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Attention Augsburg sophomores and juniors!
If you are student with a strong interest in peace and justice issues please consider applying for the 2018 Peace Scholar Program. Two students will be selected to join a group of a 16 students taking courses in Oslo, Norway at the International Summer School and the Nansen Dialogue Center in June & July 2018. Program and tuition costs are covered by the program (students cover the cost of their airfare). The Peace Scholars take a leading role in promoting student participation in the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, hosted each year by Augsburg University, and spend a few hours each month working in the Peace Prize Forum office.
• 2 courses at the University of Oslo Summer School (a highly international program with students from over 100 countries)
• 1‑week residency at the Nansen Dialogue Center in Lillehammer
• Visits and meetings with Norwegian politicians, peacemakers, and activists
• Once in a lifetime opportunity!
See full information, including application materials, can be found here: Application
Any questions or inquiries can be directed to Bettine Hermanson: or Joe Underhill: or at 330‑1318.