Campus Kitchen Open Food Lab Hours

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At Hagfors 108 during the times mentioned below, the space is held for everyone (within and outside of Augsburg) to use as a free and open kitchen space. We highly encourage students that reside in Urness Dormitory to check-it out as they don’t have a kitchen in their dorms.
Monday: 4pm-6pm
Thursday: 7pm-9pm
Friday: 2:30pm-5:30pm

Here there is a variety of ingredients, from seasoning to produce to butter, and materials, from pots & pans to spoons to stove-tops. We’ve also started holding food and cooking workshops for everyone to join us in.

Wish to be a part of our future programming? Fill out this form:

Have ideas for our Food Workshop’s? Go here:
Want to facilitate/teach a Food Workshop? Fill out this form:

Contact for questions/inquiry.

Open Food Lab Flyer (only “” emails can view)