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Have you ever thought about teaching English abroad after graduation? This is an excellent opportunity, particularly for graduating seniors with Spanish skills!
The Puente Cultural Services and Teaching Abroad Grant in Ecuador is accepting applications from graduating seniors until January 31, 2018.
Info Session: This Thursday Jan 18
3:30 pm in Marshall Room Christiansen Center
Criteria to win the grant:
-Financial need, Spanish proficiency and interest in cross cultural experience.
-The grant covers round trip airfare, the TEFL training, insurance and partial living expenses, but you are expected to help pay some of your living expenses.
-1 year commitment – July thru June
-Start with TEFL training at the CEDEI foundation – after that you are hired for 20 hours a week at the foundation and 20 hours volunteering at the foundation
-Host family set up by CEDEI includes meals, but they are exploring finding apts. If you could find a roommate (one of the other TEFL trainees maybe) it would be affordable.
Join us at the information session THIS THURSDAY to learn more! You can also read a fellow Auggie’s blog on her experience with the program, Anabel Chavez, at: