention Augsburg sophomores and juniors!

If you area student with a strong interest in peace and justice issues please consider applying for the 2018 Peace Scholar Program. Two students will be selected to join a group of a 16 students taking courses in Oslo, Norway at the International Summer School and the Nansen Dialogue Center in June & July 2018. Program and tuition costs are covered by the program (students cover the cost of their airfare). The Peace Scholars take a leading role in promoting student participation in the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, hosted each year by Augsburg University, and spend a few hours each month working in the Peace Prize Forum office.
• 2 courses at the University of Oslo Summer School (a highly international program with students from over 100 countries)
• 1‑week residency at the Nansen Dialogue Center in Lillehammer
• Visits and meetings with Norwegian politicians, peacemakers, and activists
• Once in a lifetime opportunity!
See full information, including application materials, can be found here: Application

Any questions or inquiries can be directed to Bettine Hermanson: or Joe Underhill: or at 330‑1318.


Hagfors Classroom Technology Training – Wednesday

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The IT UserSupport Team will be offering training on using the updated classroom technology that is installed in all Hagfors Center classrooms. All Faculty and Staff, especially those who plan on using Hagfors classrooms this semester, are invited to attend. We will cover the basics of using Windows 10, functionality of the interactive whiteboards, and projecting wirelessly using AirServer, with plenty of time for questions and answers. Feel free to drop-in and/or leave as your schedule allows. Snacks will be provided.

Wednesday, Jan 24th from 9:00-10:30am in HC 104

Apply to College Possible

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College Possible supports low-income students with college success through 1:1 coaching on academics, financial aid, and personal development. Our hope is that students apply as soon as possible so that they will be ready to go for the semester.

Students interested in applying must be Pell grant or Dream Act eligible. In order to apply, they can use the attached link and drop by the College Possible desk (located on the 2nd floor of the Lindell library) to fill out release forms. The application process will only take around 10 minutes!

Let me know if you or any interested students have any questions.

College Possible application

General Announcements

Summer Short Term Study Abroad Deadline Jan 31

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The Center for Global Education and Experience is accepting applications for all of the Summer 2018 short-term study abroad programs! Check out these great options, good for any student:

-Denmark & Iceland: The Dark Side of the Happy City
-Interfaith Engagement in Palestine & Israel

Applications are Due on January 31! Come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Augsburg Student Experience Survey – Let your voice be heard because your voice matters

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My name is Cody Thompson and I am a Senator on the Augsburg Day Student Government. I would like to learn more about your experience at Augsburg. How can ADSG and myself work toward making the change you want to see on campus? I have a few brief questions for you. Feel free to respond to my email –!

1. How do you identify your gender?
2. What year are you at Augsburg?
3. What do you like and/or admire about Augsburg?
4. What would you like to see improved, changed, and/or implemented at Augsburg?

I am happy to talk on the phone (612-469-5174), text, email, or meet in person! I look forward to hearing from you!

Join the MUS 342: Choral Conducting Lab Choir

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Want more singing in your life?

Can’t get enough of choir? OR…

Can’t fit a choir into your schedule but still want to sing with people?

Join the MUS 342: Choral Conducting LAB CHOIR!

30 minutes every Wednesday afternoon; 2:15pm – 2:45pm, starting Jan. 24!

Anderson Music Hall, Choir Room (M3)

Learn a few songs, taught and conducted by your peers with a fun, low-key performance in April.

Snacks provided each week!

Questions? Email Tim Buzza at

Summer 2018 Job Opportunity

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Looking for a memorable job opportunity this summer? Consider applying to be an Augsburg College Youth Theology Institute (AYTI) Mentor!

We are looking for SEVEN current students to serve as mentors for this summer’s Youth Theology Institute (AYTI).

The Augsburg Youth Theology Institute (AYTI) is a week-long experience for high school students to critically engage in theological inquiry and faith exploration on the campus of the college. Classroom learning, worship opportunities, urban exposure, and community building are all components of the program.

An AYTI Mentor serves a vital role in the Youth Theology Institute by helping to implement programs and cultivate community as faith leaders working with the high school youth participants. Mentors need to complete ~22 hours of training in March and April and be totally available the entire week of July 7-13, 2018.

