
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

URGO Research and Travel Grants Available

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The Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) offers $1,000 Academic-Year Research Grants to fund 100 hours of student research. Students who are interested in conducting research during the year are encouraged to seek out ongoing faculty research projects that they may join.

URGO also offers Conference Travel Grants of up to $850 for students who have been accepted to present their research at a professional conference.

Both applications can be found on the URGO website. The funds may be used at any time during the academic year, however the grants are given out on a rolling basis, so we recommend interested students apply in the fall.

If you have any questions about these grants, please contact Kirsten O’Brien ( or x1446), Research and Graduate Opportunities Specialist.

Apply for Mayo Innovation Scholars Program

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Applications for Augsburg’s Mayo Innovations Scholar Program are now available on the URGO website! This program is highly competitive and is primarily designed for juniors and seniors.

What is MISP?
In the process of conducting research, Mayo Clinic scientists have developed new products that may be marketable. These products are submitted to the Mayo Clinic Office of Intellectual Property (OIP) for a thorough investigation of marketability. The OIP has a significant backlog of products to be investigated. One of the backlogged products or inventions is assigned to each MISP team for investigative research and formal presentation at Mayo Clinic.

Augsburg’s team will consist of an MBA student, 3 undergraduate science students, 1 undergraduate business/economics student, and a Licensing Manager from the Mayo Clinic OIP. The team will work together to understand the science and applications of the projects or innovations and analyze the market potential. Each undergraduate student on the team will receive $1,000. Teams will begin work during October and the final presentations will be in March.

To Apply:
Applications can be found on the URGO website. Completed applications must be submitted to by Thursday, September 21st. If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at, 612-330-1441, or stop in at Science 152.

General Announcements

Career Services Drop In Hours

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Do you have a quick question about your resume? Registering an internship? Deciding on a major? Finding or applying for any opportunity? Stop in for a 15 minute drop-in appointment (no need to schedule) at Strommen Career & Internship Services (located in Christensen across from Einstein’s).
Mondays and Tuesdays: 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Wednesdays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Strommen Career & Internship Services Website

Strommen Center for Meaningful Work

Metro Transit Deal for New and New Transfer Day Program Students

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Metro Transit is offering a massive discount on the College Pass for all new Augsburg day program first-years and transfers.
1. Each new Augsburg 2017 first year and transfer student will receive a $5 Stored Value Cards.
2. Metro Transit will sell College Pass Semester Cards for all new first year and transfer students at $90 for fall semester that expires December 31, 2017
3. New students also have the option to purchase a FULL YEAR card at $150 that would cover fall and spring semesters and expires June 1, 2018The site and pass sale sites are live right now – first-year day and new day transfers can purchase a fall pass for $90 or a full-year pass for $150.

The site is:

Any other Augsburg student may purchase an Augsburg-subsidized College Pass from the Bookstore. Regularly $175, the College Semester Pass sells for $125.

Commons Cafe Extended Hours

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Because you asked for it, the Commons will be open earlier for breakfast, hot lunch served longer, and dinner served later.
The Commons is open from 7:00 a.m.-8 p.m.
Breakfast: 7:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45 – 11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Light Lunch: 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30 – 8 p.m.
Note that the 8 p.m. closing time is a one-month pilot program for the month of September. If dining from 7 – 8 p.m. proves to be a popular option, we will be able to stay open until 8 p.m. on a permanent basis.

Event Announcements

Taste of Augsburg – Vendor Sign Up

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Calling all student organizations and departments!

