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Applications for Augsburg’s Mayo Innovations Scholar Program are now available on the URGO website! This program is highly competitive and is primarily designed for juniors and seniors.
What is MISP?
In the process of conducting research, Mayo Clinic scientists have developed new products that may be marketable. These products are submitted to the Mayo Clinic Office of Intellectual Property (OIP) for a thorough investigation of marketability. The OIP has a significant backlog of products to be investigated. One of the backlogged products or inventions is assigned to each MISP team for investigative research and formal presentation at Mayo Clinic.
Augsburg’s team will consist of an MBA student, 3 undergraduate science students, 1 undergraduate business/economics student, and a Licensing Manager from the Mayo Clinic OIP. The team will work together to understand the science and applications of the projects or innovations and analyze the market potential. Each undergraduate student on the team will receive $1,000. Teams will begin work during October and the final presentations will be in March.
To Apply:
Applications can be found on the URGO website. Completed applications must be submitted to by Thursday, September 21st. If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at, 612-330-1441, or stop in at Science 152.
Posted onSeptember 14, 2017
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