
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Summer Parking Permit sales 2018

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Summer parking permits will go on sale Tuesday, April 24th at 9:00am. You will need to register your vehicle in order to purchase a permit on parking services, if you have not already registered it. If you have, please check to make sure all of your vehicle information is correct.

If you have a valid 2017-2018 Augsburg parking permit from either the Fall, Spring, or the Year, this will be valid to park in surface lots A, B, D, K, and L for the duration of the Summer term without having to purchase an additional Summer term parking permit.

For more information please visit the Department of Public Safety website and click on the Summer Parking page.

Thank you!

Teaching and Learning

Free Food, Lots of Coffee, Great Conversations, and Time to Focus on Writing

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Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat
Wednesday, May 16 – Friday, May 18, 2018
Dunrovin Christian Brothers Retreat Center

Located on 50 scenic acres of national park in Marine on Saint Croix, Dunrovin’s beautiful wooded grounds are a peaceful, yet professional, setting for group meetings, private getaways, youth or adult groups, and day or overnight retreats.

Do you wish you had uninterrupted time to write / work on scholarship? If so, you will want to take advantage of the annual Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat. Jess established a tradition of allowing faculty and academic staff time away from campus to focus entirely on scholarship. There is no schedule for this retreat – it is simply time and space to work on scholarship. The Provost and the Center for Teaching and Learning will cover the cost of the retreat. We ask that you commit to being present on all three days of the event. Our time begins at 1:00 pm on Wednesday and ends at 1:00 pm on Friday. Space is limited to full-time faculty members.

Questions? Please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning
Or visit our website:


Faculty: Improve Course Evaluation Response Rates

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The working group on the University Course Survey revision continues its efforts this spring. We recommend that all faculty to take 15 minutes of class time (as was done with paper and pencil forms) and allow the students to complete the current form on their laptops, phones, or computer lab. Faculty should be absent from the room during this time. It is helpful to tell the students prior to the class session so that they bring their devices and taking the 15 minutes at the beginning of a class session. All evidence indicates that this process will bring the response rates that are of faculty concern to response levels that are reliable and useful.

Also, the new form is being piloted this spring with approximately 30 faculty and thus several hundred students across disciplines and types of courses. The proposed form is designed to assess student perceptions of the quality of their learning experiences in courses and does not directly measure teaching effectiveness or student learning. Those important aspects are better measured in other ways.

Data from the pilot will be presented to the faculty in September. If any additional faculty would like to pilot the new form in summer school courses, please contact group co-leader, Scott Krajewski by June 8.

Questions or comments are welcome to any member: Kristen Chamberlain, Diane Pike, Terrance Kwame-Ross, Ben Denkinger, and Kelsey Richardson Blackwell. Additional information is on the working group’s web page.

Six Days Remain: Spring Semester in the Writing Lab

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Deadlines are looming for papers, revisions, projects, applications, personal statements. Find help for whatever you are working to finish this semester; visit the Writing Lab. There are only six days left for you to visit the WL this semester. May and summer hours will be posted soon!
Hours for the last week:
Thursday – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Friday – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sunday – 5–8 p.m.
Monday – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesday – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesday –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.

Considering Grad School? Register Now for On-Campus GRE Prep Course

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Applying to graduate school this fall or fall 2019? Most masters and doctoral programs, as well as some health professional schools, require the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) for admission. GRE Prep is offered this summer on campus through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity. You’ll learn the most effective ways tackle the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing sections on the GRE.

The course meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-8 PM for four and a half weeks (May 14th – June 18th). The cost is only $125, which includes the official GRE test-prep book and a 6-month subscription to the online study tool, Magoosh; this is a fraction of the cost when compared to similar classroom GRE prep courses offered by Kaplan or the Princeton Review who charge over $1,000.

New this year, students can also earn a full-refund scholarship! Those who attend 9 of the 10 classes (including the final practice test), will receive a full refund for the course!

Students, Alum who graduated from Augsburg, and staff are also welcome to register.

Register now at the URGO website:

Questions? Contact the URGO Office at or x1446.

Five students receive Fulbright awards, one named alternate

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7 Augsburg seniors were named Fulbright Semi-Finalists this year! 5 were granted an award and 1 named an Alternate.

Kaylee Gueltzow (English Secondary Education & German): Kaylee will be an ETA in Germany where she also plans to organize a book club to spark conversation about the U.S.

Lyle Nyberg (Biology, Chemistry, & Mathematics): Lyle was named an Alternate to Zambia. Lyle applied to do research on malaria transmission at the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research.

Maddy Oswood (Spanish & Mathematics): Maddy will be an ETA in Spain where she also hopes to start an after-school art club where students can learn about both American and Spanish art.

Jubilee Prosser (Biology): Jubilee will be conducting public health research investigating the barriers to a sense of ownership of at-home water purification technologies in Kenya. She also plans to volunteer at the Maua Methodist Hospital in hygiene and water education for kids.

Blair Stewig (Biology): Blair will be conducting research on colorectal cancer at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Poland and will also shadow physicians and volunteer at the Maria Skłodowska Curie Memorial Cancer Centre.

Abby Tetzlaff (English): Abby will be an ETA in Germany. She currently teaches an English Language Learning class with MN Literacy Council’s Open Door, and in Germany she hopes to initiate an English-language conversation table open to older students and adults.

Jossel Franco (History): Jossel was named a Semi-Finalist for an ETA to Bulgaria. Though she will not be doing a Fulbright, Jossel received the Puente Cultural Services and Teaching Abroad Grant to teach English in Ecuador. She will be doing TEFL training, working at the CEDEI language institute, and volunteering as an English tutor.

