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Stop by the Bookstore on Friday, August 30, 2019 to shop our extra 50% off clearance sale! New markdowns have been taken on some of your favorite items, come scoop them up before they are gone for good!
Augsburg University News and Announcements
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Stop by the Bookstore on Friday, August 30, 2019 to shop our extra 50% off clearance sale! New markdowns have been taken on some of your favorite items, come scoop them up before they are gone for good!
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As a reminder, the Augsburg community has a number of parking permits that are valid for use in specific lots only. Drivers are permitted to park as follows:
Residential Students: Lots B and L
Commuter Students: Lots B,C, K and L
Faculty Staff: D, L and G
Carpool Permit holders: Designated spaces in Lot D
Other designated lots are for the following users and permits ONLY:
Lot A: Visitor permits
Lot E: Permitted short term-visitors (3 hour or less)
Lot H: Reserved/Designated
Lot J: Reserved/Designated
Improper parking and/or violation of lot usage are subject to immediate ticketing. Violations occurring in restricted lots (A, E, H and J) are subject to immediate towing.
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Spend winter break in both London and Edinburgh exploring the connections between youth culture, media, and social change, with a focus on Harry Potter and Brexit.
Course title: From Harry Potter to #Brexit: Youth, Media, and Political Activism in the UK, 4-credits
Faculty Leader: Professor Adriane Brown
Travel Dates: December 29, 2019 to January 12, 2020
This program is limited to 15 students, accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist will be used as needed.
This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.
Program cost $4,675
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities, all transportation in the UK. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.
Visit the program page for additional details, course information, and updates!
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Come learn about the off-campus study programs available to Auggies!
Programs are available around the world as well as the USA, and range in length from 8 days to a whole year. There is something to fit every student!
Browse the options, grab some program brochures, ask questions, and discover global opportunities that are perfect for you! Don’t forget to enter the prize drawing, too!
Join us:
Friday, September 13, 10:00 – 2:00, Christensen Center
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Come join the Sabo Center as we celebrate our dear colleague Rachel Svanoe Moynihan, who is departing Augsburg for an exciting new opportunity at HECUA. Rachel’s work and person has made innumerable impacts on the Augsburg community, from the establishment and stewardship of the Cedar Commons space to LEAD Fellows, interfaith work, organizing in Cedar-Riverside around youth leadership, arts and social change work, cultivating key community partnerships, and SO much more. We are thrilled for Rachel as she embarks on this new adventure, but we will sorely miss her keen questions, compassionate presence, generous listening ear, spunk, creativity, and all-around excellence.
Come for delicious treats, good conversation, and to say goodbye and good luck to Rachel on Wednesday, September 4, from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Sabo Center (LL Anderson Residence Hall).
Very brief remarks will be given around 2:15 p.m.
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Looking to incorporate experiential learning into your syllabus for this fall? Check out two great resources compiled by the Sabo Center that can help you shape a course or assignment related to experiential education.
The first is the Experiential Education website. This website offers an overview of experiential learning at Augsburg, the core elements of effective experiential education, and offers examples of different kinds of experiential learning strategies:
The second is a comprehensive library guide, covering topics from theory to resources for course design, ideas for reflection activities, and more!
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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
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If you had any volunteers speak or help out in your department in the month of August, please email their name, volunteer duty, and number of hours completed to
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On Monday, August 26, Augsburg launched a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to
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NEW Augsburg course offering, Fall semester 2019: World Drumming and Culture, a 2-credit course will meet M/W from 9:20-10:30. Engage with performance traditions from various non-Western cultures, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa and the Diaspora. Learn through hands-on experience playing drums, bells, and rattles, by singing songs, and through improvisation and listening drills. Study the cultural context associated with each musical style through reading assignments, examination of online videos, and class discussion. Enroll for course 392-B Topics – no prior musical experience necessary.
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First Year move in is on Friday Aug 30 which means there will be some added traffic and parking restrictions on campus. Lots A and D will be reserved for those moving in on Friday; any cars remaining in lots A or D after 2 am on Friday August 30th will be towed to lot L.
