submitted by
For this upcoming semester/school year, the Echo will have four paid Editor positions open. They, and the requirements and job description, are as follows:
Opinions Editor
Manage and edit a 3-page section in AP Style
Pitch story ideas
Objectively handle a wide variety of opinions
Be willing and able to seek out a wide variety of opinions
Allow appropriate civic discourse within the section
Be willing to write if your section lacks submissions
Features Editor
Manage and edit a 2 page section in AP Style
Pitch story ideas
Be able to incorporate many visuals into the section
Be willing to write an article if your section lacks submissions
Photo Editor
Coordinate photo needs with section editors
Monitor and coordinate photo needs with photographers
Send edited photos to Layout Editor in timely manner
Web Editor
Coordinate online publication
Post and update stories in timely manner
Communicate with section editors
Maintain online publication and social media presence
If you have any interest in any of these editing positions please respond to this email stating the position(s) desired along with a brief resume and cover letter; from there, we will go ahead with the interview process.