If you are interested in Fulbright, contact

Writing Personal Statements for the Health Sciences

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Wednesday, May 2
11 am
103 Hagfors Center

URGO is hosting a personal statement workshop for pre-health applicants with Naty Lopez, Ph.D., Assistant Dean for Admissions and Diversity at the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. Dr. Lopez is a nurse and counselor by training. She completed her doctoral studies in health professions education at the University of Pennsylvania. Please contact Catherina Kipper at to RSVP.

General Announcements

Funding to Attend IoT Fuse Conference on May 3rd

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What is IoT? IoT, or Internet of Things, is a network of physical devices embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity that enables these devices to connect and exchange data. These physical devices can be everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, Bluetooth headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.

Based in Minneapolis, IoT Fuse is a a robust community of IoT practitioners, developers and makers who strive to build a deeper understanding of where the Internet of Things is today, where it is headed in the future, and how IoT associated technologies and use cases can be used to improve the physical world in which we live.

The IoT Fuse: Conference is an event that features a variety of exhibits, speakers and interesting sessions, with the aim of “fusing together” both engineers, developers and the technical crowd, with the marketing, business, finance and art crowd. This one of a kind event draws people from all over the country.

The 2018 IoTFuse: Conference will be held on Thursday, May 3rd, 2018 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

For more information, go to:

A registration fee is required. Before April 20th the fee is $50, after this date the price will increase to $70. Students may apply to STEM Programs using this form in order to receive funding to attend.

Go to form:

STEM Programs can only cover a certain amount of registration fees, so funding is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be accepted until April 19, or until funding is all allocated. Feel free to send any questions to

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for April – Final Auggie Pride Month for the School Year

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Congratulations to Dr. Lamont Slater

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Congratulations to Dr. Lamont Slater on completing his Ph.D. in History!

On April 6th, Lamont successfully defended his dissertation, “Reframing the Herero/Nama Genocide: An Examination of the Genocide Through the Theories of Foucault and Athens” at Salve Regina University in Rhode Island.

Dr. Lamont Slater is an instructor and program coordinator at Augsburg CGEE’s Study Center in Namibia and teaches the course “The Politics of Development in Southern Africa.” He joined Augsburg CGEE in 2016.

Congratulations again to Dr. Lamont Slater!

Leadership in Higher Education Offered Second Summer Session

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“Leadership in Higher Education” is a graduate course offered in the Master of Arts in Leadership program second summer session on Tuesday evenings. It is open to any graduate student. Augsburg faculty, staff, and students are also invited to enroll as part of a graduate degree or for their own professional development.

If you are interested in taking this course and would like the course description and/or other information please contact Alan Tuchtenhagen ( or Jolee Lilja ( in the Dept of Leadership Studies.

Donate gently used athletic shoes and equipment

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The HPE department is collecting donations of gently used shoes and athletic clothing/ equipment (balls, gloves, bats, yard games, etc) for the Cedar Riverside Community School and the Sports Check it out program. A donation box is set at the 3rd floor of Kennedy Center by the office suites. You can also reach out to Dr. Ana Ribeiro ( with any questions.

CLA+ Assessment

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We are in need of students to take the CLA+ Assessment – your participation would be greatly appreciated. Faculty, if you have any time for students to take this assessment, please send them the link below. Students – if you have any time to take an assessment, follow the link below!

The Assessment will be open Tomorrow (Thursday, April 19th) from 6PM – 9PM

CLA+ Assessment

Share your Study Abroad/Away Story

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How was your experience on a Study Abroad or Away Program? Would you like to share your experience and maybe a few photos with your fellow Auggies? Auggies go on programs all over the world on short and long programs–share your story!

Share your story, give advice, or simply give us some feedback on how your program went.

Share your study abroad story here

Event Announcements

Come to the 2018 Augsburg Student Film Festival

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This free event will showcase original student filmmaking by artists from Augsburg and surrounding colleges. The event will be held in Augsburg’s Sateren Auditorium on April 21, and will feature a screening of selected films (roughly 1 hour), followed by a Q&A and an award ceremony. Doors open at 6:30pm and the screening will begin at 7:00pm. Free popcorn and snacks will also be provided.
Use the Facebook event page link for more info and to RSVP!

Facebook event page

Garbage Gala Today

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Augsburg TriBeta and EAC have teamed up to present the first-ever “Garbage Gala”! The event will take place at 6:00pm on April 19th (TONIGHT) in the East Commons in Christensen Center. The Garbage Gala will include a Vegetarian buffet (FREE) and will feature a few panelists from Hennepin County, a Zero-waste consulting company, and Allyson Green. We will have a demonstration to show which items are compostable, which are recyclable, and what should be “trashed” as well as prizes!

Latinx Recognition Banquet

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Hey Everyone!
We would like to invite everyone and their families to our end of the year Celebration. We want to recognize our amazing Latinx students here at Augsburg University.

We will be recognizing the following areas of students;
Graduating Seniors
New ALAS Board
Old ALAS Board
Outstanding ALAS/Latinx students
and many more…

Our amazing DJ Miguel will be closing us out with an hour of dance!!

Mark your calendars and RSVP! The Latinx Recognition Banquet is near so if you are interested to attend please make sure you RSVP!

Saturday, April 21st, 2018
10:30am – 2pm
Hagfors 150

Celebrating Professors Dalglish, Swanson, and Waterman

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Next week we’re celebrating three English colleagues who have retired or are retiring: Kathryn Swanson, Cass Dalglish (continuing as a mentor in the MFA), and Cary Waterman.

If you are an Augsburg colleague, past or present, or a current or former student of any of these three great profs, please join us for our Retirement Celebration for Kathy, Cass, and Cary, 2-4 pm, Tuesday, 24 April, in the Marshall Room of the Christensen Center at Augsburg.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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