Interested in applying? Visit the Human Resources employment web page.

Have any questions? Contact Lonna Field at
Brought to you by: Christensen Center for Vocation, Campus Ministry, and Theology and Public Leadership

Alternative Spring Break Trip 2018

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Greetings from Campus Ministry (CM) and the Christensen Center for Vocation (CCV)!

We are writing to inform you of a wonderful service opportunity coming up! During Spring Break this year, March 10th – 17th, we will be traveling to Laredo, Texas with Habitat for Humanity for Alternative Spring Break. This trip is a great chance for students to travel during spring break while also making a positive difference in the Laredo community. The cost is $250 and includes lodging, transportation, and most meals. A $100 deposit is due at registration to secure your spot. Registration is between January 8th and February 2nd.

Like us on Facebook “Augsburg Alternative Spring Break”
and Follow us on Twitter @AuggieSpringBrk

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Sophie Warnberg at


Campus Ministry and the Christensen Center for Vocation

Apply for 2018-2019 Public Leadership Scholars Programs

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?

Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s 3 Public Leadership Scholar Programs:Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.
In any one of the programs you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in either the Christian tradition, interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science along with receiving a $2,000 scholarship.

Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2017-18 academic year are eligible to apply.
APPLYING: The application for all three programs is available online through Sabo or CCV website, listed below.
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:
The application deadline is Monday, February 19th, 2018

Questions? Contact either the Christensen Center for Vocation at, 612-330-1403 or the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at

Nominations are now open to honor outstanding staff at Augsburg University

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Nominations are now open to honor outstanding staff at Augsburg University!

The Outstanding Staff Award is intended to recognize exceptional Augsburg staff members who exemplify the mission statement of the University through their work. We will honor a total of six staff, including one “Newcomer” – someone who has been at Augsburg for 2 years or less.

Nominations may be submitted by staff (full-time, part-time, and union), faculty, or students at Augsburg University.

Please use this form to submit your nomination:

Letters of recommendation can be sent to or delivered to Jay Peterson in Oren Gateway 106C.

Nominations will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The annual Staff Appreciation Awards will take place on Thursday, March 8, 2018 from 2–4 p.m. in the Hoversten Chapel.

Nomination Form for Outstanding Staff

Event Announcements

Yoga Tomorrow

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Good Morning! I will be teaching yoga at Augsburg this semester. Please join us on Wednesdays from 12:15 pm- 1:00 pm in the Racquetball Court (Si-Melby 130). This class will take place every Wednesday until the end of the semester.
We will practice flowing breath to movement, staying in the present moment, and challenging our bodies through different poses during this 45 minute yoga practice. Mats will be available if you do not have your own mat. Please e-mail me if you have any questions at

Tomorrow: All Hands Meeting

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The Spring 2018 All Hands meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24, at 10:40 a.m. in Hoversten Chapel. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. A livestream of the meeting will also be available; go to the All Hands page for that link.

A video replay of the meeting will be posted on the All Hands page for those not able to attend or connect to the meeting live.

Come join us at the new kitchen in Hagfors Center to have fun and learn how to make Fruit leather

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Excited to see the new kitchen at Hagfors center? Please come join us to have fun with your friends while learning how to make fruit leather!
When: January 27th at 2:30p.
Where: Hagfors Center 108
Hope to see you there!

TODAY: Resistance Movements and Human Rights in Honduras, Foss Chapel

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Reflections on Feminist Resistance and Human Rights Struggles in Honduras, a report-back from their November Delegation with Witness for Peace.

Tues., 1/23/18
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Foss Chapel

Congressman Keith Ellison and Minnesota State Representative Ilhan Omar will be joined by Augsburg Spanish professor Sarah Degner Riveros, Augsburg student Bethany Keyl and other delegates who travelled last Nov. to Honduras with Witness for Peace last Join us to hear them share insights into their recent trip to Honduras where they met with journalists, lawyers, indigenous communities, and other human rights defenders and social movement leaders during the November presidential elections in Honduras, which have been widely criticized for fraud and state violence. The evening will close with action steps that we can take to support the call for social and environmental justice in Honduras.

