
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

September 11, 2017: Hagfors Center’s Urban Arboretum

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Significant landscaping, sidewalk, and road work were finished just in time to welcome the newest class of Auggies! This week’s update includes the following topics:

>>Street closures
>>Roundabout (including photo)
>>Tree planting
>>Pavement and lighting (including photo)
>>Labs (including photo)
>>Flooring and corridors (including photo)

See full Hagfors Center update for the week of September 11, 2017.

Teaching and Learning

AAC and GAAC Deadlines for Faculty

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Faculty, if you would like to propose curricular changes to go into effect for Spring 2018, please submit your proposals as soon as possible. The deadline for AAC or GAAC submissions is fast approaching on **October 2nd.** Submitting by the deadline is required and will ensure that any changes are reflected in Records & Registration before students begin registering for spring classes.

For any questions regarding the curriculum committees, contact Mara at

See the AAC and GAAC websites for more information.

Wise Way to Start the Semester: Find the Writing Lab

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Fall semester has now begun in the Augsburg Writing Lab. Tutors await all students, grad and undergrad, and their written work – essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library and is just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken.
Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.

Any questions? Contact Kathryn Swanson, English.

Ready to Lead an Off-campus Course?

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The Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) welcomes proposals for off-campus courses located in the U.S. or abroad. Off-campus courses provide students with a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and regions of the world and earn credit at the same time! The deadline for program proposals that will be offered in 2019 and beyond is November 1, 2017. To learn more about the application process, contact CGEE at and/or you can also visit our website to get more information:

In addition, CGEE will be offering two informational sessions for faculty who are interested in proposing/leading an off-campus course. The sessions will be held on September 27 & 28 from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. in the Riverside Room. Come with any questions or program ideas!

We look forward to receiving your program proposal!

General Announcements

Metro Transit Deal for New and New Transfer Day Program Students

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Metro Transit is offering a “wow” discount on the College Pass for all new Augsburg day program first-years and transfers.
1. Each new Augsburg 2017 first year and transfer student will receive a $5 Stored Value Cards.
2. Metro Transit will sell College Pass Semester Cards for all new first year and transfer students at $90 for fall semester that expires December 31, 2017
3. New students also have the option to purchase a FULL YEAR card at $150 that would cover fall and spring semesters and expires June 1, 2018The site and pass sale sites are live right now – first-year day and new day transfers can purchase a fall pass for $90 or a full-year pass for $150.

The site is:

Any other Augsburg student may purchase an Augsburg-subsidized College Pass from the Bookstore. Regularly $175, the College Semester Pass sells for $125.

National Diaper Need Awareness Week: Sept. 25 – Oct. 1

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The Health Commons, in partnership with the Diaper Bank of MN, provides free diapers to families experiencing homelessness or poverty. As National Diaper Need Awareness Week is coming upon us, please consider donating new, disposable diapers to the Health Commons from now until October 1st. Any size or brand is welcome. Please drop them off in the Department of Nursing Office located on the first floor of the science building.

Did you know?

Parents CANNOT use food stamps or WIC to buy diapers?
1 in 3 families struggle to buy diapers?
More than 75,000 MN infants and toddlers live in poverty?,,

Commons Cafe Extended Hours

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Because you asked for it, the Commons will be open earlier for breakfast, hot lunch served longer, and dinner served later.
The Commons is open from 7:00 a.m.-8 p.m.
Breakfast: 7:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45 – 11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Light Lunch: 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30 – 8 p.m.
Note that the 8 p.m. closing time is a one-month pilot program for the month of September. If dining from 7 – 8 p.m. proves to be a popular option, we will be able to stay open until 8 p.m. on a permanent basis.

Its National Suicide Prevention Week

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If you think someone is thinking about suicide, assume you are
the only one who will reach out. Here’s how to talk to someone
who may be struggling with their mental health.

At Augsburg after hours phone counseling is available by calling the CWC office at 612-330-1707 and pressing 1 to be connected to a counselor. On campus counseling is available to students Monday through Friday during business hours with up to 10 free sessions in the Center for Wellness and Counseling office located on the first floor of the Anderson Residence Hall. Contact CWC at 612-330-1707 if you want to schedule an appointment.

Study in UK on Winter Break – Apply by Sept. 30

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Take your winter break to a new level – study abroad!

The winter break program, From Harry Potter to #Brexit: Youth Culture and Social Change in the UK, will examine the connections among popular culture, politics, and youth activism in 20th and 21st century Britain. Travel to the UK from December 28 to January 7!

The course, WST 220, is 4-credits and can fulfill a Humanities credit, or a requirement for WST majors/minors or for Youth Studies minors. This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

APPLICATIONS are DUE SEPTEMBER 30. Visit the Study Abroad/Away office in the Christensen Center to learn more, or speak with an adviser. You can also visit our website for full program information, pricing, and to start an application.

Get full program details and application information here!

Event Announcements

Yoga Express 10:45 – 11:30 a.m.