Save the Date for Homecoming’s Taste of Augsburg event on Saturday, October 14 from 11-1:30 pm.
Taste of Augsburg is our own version of the State Fair where booths sell food and play games in effort to raise some money while having fun and taking part in Homecoming traditions! To apply for a booth, follow the link in this post to the google form and complete by booth registration deadline of September 29, 2017.
Back by popular demand–seed money for Student Organizations. Contact the Alumni office to learn more or apply . Note, this application is in addition to the booth registration form.
Questions? Contact Katie Code at

Vendor Registration Form

Auditions for Augsburg Theater Department’s Fall Stage Production

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Augsburg Theater Auditions, Monday, September 18, 3:30 – 10:00pm
All Augsburg students are welcome to audition!
The Augsburg Theater Department will be holding auditions for the fall stage production, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui written by Bertolt Brecht. Auditions will take place in Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center, on Monday, September 18, from 3:30 – 10:00 p.m. More Information and an audition sign-up sheet are posted on Tjornhom-Nelson Theater door in the Atrium of the Foss Center.

Readings for auditions are located at the Theater department desk located in Foss Center 104, Campus Ministry.

Call-backs will be held Tuesday, September 19 from 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
If you are interested, but unable to make these dates, please contact Karen Mulhausen at

#decolonizeLutheranism Community Panel with Bishop Eaton on Sept. 21

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Join us on Thursday, September 21 as we welcome ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for the 2017 Christensen Symposium!

Morning Event: Christensen Symposium Address by Bishop Eaton
Interfaith Friendships: How Difference Can Bring Us Together
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel, 625 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55454
To mark the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, Augsburg is hosting a series of events this fall. As the first event in this series, Bishop Eaton’s address, “Interfaith Friendships: How Difference Can Bring Us Together,” will explore Lutheran identity and the ongoing Reformation in the 21st century.

Afternoon Event: #DecolonizeLutheranism Community Panel with Bishop Eaton
2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel, 625 22nd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55454
The #DecolonizeLutheranism grassroots movement challenges long-held patterns of white power and privilege in the ELCA and exclusivity associated with stereotypes regarding what it means to be Lutheran.

The topic for Bishop Eaton’s address and the focus of the panel conversation speak to the rich and increasing diversity of the Augsburg community; the priorities reflected in Augsburg’s mission, vision, and values; the urban and global contexts that shape Augsburg’s vocation; and Augsburg’s deep grounding in, and vibrant relationship with, the Lutheran Church. Join us for this day of challenging conversations as together we envision what it means to be neighbor in a richly diverse world.

Questions? Email or visit

We hope to see you there!

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton to speak at 2017 Christensen Symposium

Register Now – Career and Internship Fair

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Plan to attend the 2017 Fall Career & Internship Fair!
Meet with 35 employers looking to hire Augsburg students for internships and entry-level positions! Register for free through Handshake. (

Attend one of the prep sessions offered by Strommen Center staff or by representatives from US Bank. Times and locations are listed in Handshake under Events.

Fall 2017 Fall Career & Internship

Fall 2017 Fall Career & Internship

U.S. Bank – Tabling on Campus

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Representatives from U.S. Bank will be on campus tabling from 10:00 am-11:30 on Monday, September 18th in the lobby of the Christensen Center. Please stop by to learn about their summer 2018 internships and entry level positions.

They will also be attending our on campus Career & Internship Fair on 9/28/17. Please register for the fair and a prep session through Handshake.

Give to the Max Day 2017

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Augsburg University is again participating in GiveMN’s annual Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 16th. Last year, 30+ projects raised $208,000 in funding thanks to donations made through the Give to the Max website.

If your academic department, athletic team, or student organization has a cause that needs funding, Give to the Max is an excellent way to raise support. Over the last four years Augsburg has raised $1.2 million and lead the donation leaderboard for Colleges and Universities.

To learn more, join us for an information session on Monday, September 25 at 8:30 a.m. for coffee or 12 p.m. for lunch in OGC 100.

For more information and to RSVP for the session, please contact Chris Bogen ’09,

Gospel Choir – Singers Needed

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Next Tuesday (Sept. 19) Campus Ministry is putting together a Gospel Choir to sing “Marvelous Things” in Chapel at 11:30am. Rehearsals are Monday at 12:30pm and Tuesday morning at 10:45am (chapel time is 11:30-11:50 on Tuesday.) We hope that you can join us! Thank you – spread the word and bring your friends. Please contact Sonja Thompson at to sign up.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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