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You are invited to celebrate nine Distinguished Alumni at the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Awards. Augsburg and the Alumni office have been awarding these honors for 60 years and this year we are excited to celebrate the following Auggies.
First Decade Award
Joshua Harris ‘08
Dr. Brian Krohn ‘08
Killa Marti, Esq. ‘08
Chris Stedman ‘08
Spirit of Augsburg
Joe Hognander
John R. Holum
Grace Kemmer Sulerud ‘58
Distinguished Alumni Award
David J. Melby ‘68
Brynn A. Watson ‘89
The entire community is welcome to celebrate with us at the award ceremony on Friday, October 12 at 5:30pm in Hoversten Chapel and the dinner following (you must RSVP for this dinner) in the Hagfors Center for Science Business and Religion.
For more information you can contact the Alumni office at or by going to