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Dennis Stuckey, Director of Facilities Management, is retiring after 10 years of dedicated services at Augsburg University. Please join us in celebrating his time here with a party today – Tuesday, January 23rd – from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in Marshall Room, Christensen Center. Dennis’ contributions to Augsburg will be felt for many years if not decades. His last major responsibility was as Augsburg’s project manager for the Hagfors Center construction project. What an amazing capstone to his career! I am also reminded of the beautiful art glass that Dennis made in tribute to Leland Sateren which hangs in the foyer of Sateren Auditorium. With the transformational Hagfors Center now complete, Dennis can step away into a retirement of hunting and fishing with his sons and grandchildren, traveling with his wife, and developing his new business venture Abrasive Art, LLC. Please note that a special presentation will occur at 2:15. Come by and say a fond farewell to Dennis and wish him much happiness and health!