Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
Teaching and Learning
- URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available
- URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers
- URGO Summer Research Info Sessions
- EDTalk TODAY at 3:20 pm
- Experiential Education Pedagogy: CGEE Edition
General Announcements
- Have Extra Paper/Plastic Bags?
- Campus Kitchen: Produce Every Monday
- Student Share Shop Now Open
- Campus Cupboard Food Shelf Hours
- Free Table has moved
- Interested in a weekly fresh produce subscription?
- EAC needs your clothing donations
- “What Would You Do With $14,000?” – ADSG Long-term Project and Christensen Center funds available
- Irreversible Things
- Apply for the Christensen Vocation Internship Program
- LGBTQIA+ Fundraiser for Student Scholarship
- Free dinner in the neighborhood tomorrow, November 14
- Attend A Study Abroad and Away Info Session
- Next week is International Education Week
- Palestinian Art of Resistance spring break study abroad – apply by November 18
Event Announcements
- Sesqui Brown Bag TODAY: Recognition for unrecognized Augsburg women
- Impeachment hearings live at Lindell
- Use your employee tuition benefit to study leadership
- Give to the Max Day is Tomorrow
- Meet the Deans: Office Hours for Adjunct Faculty
- Thursday- Spirituality and Colonialism: Dinner and Dialogue
- Augsburg Theater presents Green: an elegy to summer
- Auditions for Quake
- Morning Chapel: Sophia Abdi Noor
- Wednesday Night Communion
- Annual Benefits Open Enrollment – Now through November 15
- What’s happening in CCV? A brown bag lunch conversation
- Register by November 14 for Fall Vocation Lunch with Katie Clark
- Queer Fitness
- Queering Career Business Visits
- Advent Vespers is free
- Focused Conversation with Peter Frosch of Greater MSP: Next week
- Community Organizing Skills: Power Mapping
- Spring break study abroad with a friend in Palestine – get $500 off the program fee
- Explore Amsterdam this summer and earn 6 credits
Keeping Track of Auggies
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