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What do Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc., Polyphemus, and Stuart the Minion have in common? Come to a lunchtime talk by Assoc. Prof. of Biology Matt Beckman for the answer. Also, you will learn about his sabbatical work in zebrafish that has enhanced the work he and students in the lab are performing to understand the molecular genetics of cyclopia. Over the past eight years Matt has built a program of research with undergraduates that focuses on Daphnia, a one-eyed (cyclopean) waterflea. In particular, the lab uses molecular biology, imaging, pharmacology and behavioral studies to explore the development and function of the eye and the motor system in Daphnia.
“Speaking of Sabbaticals”:The Hunt for Spinal Cord Dopamine Receptor Gene Expression in Zebrafish by Matthew Beckman
Monday, October 9
Riverside Room, Christensen Center
All faculty and staff are invited! Please see the RSVP form below.
An RSVP for this event is required. Please click here to go to the Speaking of Sabbaticals RSVP.