
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Parking Lot Enforcement Changes Planned

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In an effort to gain compliance with our surface lot parking spaces, DPS will begin to “ticket and tow” all vehicles that are not displaying proper permits for the specific, designated lots. Primary hours of enforcement will be 8:00am – 4:00pm during the academic year. These increased enforcement actions will begin on Monday, December 2, 2019.
As a reminder, the Augsburg community has a number of parking permits that are valid for use in specific lots only. Drivers are permitted to park as follows:
Residential Students: Lots B and L
Commuter Students: Lots B,C, K and L
Faculty Staff: D, L and G
Carpool Permit holders: Designated spaces in Lot D

Other designated lots are for the following users and permits ONLY:
Lot A: Visitor permits
Lot E: Permitted short term-visitors (3 hour or less)
Lot H: Reserved/Designated
Lot J: Reserved/Designated

Teaching and Learning

Experiential Education Pedagogy Workshop: CGEE Edition

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The Sabo Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) present a learning opportunity focused on CGEE’s distinct experiential education pedagogy. What are the approaches and values that CGEE uses in its experiential education settings, and how might its elements and values be applicable to on-campus teaching and learning? Learn with Joe Connelly, long-time CGEE Experiential Education Specialist.

Monday, November 18, 2019
Riverside Room

This session is part of Augsburg University’s International Education Week events.

International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.

Co-sponsored by Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship and Center for Global Education and Experience.

RSVP Now for Speaking of Sabbatical with Nancy FischerSpeaking of Sabbatical with Nancy Fischer

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Wednesday, December 4 | Speaking of Sabbatical with Nancy Fischer | 12:30 pm- 1:40 pm, Marshall Room

This event is co-sponsored by CTL and the Christensen Center for Vocation.

RSVP for “Speaking of Sabbatical with Nancy Fischer”

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447

URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

URGO Summer Research Info Sessions

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November 19, 5pm in Hagfors 250

December 5, 5pm in Oren Gateway 100

Hear from past researchers and get the scoop on writing a strong application!
The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Applications for URGO Summer Research will be available on the URGO website ( by November 19.
If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact to set up an appointment.

General Announcements

EAC needs your clothing donations

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Have clothes you love but don’t wear anymore? Clean out your closet and give your clothes a second life by donating them! Environmental Action Committee is holding a campus clothing swap event this spring and is currently looking for donations. You can drop off any clothing you no longer want to the Share Shop in Science 8B during the following times:

Mondays: 10am-noon, 2-4pm
Tuesdays: 1-4pm
Wednesdays: 10am-noon
Thursdays: 10am-noon, 2-4pm

Open Position on Staff Senate: Nominate Yourself or a Colleague Today

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Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for the open position on Staff Senate.

Staff senators help foster and promote a positive and meaningful dialogue among staff, faculty, students and administration by advising in decision making processes, by serving as an advocate for staff, by promoting professional development opportunities, and by recognizing staff members’ contributions to furthering and upholding the mission and values of Augsburg University.

The commitment is for two years, with an optional third year. We meet every other week for approximately 60 to 90 minutes and help plan a number of staff-focused events, including informal tours, University Council updates, and the annual Staff Appreciation awards.

Please email Staff Senate at The deadline for nominations is noon on November 27th.

Meet with a TIAA Retirement Advisor

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Take advantage of this on-campus opportunity to discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA Financial Consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you pursue your financial goals, where ever you might be in your retirement planning.

Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as you can.
Call 800-732-8353, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (ET).

You can also schedule an appointment online using the link below:

Available dates and times:

Tuesday, November 19 from 7:30am – 3:00pm
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Wednesday, November 20 from 8:00am – 3:00pm
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

Thursday, November 21 from 8:00am – 3:00pm
Nelson Room, Christensen Center

For questions, please contact Joshua at

What’s Happening in CCV? A brown bag lunch conversation

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Augsburg’s Christensen Center for Vocation is entering a new chapter, with a new vision for how this center can serve our students, the mission of our institution, and a growing network of faith-based community partners. We will be hosting two brown bag information lunches in the Augsburg Room on Nov. 20 and Nov. 26 from 12:00-1:00pm to share more about the direction CCV is heading.