Roads on the east side of campus will also be difficult to navigate due to barricades in place to assist with move-in (Butler Pl, 23rd Ave, 22nd Ave, 7 1/2 St, and 7th St). Please plan accordingly when moving around campus and if you are able to, enter campus on the west side to avoid the barricades (8th St, 21st Ave and 6th St).
We encourage Staff and Faculty to utilize Lot L for parking, or to check with your supervisor if you are able to work from home if you are not participating in move-in festivities.
Please visit the Residence Life website for a map of the move-in route to help plan travel (link below).
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The Strommen Center is proud to welcome our newest team member, Ann Ulring!
As the Program Manager, Ann will oversee Augsburg’s Employer Sponsored Pipeline Programs like Travelers EDGE and MSP TechHire. Ann will also support the career readiness and professional development of Augsburg students by coordinating collaborations with professionals and subject matter experts who can relay their unique knowledge and experiences to students.
Ann comes to the Strommen Center with a wealth of experience including executive recruiting, workforce partnership development, and fundraising. Ann has a passion for supporting students and for the mission of Augsburg. She previously worked in Augsburg’s Institutional Advancement department as a Director of Leadership Gifts.
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Did you know that 71% of employers will be hiring 2020 interns and new employees during the fall semester?
Many of our students do not realize employers have early recruitment timelines. In fact, some employers start recruiting as early as August! Many employers will be making final hires by early November so it is crucial for Augsburg students to be aware they need to act now.
The Strommen Center is teaming up with departments, student organizations, and colleagues across campus to launch Augsburg Works, Sept 11- Oct 18, to ensure all students are aware of employer recruitment timelines and are prepared for the application process.
All event and program information can be found on Handshake.
Are you hosting any professional development or career readiness events for students?
The Strommen Center has received a number of events and programs from other departments that are helping students prepare for employment opportunities.
If you are hosting any program or event please let us know so we can share all the great ways Augsburg students are being prepared for the world of work.
Email your program details to
Career readiness:
Resume Round-Up: September 23 and 26
•Students can have their resumes reviewed by local experts.
Accounting and Auditing Student Conference: October 1
•It’s an excellent way for students to explore the full spectrum of accounting career options and employment opportunities available to accounting and auditing majors.
Mock Interviews: October 14
•Practice makes perfect. Attend this event to practice your interviewing skills.
MN Department of Human Services : October 17th
•Students can hear from agency provider panelists in a variety of human services fields, including Autism and Childrens/Adult Mental Health.
Job and Internship Fairs:
On-Campus Career Fair: October 1
Twin Cities Startup Job Market: October 11
Government and Nonprofit Job Fair: November 1
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Looking to incorporate experiential learning into your syllabus for this fall? Check out two great resources compiled by the Sabo Center that can help you shape a course or assignment related to experiential education.
The first is the Experiential Education website. This website offers an overview of experiential learning at Augsburg, the core elements of effective experiential education, and offers examples of different kinds of experiential learning strategies:
The second is a comprehensive library guide, covering topics from theory to resources for course design, ideas for reflection activities, and more!
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I hope your summer is going well! Free lockers are available for all commuter students (Day undergrad, AU, and graduate) to use throughout the academic year!
Lockers are first-come, first-serve, and are located in the Anderson Residence Hall Basement and Ground Floor of Science Building. To obtain your locker, go to Auggie Life and select “Commuter Student Locker Request Form.”
If you have any questions do not hesitate to Contacting Campus Life at 612-330-1418 or Email
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Augsburg is now working with the People’s Center to provide certain clinic services to students (all academic programs) who don’t have insurance for a $5 co-pay.
The People’s Center is located at 425 20th Avenue South, one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue.
With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:
Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
Annual physical exams – 1 per year
Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered)
X-rays performed at The People’s Center
Tetanus immunization
Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
Flu shots
If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.
Smiley’s Clinic remains available for students – they accept most forms of insurance.
DPS will provide an escort to The People’s Center and/or to Smiley’s Clinic.
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The Auggie Pass is an all-you-can-ride pass for Augsburg day students. Supported by the green fee, Metro Transit and Augsburg, the Auggie Pass is good on any bus, any time, and any light rail, any time, as well as the NorthStar line to Anoka.
Students can get their Auggie Pass at the Library Circulation Desk – please bring Augsburg ID.