Please save the date and plan now to come to this special human rights event.

Dennis Stuckey Retirement Party today at 2 p.m.

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Dennis Stuckey, Director of Facilities Management, is retiring after 10 years of dedicated services at Augsburg University. Please join us in celebrating his time here with a party today – Tuesday, January 23rd – from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in Marshall Room, Christensen Center. Dennis’ contributions to Augsburg will be felt for many years if not decades. His last major responsibility was as Augsburg’s project manager for the Hagfors Center construction project. What an amazing capstone to his career! I am also reminded of the beautiful art glass that Dennis made in tribute to Leland Sateren which hangs in the foyer of Sateren Auditorium. With the transformational Hagfors Center now complete, Dennis can step away into a retirement of hunting and fishing with his sons and grandchildren, traveling with his wife, and developing his new business venture Abrasive Art, LLC. Please note that a special presentation will occur at 2:15. Come by and say a fond farewell to Dennis and wish him much happiness and health!

Auggies Networking Experience: Explore.Experience.Evolve

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5:30-8:00 p.m.
Foss Center (FREE and open to all majors and students, & alumni)

Food, beverages and free headshots provided.

Spend an evening networking with students and alumni from various industries. This is a great opportunity to practice networking skills with alumni as they share their career insights and stories with students. Attending events like this will benefit you by building relationships that can help you professionally now and in the future.

New this Year – Mock Interviews offered during the event! Please signup by emailing your name, major, career interest, and year to You will then be assigned a time for a 10-15 minute interview with an alumni. Space is limited with only 12 spots available on a first to email first serve basis.

Students click on the Join Event button in Handshake to register.



MN Private College Job & Internship Fair

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For the 42nd year, Minnesota’s Private Colleges will host the annual JOB AND INTERNSHIP FAIR on Tuesday, February 27 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This fair stands out as one of the premier college/employer partnerships in the country. The exhibit hall is open from 9:00 a.m .- 2:00 p.m. (You can stay for as long as you are able)

Why attend the fair?
Explore opportunities in a variety of industries and majors.
Chat with more than 260 employers – all under one roof!
Open to undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) from the Minnesota Private Colleges.
Get your free professional LinkedIn Photo taken at the fair!
Learn more about the fair and who will be attending:

REGISTER & PAY THE $12 FEE in Handshake



Next Week: Meet with a TIAA advisor now

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Start January 2018 off on the right financial foot! Take advantage of this on-campus opportunity to discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA Financial Consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you pursue your financial goals, where ever you might be in your retirement planning.

Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as you can.
Call 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).

You can also schedule an appointment online using the link below:

Available dates and times:

Wednesday, January 24 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Thursday, January 25 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Friday, January 26 from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

For questions, please contact Nicole at

Take Control of Your Health: Register Now for January Biometrics Health Screening

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To kick off Augsburg Total Wellness for 2018, Augsburg Faculty and Staff will have the opportunity to participate in an on-site health screening event that will include a fasting biometric test. On-campus screenings will be held from January 30th through February 1st, in East Commons, Christensen Center.

To register for the Health Screening check out the emailed registration link in the email titled–Take Control of Your Health: REGISTER NOW for January Biometrics Health Screening!

Please note that you will need to fast 8-10 hours prior to your appointment. The health screen includes: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, blood pressure and BMI.

Participation in the biometrics health screen is free, confidential, and entirely voluntary. Registration is required. All faculty and staff enrolled in the HDHP, who complete the health screening, will be eligible to receive a $50 HSA contribution. Those not eligible for an HSA contribution will be entered into a separate prize drawing.

Contact Nicole at or x. 1602 for any questions.

Path to Power: Political Strategy Meeting

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“Path to Power: Political Strategy Meeting”

Do you want to build power towards a Minnesota that reflects your values? Come learn about a path towards building a powerful base of Minnesotans who will hold our next elected officials accountable to an agenda that prioritizes the well-being of all of our communities!

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan 23rd 4-6pm


Hosted by: Sabo Center staff in partnership w/ ISAIAH MN

If you have questions, please contact

Keeping Track of Auggies

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