Our center is deeply engaged with congregational contexts doing the work of vocational discernment centered on their neighbors and neighborhoods. In our new vision for CCV, these rich learning contexts can be combined with Augsburg’s unique approach to educating leaders who are informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers and responsible leaders. This will happen through a variety of initiatives, some new and some existing ones that are being re-imagined towards this more intentional vision. Our aim is to create mutually beneficial learning partnerships between students, faculty, ministry leaders, and congregations who share a commitment to being neighbor in real places with real people working to solve real world problems.

We hope you will consider joining us one of these days to learn more. Reach out to Kristina Fruge ( or Jeremy Myers ( for more information.

Attend A Study Abroad and Away Info Session

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Interested in studying abroad? Attend one of our Study Abroad & Away information sessions!

We have the new option to watch an info session online you can watch at the link below

We also have daily in-person info sessions located in the Oyate Commons, Lower Level of Christensen Center, Suite 2.

Monday: 10:40 am
Tuesday: 3:45 pm
Wednesday: 1:45 pm
Thursday: 11:30 pm
Friday: 3:15 pm

Have any questions?
Email or visit our website

Watch the online info session now!

Next week is International Education Week

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International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. It is celebrated across the world!

Here at Augsburg, the Center for Global Education & Experience, the International Student Organization, and Sabo Center are all holding events to celebrate International Education! Everyone is welcome to check out these opportunities to get engaged and learn about the international students here at Augsburg, as well as opportunities to study and learn off-campus.

Happy International Education Week!

See the Augsburg IEW schedule of events

Spring break study abroad in Guatemala – apply by November 18

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Take a spring semester course that includes 10 days of travel to Guatemala on Spring break!

Human Rights Voices in post-conflict Guatemala, 4-credits

Course options: CCS/SPA 495, or POL 459

Faculty Leader: Professor Joseph Towle

Travel Dates: March 14-22, 2020 (spring break)

Course Description:
Many U.S. citizens know little of Guatemala and the struggles its people face although it is a nation that continuously finds its fortunes bound to the interests and intent of the United States.

This course invites you to hear Guatemalan people’s views of their country, to explore past and present US involvement, and learn from those who lived through and survived the civil war spanning four decades (1960-1996), as well as a new generation of writers and artists–all who creatively and peacefully counteract the culture of fear through art and literature.
This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.


Program cost $3,825
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities and in-country transportation. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.

Scholarships are available! Apply for scholarships by November 8.

Visit the program page for program and scholarship information!

Fundraiser for LGBTQIA+ Student Scholarship

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Each year, during Lavender Celebration, we honor and recognize LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, staff, and accomplices for their work in creating a more visible and just community for queer and trans+ folx. This year and coming years – LGBTQIA+ Student Services is looking to uplift more students by providing financial support through scholarship during the Lavender Celebration. Please help us raise funds to uplift and recognize the original work our LGBTQIA+ students are doing.

To buy a shirt(s) or donate, please follow this link

Event Announcements

Queering Career Business Visits

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As a continuation of or Queering Career series, LGBTQIA+ Student Services is sponsoring visits to local queer-owned businesses.

Tuesday, November 19th we will visit Mossier
Thursday, December 5th we’re visiting Urban Growler

For each event, we will meet in the Auggies Nest at 2 pm, leave no later than 2:30 pm, and will be back on campus by 4 pm. Transportation will be provided.

For more information and to register for the business visits, please use this link

Augsburg Theater presents Green: an elegy to summer

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green: an elegy to summer

By Carson Kreitzer

Directed by Taous Claire Khazem

In the near future a vibrant underground community of hackers, botanists and artists live off the grid. When a young inventor shows up looking for a place to hide from the government because she figured out how to circumvent water scarcity the entire community must decide if their desire to save lives is worth the risk of destroying their own…

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
Friday, November 15 at 7:00PM
Saturday, November 16 at 7:00PM
Thursday, November 21 at 7:00PM
Friday, November 22 at 7:00PM
Saturday, November 23 at 7:00PM
Sunday, November 24 at 3:00PM

Ticket Prices:
General Public
Augsburg Faculty/Staff
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsburg Alumni

Get your tickets here!