The passes are good August 1, 2019 through May 30, 2020.
For students who use Metro Mobility, please email Mike Fetting, The Auggie Pass does not work on Metro Mobility, so we have Go To cards with pre-loaded $180 value – and will add more value as needed.
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The Augsburg choral faculty will be hearing placement auditions for Cedar Singers, Riverside Singers, and the Augsburg Choir during the afternoons of September 4th, 5th, and 6th. All University students are eligible – and heartily welcomed – to audition. If you were in Augsburg Choir last year, you are accepted to continue in AC this year, and there is no need to take these auditions. Likewise, Riverside Singers intending to continue in that group are also exempt. But we want to hear you if you are:
a First-Year student.
a Transfer student.
a previous member of Cedar Singers.
a previous member of Riverside Singers seeking consideration for Augsburg Choir.
a returning Augsburg student who has not previously been involved in our choirs.
Please take careful note of these audition procedures:
1. Sign up for your audition appointment in Anderson Music Hall. Between the band and choir rooms, M2 and M3, you will find a bulletin board where the sign-up sheets will be posted. Auditions will be heard as follows: 9/4, 3:00-6:00; 9/5, 3:00-6:00; 9/6, 2:00-6:00.
2. Arrive outside the choir room (M3) at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment to access and complete the intake sheet and music-literacy assessment. (Never fear: we will use this assessment to inform our work with you, not to exclude you from participation.)
3. There is no need to prepare any song performance for this audition.
4. Results will be posted by Saturday at 5:00 pm on the same bulletin board where you found the sign-up sheets.
5. If you have questions, please contact the Music Office at or (612) 330-1265.
Nota bene: If you are a first year or new transfer student music major, you will be required to choose a Thursday audition appointment.
We look forward to hearing you!
Kristina G. Boerger, DMA
Schwartz Professor of Choral Leadership
Director of Augsburg Choir
Allyss Haecker, DMA
Director, Riverside Singers
Ryan LaBoy, MM
Director, Cedar Singers
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Come join the Sabo Center as we celebrate our dear colleague Rachel Svanoe Moynihan, who is departing Augsburg for an exciting new opportunity at HECUA. Rachel’s work and person has made innumerable impacts on the Augsburg community, from the establishment and stewardship of the Cedar Commons space to LEAD Fellows, interfaith work, organizing in Cedar-Riverside around youth leadership, arts and social change work, cultivating key community partnerships, and SO much more. We are thrilled for Rachel as she embarks on this new adventure, but we will sorely miss her keen questions, compassionate presence, generous listening ear, spunk, creativity, and all-around excellence.
Come for delicious treats, good conversation, and to say goodbye and good luck to Rachel on Wednesday, September 4, from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Sabo Center (LL Anderson Residence Hall).
Very brief remarks will be given around 2:15 p.m.
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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
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Brown mini-fridge for sale. $20. 24 1/2″ high, 18 1/2″ wide, 16″ deep. Email me if you are interested.
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Did you know that 71% of employers will be hiring 2020 interns and new employees during the fall semester?
Many of our students do not realize employers have early recruitment timelines. In fact, some employers start recruiting as early as August! Many employers will be making final hires by early November so it is crucial for Augsburg students to be aware they need to act now.
The Strommen Center is teaming up with departments, student organizations, and colleagues across campus to launch Augsburg Works, Sept 11- Oct 18, to ensure all students are aware of employer recruitment timelines and are prepared for the application process.
All event and program information can be found on Handshake.
Are you hosting any professional development or career readiness events for students?
The Strommen Center has received a number of events and programs from other departments that are helping students prepare for employment opportunities.
If you are hosting any program or event please let us know so we can share all the great ways Augsburg students are being prepared for the world of work.
Email your program details to
Career readiness:
Resume Round-Up: September 23 and 26
•Students can have their resumes reviewed by local experts.
Accounting and Auditing Student Conference: October 1
•It’s an excellent way for students to explore the full spectrum of accounting career options and employment opportunities available to accounting and auditing majors.
Mock Interviews: October 14
•Practice makes perfect. Attend this event to practice your interviewing skills.
