Visiting Writer Readings on Campus

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This summer’s MFA Summer Residency guests include Lisa Van Orman Hadley, winner of the Howling Bird Press Fiction Award, and poet Danez Smith, playwright Stacey Rose, creative nonfiction writer Tessa Fontaine, and screenwriter Rebecca Sonnenshine. Learn more about this impressive lineup on the MFA website.

We invite you to the following free public events:

Sunday, July 21
Howling Bird Press Party with Fiction Prize Winner
Lisa Van Orman Hadley, author of Irreversible Things

Reception in Foss Center Atrium: 4:30-5 p.m.
Public Reading / Q & A in Sateren Hall: 5-6 p.m.

The 2019 Howling Bird Press Fiction Prize book officially releases in November; in honor of our summer residency, attendees get a sneak peek at this reading, with limited advance copies available for purchase and signing.
Reading by Visiting Playwright Stacey Rose
Monday, July 22, 7:15 p.m.
Foss Center Theater
Reading by Visiting CNF Writer Tessa Fontaine
Tuesday, July 23, 7:15 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium, Anderson Music Building
Reading by Visiting Poet Danez Smith
Thursday, July 25, 7:15 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium, Anderson Music Building
Screening of the film THE KEEPING HOURS
with Visiting Screenwriter Rebecca Sonnenshine
Friday, July 26, 7:15 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium, Anderson Music Building

A book signing and reception will follow each event, with books available for purchase.