Quake Auditions Monday and Tuesday

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November 18– 6:00-8:30 pm
November 19– 3:00-5:00 pm

A sign-up sheet for 10 minute time slots is on the theater door in the Foss atrium, and scripts and audition material are available for pick up at the theater desk in the Theater/Campus Ministry Office!

Rehearsals: starting November 25
Performances: January 30 – February 2

About Quake (written by Melanie Marnich):
It’s a big love Lucy is looking for. Her cross-country mission takes her through hilarious, but equally traumatic relationships in which time and emotion pass in a warped instant. Her quest becomes intertwined with that of a female serial killer. The two women find themselves on an exploration of the geography of the human heart.

Pokémon Go Community Day Outing

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Join us for Pokémon Go Community Day! Gamers United is hosting a group outing to the Mall of America for November’s Community Day featuring Chimchar.

We will meet up at 10:00 AM in Hagfors Lobby and head to the Mall of America as a group to participate in community day. We will stay at the mall until a little after 2 PM (community day hours are from 11-2) and then head back to Augsburg.

– Please bring Auggie Passes for the train
– Any food, drink, or other must be bought with your own expenses during the event
– Recommended that you bring charging banks, raid passes, lucky eggs, revives, and other

Focused Conversation with Peter Frosch of Greater MSP: Next week

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Peter Frosch, President and CEO of Greater MSP, will discuss future workforce needs and employment trends in our region. Because we have an outside speaker, this Focused Conversation will only be presented live once. A live stream will be available, and the session will be recorded for later viewing.

November 19, 12:30-1:30 p.m. (Hoversten Chapel)
NOTE: Location has changed

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands

Annual Benefits Open Enrollment – Ends Today

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Dear Augsburg Benefits Eligible Faculty and Staff,

The Augsburg Human Resources team and our benefits broker, NFP, have worked diligently over the past several months to finalize benefit plan offerings for 2020.

Important: Benefit Open Enrollment ends TODAY, November 15th at 4:30 pm.

What’s coming in 2020?
• No medical plan changes
• Medical plan premium increase
• Additional medical network option with smaller premium increase
• No premium or plan changes to Delta Dental plan

All Benefits Eligible Faculty and Staff Must Complete the Online Form(s):
• All benefits eligible faculty and staff are required to complete the online enrollment form for 2020 elections even if you elect to waive coverage for 2020.
• Your 2019 elections WILL NOT automatically carry over to 2020.

The Benefit Information Sessions have already occurred, but a recorded session is available here:

Accessing the 2020 Enrollment Form:
• Log into
• Select Administrative Tasks -> Open Enrollment from the AugNet services menu.
• Follow prompts and on-screen instructions

One final Enrollment Help Session will be offered today:
• 11/15 at 3:30 pm (Sverdrup 205)

Please contact with any questions.

Open enrollment will close at 4:30 pm TODAY!
We are unable to accept late submissions.

2020 Benefits Guide

2020 Benefits Guide

Reserve your spot now – Advent Vespers

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Reserve your spot now for Augsburg’s Advent & Christmas Celebration – Advent Vespers on Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7.
> Seating Envelopes (your ticket to get in the door) are free, but required. Donations are appreciated.
> Space is limited and all 4 services. Both services on Saturday will fill up by early next week, I think. So don’t wait!
> Free shuttles are provided to/from Campus

NEW NEW NEW this year… Join us for a Social Hour on Friday night at Brit’s Pub, or Brunch Saturday morning at the Hilton Garden Inn. Buy your tickets for these events today!

Vespers Information

Farewell to Nicole Peterlin

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It is with mixed emotions that we announce Nicole Peterlin is leaving Augsburg next week to pursue a fantastic HR leadership opportunity. Nicole started at Augsburg in 2014 as a temporary HR Assistant shortly after graduating from the University of MN Carlson School of Management and immediately proved to be an invaluable member of the team. During her 5+ years at Augsburg she moved quickly from HR Assistant into both HR Specialist and Generalist positions, and served the Augsburg employee community in nearly every aspect of Human Resources. Some of her many accomplishments include leading our award-winning Wellness program, serving as co-chair of Staff Senate, and taking on leadership roles on the Transportation Task Force in the development of yet another award-winning program to serve Auggies. In May of 2019, Nicole added graduating from Augsburg with her MBA to her list of achievements!