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STARTING THIS WEEK 9/12 thru 12/14
Exercise and meditation practices are proven to be beneficial to students and athletes by promoting healthy sleep patterns, more restful sleep and greater memory retention.
All levels welcome – Open to current students, alumni, faculty & friends!
Vinyasa yoga and guided breathing meditations beginning at 1045 and finishing by noon every Wednesday this semester in Si Melby 130(Raquetball court) – mats & blocks provided.
Questions? Email

Augsburg Associates Fall Luncheon

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The Augsburg Associates invite you to their Fall Luncheon at the Town & Country Club in St. Paul. The program “Do Not Let My Words Fall to the Ground: Reflections of a Hymn Writer” will be presented by Susan Palo Cherwien, freelance writer and musician. An update from the University will be brought by Heather Riddle, VP Institutional Advancement. RSVP by September 15 online at The Town & Country Club is located at 300 Mississippi River Blvd. N. and the cost of the event is $30. Registration begins at 11a.m. and the event starts at 11:30. I hope to see you there!

Theater Workshops Informational Meeting

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Two theater/puppetry workshops led by guest artists are being offered at Augsburg in the fall! There will be a general informational meeting for all students interested in learning more about these projects happening today, Wednesday, September 13th, at 3:40pm in the Foss Studio. Again, students with any amount of interest in collaborating on these projects are encouraged to attend! Any questions about the meeting should be directed to the theater department’s Administrative Assistant, Del Logeais, at

Additional information about the workshops:

Led by Janaki Ranpura

Showing September 27
Foss Studio Theater

See something. Say something. Are these phrases an encouragement to mistrust? Perhaps we could take them as instructions for play. A group of students will create care packages to leave in public. The results of what happens will be transformed into performance for the showing of “Take Care.”

Led by Masanari Kawahara

Showings October 17
Foss Studio Theater

Giving life to inanimate objects made from cardboard, masking tape, newspapers and papier-mâché, we will create small and intimately-scaled puppet theater. Different forms introduced may include object theater, hand puppets, figure puppets, and doll/bunraku puppets and masks. We will explore creating an intimate theater from scratch inspired by poems, obituaries, or a love letter.

2017-2018 Production Season

Study Abroad and Study Away Fair – September 13

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Come to the Study Abroad & Study Away Fair to learn about all the opportunities to study off-campus in the USA and Around the World. Programs go over winter and spring breaks, summer, and fall and spring semesters!

Grab some popcorn, talk to advisers, program representatives, and fellow Auggies who have recently returned. Enter our prize drawing for a chance to win a gift card to Amazon, Target, Bite Squad, and more!

Learn more about the Study Abroad/Away Fair

Win $5000 to Study Abroad – Gilman Scholarship Information and Workshop

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Are you thinking about study abroad in Spring or Summer 2018? Are you a US Citizen and a Pell Grant eligible student?

If you answered yes to all three, YOU ARE ELIGIBLE for the Gillman Scholarship for Study Abroad! Gilman Scholarship recipients can win up to $5000 or $8000 for a semester abroad program. Generous scholarships are also available for Summer programs.

Learn more about the scholarship and how to submit a strong application at one of the upcoming Gilman Workshops:

MONDAY September 18, 3:00-3:30 pm in Oyate Commons, Christensen Center lower level

TUESDAY September 19, 11:30-12:00 in Oyate Commons, Christensen Center lower level

Gilman Scholarship Applications are DUE ON OCTOBER 3. Get started today and we’ll see you at the workshop. Stop by our office in Oyate Commons if you have any questions before then.

Learn more about the Gilman Scholarship here

Calling All Student Organizations and Departments

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Save the Date for Homecoming’s Taste of Augsburg event on Saturday, October 14 from 11-1:30 pm.
Taste of Augsburg is our own version of the State Fair where booths sell food and play games in effort to raise some money while having fun and taking part in Homecoming traditions! To apply for a booth, follow the link to the google form and complete by booth registration deadline of September 29, 2017.
Back by popular demand–seed money for Student Organizations. Contact the Alumni office to learn more or apply . Note, this application is in addition to the booth registration form.
Questions? Contact Katie Code at

Vendor Registration Form

“Festive Occassion” Welcome Back Dinner with Ebenezer Tower

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Whether you’ve been to a Friday Ebenezer Tower dinner with Campus Kitchen once or every week for the last four years, you are invited to join us for “A Festive Occasion” celebration dinner provided by our friends at Ebenezer. Residents Fred & Bettie are cooking up a potluck dinner and some kind of exciting celebration for all of us “young scholars.”

Friday, Sept. 22, 6-7pm
All are welcome!

Please RSVP on facebook:
or on VolunteerHub:

From the organizers: “We never know what will come through the door in the Friday evenings, but there’s always a rush of appreciative expectations. The smiles and greetings are so refreshing and they don’t just show up on young faces. The evening of Friday, September 22nd, will be a chance to celebrate our gratitude to these young scholars who volunteer their time to bring us buffet dinners throughout the school year.”

Keeping Track of Auggies

Former Auggie Appointed by Governor Mark Dayton to Young Women’s Cabinet

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The Young Women’s Cabinet, comprised of up to 25 young women and youth leaders (ages 16-24) from the eight identified communities, will be charged with ensuring that the work of the Working Groups and the Council stays grounded in the lived experiences of the young women and youth from each community and the community-specific challenges and solutions they identified. The YWCA St. Paul will facilitate the Young Women’s Cabinet and will provide leadership development to the young women and youth who sit on the Cabinet and Community-Specific Working Groups.

On September 9th, 2017, Governor Mark Dayton appointed former Auggie, Eron Godi, Class of 2017, and 24 other young Minnesota women to the Young Women’s Cabinet, as part of the Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota.


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