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On October 30th, Rhonda Whiteneck, of the Social Security Administration, will return to Augsburg to present a comprehensive look at Social Security benefits and the role they play in retirement. The presentation will include a look at how your age at retirement affects your benefits, who else is eligible to receive a benefit, and how you enroll. In addition, Rhonda will discuss Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, touching on penalties, creditable drug coverage and how Medicare affects HSA participants.
Not sure if you should attend? Are you planning to retire – soon or sometime in the future? Do you have parents, friends, etc. who will be retiring and could use a few pointers? Are you unsure how your and your spouse’s Medicare benefits coordinate? Do you have an HSA and wonder what will happen to it when you reach Medicare eligibility age? If you answered yes to any of these, this seminar is for you!
When: October 30 from 9:30 – 10:30 am
Where: OGC 100
Questions? Contact