Nicole’s last day will be Friday, November 22. A farewell reception is scheduled for Thursday, November 21 from 1:30-3:00 PM in the Marshall Room. Please plan to join us in wishing her well in her new position as HR Director at Avenica!

Community Organizing Skills: Power Mapping

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Join the Sabo Center for our third community organizing skills workshop this semester: Power Mapping!

Tuesday, November 19
3:40-5 p.m.
OGC 114

People interested in promoting positive social change— through public work, civic action, advocacy and other vehicles—need to be aware of who else cares about their cause, and the political and social power structures in play. Social change agents need tools to access resources and to put their ideas into action. Power mapping gives participants a way to think about different kinds of power, and a set of tools to access the power needed to make things happen.

This workshop will be led by Dennis Donovan, national organizer for Public Achievement.

Power Mapping

Spring break study abroad with a friend in Palestine – get $500 off the program fee

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Study Abroad on spring break 2020: Palestinian Art of Resistance


Choose ONE course:
THR 295 or ART 211: Palestinian Art of Resistance (4 credits)
fulfills Fine Arts requirement
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement

Art of Resistance will immerse you in contemporary Palestinian culture and invite you to learn directly from a wide range of artists in the region. A major component of the course will be ongoing cultural exchange with students from Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem. Throughout the course, you will interrogate what it means to create art under occupation, explore various definitions of the “art of resistance,” and learn tools to make creative work that defies and reimagines the status quo.

Click here to learn more about how to sign up with a friend!

Study broad in the Netherlands in summer 2020

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Love to explore? Have a sense of adventure? Like to walk and take trains? Like to ride bike? See cities by boat? Enjoy gardens? Markets? Architecture? Parks? Ever been interested in how the people of the Netherlands live? Do you have the desire to learn about innovative and creative solutions to environmental challenges? Would you like to have new ideas and tools to make positive changes back here in the U.S.?

Join Allyson Green and Lars Christiansen on a two-week exploration of urban environmental sustainability in Amsterdam and Delft, Netherlands in May 2020! We begin with several course sessions in Minneapolis in early May, and then depart for the Netherlands on May 7. We return two weeks later. There is so much to see and discover! We hope you join us.


Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

This is a 6-credit program:

Students choose one SOC/URB course for 4 credits:
SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

All students also take INS 292 for 2 credits:
INS 292: Topics: Environmental Sustainability through an Intercultural Lens

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

Program Cost: $5,500
*This all-inclusive program fee covers: tuition for 6 credits, international round-trip airfare from Minneapolis, all lodging, all meals, all transportation during the program, and all program activities.

Financial Aid: Check with Student Financial Services in Sverdrup hall to learn about how your financial aid package might help cover the cost of this program.

Get more information and apply online

Jazz Ensemble “Salsa Week” Concert

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The Augsburg Jazz Ensemble will transform into a “Salsa Orchestra” this Friday night, Nov 15, in Sateren Auditorium, 7 p.m. We will be featuring guest artists from Peru and Costa Rica performing and leading the band in standard salsa repertoire such as “Pedro Navaja,” “Un Verano en Nueva York,” “Juventud,” and other great songs by artists such as Hector Lavoe and El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico. This production is part of our ¡ALMA! (Augsburg Music in Latin America) series of concerts featuring Latin American repertoire and guest artists. Admission is free.

Orchestra ¡ALMA! Concert

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On Saturday, Nov 16, 3pm in Hoversten chapel, the Augsburg Orchestra will present a mixed repertoire of works by Latin American and European composers. The program will open with the typical folkloric anthem “Amor de Temporada,” and a tender waltz from El Salvador, “Lagrimas de Amor.” The orchestra will also be sharing the stage with Costa Rican trumpet soloist Roy Barrientos in performance of the Eb Concerto by Jan Neruda. This concert is part of our ¡ALMA! (Augsburg Music in Latin America) series of concerts featuring Latin American repertoire and guest artists. Admission is free.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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