Business majors: earn your Keystone in Guatemala on Spring Break

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Travel to Guatemala. Earn Credit!

Join the program Faith, Vocation, and Social Change on spring break and travel to Guatemala!

Explore the concept of vocation in the context of poverty and political oppression, examining the ways in which Christian theology has been and continues to be used, both to justify oppression and injustice, as well as to support social justice movements and offer hope for a peaceful and just social order.

This program will meet a few times in spring semester, but much of the coursework will take place during your travel on spring break.

Course options:
RLN 409 – fulfills Search for Meaning II, or
RLN 480 – fulfills Keystone for some majors

Program Fee: $3,200
This all-inclusive program fee covers: round-trip international airfare, all lodging, all meals, and all program activities and on-site transportation. There is no additional tuition charge for full-time day students.


Apply by November 15

Info, Scholarship, and Application info here