The Trip of a Lifetime: Thailand and Laos 2018

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Social work majors,

ONLY 4 seats left for this class! Study abroad in one of the most interesting, vibrant cultures in the world, Southeast Asia – Thailand and Laos! Combine your study of a millennium-old culture with the fast pace life of a growing economy. Study human services and social welfare from an Eastern perspective. All while taking in the intoxicating sights and sound of Thailand and Laos. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Dr. Bibiana Koh, is leading a course to Thailand and Laos in the summer of 2018. Attached is an informational brochure. If you have any questions direct them to the contact in the brochure.

DEADLINE IS January 15, 2018

SW2 280 Thailand and Laos brochure