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7 Augsburg seniors were named Fulbright Semi-Finalists this year! 5 were granted an award and 1 named an Alternate.
Kaylee Gueltzow (English Secondary Education & German): Kaylee will be an ETA in Germany where she also plans to organize a book club to spark conversation about the U.S.
Lyle Nyberg (Biology, Chemistry, & Mathematics): Lyle was named an Alternate to Zambia. Lyle applied to do research on malaria transmission at the Southern and Central Africa International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research.
Maddy Oswood (Spanish & Mathematics): Maddy will be an ETA in Spain where she also hopes to start an after-school art club where students can learn about both American and Spanish art.
Jubilee Prosser (Biology): Jubilee will be conducting public health research investigating the barriers to a sense of ownership of at-home water purification technologies in Kenya. She also plans to volunteer at the Maua Methodist Hospital in hygiene and water education for kids.
Blair Stewig (Biology): Blair will be conducting research on colorectal cancer at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Poland and will also shadow physicians and volunteer at the Maria Skłodowska Curie Memorial Cancer Centre.
Abby Tetzlaff (English): Abby will be an ETA in Germany. She currently teaches an English Language Learning class with MN Literacy Council’s Open Door, and in Germany she hopes to initiate an English-language conversation table open to older students and adults.
Jossel Franco (History): Jossel was named a Semi-Finalist for an ETA to Bulgaria. Though she will not be doing a Fulbright, Jossel received the Puente Cultural Services and Teaching Abroad Grant to teach English in Ecuador. She will be doing TEFL training, working at the CEDEI language institute, and volunteering as an English tutor.
If you are interested in Fulbright, contact