
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Lot G closed Wednesday, Oct 31

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Beginning Wednesday, October 31st at 6:00am, lot G will be barricaded for an event that is being hosted at Augsburg. The event’s permitted guests will use lot G from 6:00am until 6:00pm. At 6:00pm, the barricades will be taken down and the lot will be available again to the authorized permit holders. If you typically park in this lot, the institution would like to encourage you to use lots D or L during the time listed.

Thank you!

Teaching and Learning

General Announcements

Practice Your Interview Skills – Sign Up Today

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Students are invited to participate in a one-on-one Mock Interview on campus!
Thursday, November 8th
Schedule a 20 minute slot between 5:30-8:00 p.m.

Applying to on-campus jobs? Internships? Full-time positions?

Improve your interviewing skills in a pressure-free environment by attending a practice interview night co-hosted by Strommen Career & Internship Services, Alumni-Parent Relations and the Young Alumni Council. Hear insights from recent Auggie grads on how to answer some of the most commonly asked interview questions, as well as other tips and tricks to help you stand out and land your next role!

Register early as space is limited

Very Last Chance: Forum Survey

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Last month, Augsburg University hosted the 30th Nobel Peace Prize Forum Minneapolis (NPPF). This was the final Forum bearing the Nobel name, and building on our 30 years of experience, there is strong interest in continuing to convene an annual international forum at Augsburg to showcase our commitments to global perspectives, living faith, active citizenship, and meaningful work.

As we look toward the future, we want your ideas for what a redesigned Forum might look and feel like here at Augsburg. How will a “signature event” that expresses our institutional commitments be designed to align with students interests and curriculum across a range of departments?

Please share your voice and ideas with us. Click on the survey link below that best describes your role at Augsburg:

Faculty –
Students –
Staff –

Last chance to submit is today, Friday October 26th.

Eight lucky participants (4 students/4 faculty and staff) will receive a $25.00 Visa gift card at the end of the survey process!

Share your Study Abroad/Away Story

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How was your experience on a Study Abroad or Away Program? Would you like to share your experience and maybe a few photos with your fellow Auggies? Auggies go on programs all over the world on short and long programs–share your story, give advice, or simply give us some feedback on how your program went.

Share your study abroad story here!

Attend Seminary & Divinity School Day on November 15

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Are you curious about possibilities of future graduate level theological study? Are you considering pastoral ministry? Are you interested in the intersection of nonprofit or sustainability work and faith? Whether you are curious to test the waters of seminary or divinity school, or you know for certain it’s something you want to do, this day is for you! Seminary & Divinity School Day is a great opportunity to explore the variety of options.

Join us for Seminary and Divinity School Day on Thursday, November 15. A group of Auggies will travel to St. Olaf College on November 15th. There we will gather with students from other area colleges to meet with representatives from at least 7 Seminary and Divinity Schools around the country for this special day of vocational reflection and conversation!

This event is free and includes lunch. Transportation to St. Olaf College will be provided to those who pre-register through the Christensen Center for Vocation. We will leave Augsburg at 8:30 am and return around 2:30 pm.

For more information, visit our website at

REGISTER SOON THROUGH THE LINK BELOW! Note that the last day to register is Wednesday, November 7.

Note that the last day to register is Wednesday, November 7.

Questions? Email

Welcome Spencer Leary to the Gage Center

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On October 24, Spencer Leary joined our team as the CLASS/Gage Center Administrative Assistant. Spencer earned his B.A. in English from the University of Minnesota. He has experience in freelance editing and administrative support/reception for several organizations. Please join us in welcoming Spencer to the Augsburg community.

Tues., Nov. 6 elections

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Minnesota holds its midterm elections on Tues., Nov. 6. Information about how to register, where to vote, sample ballot – and more, is available from the Minnesota Secretary of State website,

Early voting began on Sept. 21 and continues through Nov. 5

Students living on campus can vote in the precinct for Augsburg and register online or on Election Day. Augsburg will provide the City of Minneapolis Board of Election with a list of resident students.

Augsburg will be the voting place for its local precinct – Marshall room, Christensen Center.

Event Announcements

Demystifying Social Security Information Session

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Back by popular demand, Rhonda Whiteneck, of the Social Security Administration, will present a comprehensive look at Social Security benefits and the role they play in retirement. The presentation will include a look at how your age at retirement affects your benefits, who else is eligible to receive a benefit, and how you enroll. In addition, Rhonda will discuss Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, touching on penalties, creditable drug coverage and how Medicare affects HSA participants.

Not sure if you should attend? Are you planning to retire – soon or sometime in the future? Do you have parents, friends, etc. who will be retiring and could use a few pointers? Are you unsure how your and your spouse’s Medicare benefits coordinate? Do you have an HSA and wonder what will happen to it when you reach Medicare eligibility age? If you answered yes to any of these, this seminar is for you!​

When: October 30 from 9:30 – 10:30 am
Where: OGC 100

Questions? Contact

Take your Keystone or Religion II in Guatemala on Spring Break

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Travel to Guatemala. Earn Credit!

Join the program Faith, Vocation, and Social Change on spring break and travel to Guatemala! Explore the concept of vocation in the context of poverty and political oppression, examining the ways in which Christian theology has been and continues to be used, both to justify oppression and injustice, as well as to support social justice movements and offer hope for a peaceful and just social order.

This program will meet a few times in spring semester, but much of the coursework will take place during your travel on spring break.

Course options: RLN 409 – fulfills Search for Meaning II, or RLN 480 – fulfills Keystone for some majors

Program Fee: $3,200 This all-inclusive program fee covers: round-trip international airfare, , all lodging, all meals, and all program activities and on-site transportation. There is no additional tuition charge for full-time day students. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE

Apply by November 15

More Program Info and Application

Keeping Track of Auggies

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