MN Department of Human Services : October 17th
•Students can hear from agency provider panelists in a variety of human services fields, including Autism and Childrens/Adult Mental Health.
Job and Internship Fairs:
On-Campus Career Fair: October 1
Twin Cities Startup Job Market: October 11
Government and Nonprofit Job Fair: November 1
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First Year move in is on Friday Aug 30 which means there will be some added traffic and parking restrictions on campus. Lots A and D will be reserved for those moving in on Friday; any cars remaining in lots A or D after 2 am on Friday August 30th will be towed to lot L.
Roads on the east side of campus will also be difficult to navigate due to barricades in place to assist with move-in (Butler Pl, 23rd Ave, 22nd Ave, 7 1/2 St, and 7th St). Please plan accordingly when moving around campus and if you are able to, enter campus on the west side to avoid the barricades (8th St, 21st Ave and 6th St).
We encourage Staff and Faculty to utilize Lot L for parking, or to check with your supervisor if you are able to work from home if you are not participating in move-in festivities.
Please visit the Residence Life website for a map of the move-in route to help plan travel (link below).
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Augsburg is now working with the People’s Center to provide certain clinic services to students (all academic programs) who don’t have insurance for a $5 co-pay.
The People’s Center is located at 425 20th Avenue South, one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue.
With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:
Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
Annual physical exams – 1 per year
Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered)
X-rays performed at The People’s Center
Tetanus immunization
Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
Flu shots
If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.
Smiley’s Clinic remains available for students – they accept most forms of insurance.
DPS will provide an escort to The People’s Center and/or to Smiley’s Clinic.
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The Auggie Pass is an all-you-can-ride pass for Augsburg day students. Supported by the green fee, Metro Transit and Augsburg, the Auggie Pass is good on any bus, any time, and any light rail, any time, as well as the NorthStar line to Anoka.
Students can get their Auggie Pass at the Library Circulation Desk – please bring Augsburg ID.
The passes are good August 1, 2019 through May 30, 2020.
For students who use Metro Mobility, please email Mike Fetting, The Auggie Pass does not work on Metro Mobility, so we have Go To cards with pre-loaded $180 value – and will add more value as needed.
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Central Services is now on School Hours which are as follows.
Copy Center M-F 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Shipping & Receiving M-F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Mail Room M-F 9:30 am – 12:00 pm (Noon)
Special hours will be announced via A-Mail for holidays etc.
We will be closed from Saturday Aug 31st through Monday September 2nd resuming service Tuesday September 3rd.
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The Augsburg Leadership Studies Department is offering a fall term graduate course in conjunction with the Human Rights Forum. The course is ML 599 Navigating Local and Global Conflict taught by Lori Brandt Hale of the Religion Department. This course can count toward a Master of Arts in Leadership, the Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies, or can be used as an elective in another graduate program (must be pre-approved by that dept.) Contact Dr. Hale ( or Alan Tuchtenhagen in Leadership Studies ( if you have questions.
The link to the Human Rights Forum itself is:
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Sending Students to the Writing Center
The Writing Center tutors work with students at all stages and levels of writing, as we are not just a remediation clinic. As such, we can address a wide range of issues with students. So, before sending students to the Writing Center, it is important to clarify with them why you are suggesting they go. Students can come to us for help brainstorming possible essay topics clarifying thesis statement, or organizing their essay.
Sharing these kinds of details with students allows them to the opportunity to think critically about writing and thus encourages improvement for future writing projects. In addition, since we do not want to work at cross-purposes with your expectations regarding a particular assignment, please encourage your students to bring their assignment sheets with them to their sessions.
Finally, while we understand that requiring students to come to the Writing Center is meant to encourage the students to spend more time on their writing, we’ve noticed that it often has the opposite effect and makes it logistically difficult for the Center to work with all of the students who’ve been required to come. So, please do not make Writing Center visits mandatory. If you would like to check on whether one of your students as seen a tutor in the Writing Center, please email Jenn at Information about student visits will not be made public due to privacy concerns.
Class Visits
Your students are more likely to visit the Writing Center after a member of our staff has made a brief presentation about our services in your class. Every year, we make such presentations in courses across campus. To schedule a class visit for your course, please email Jenn at
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Here is some information to include in your syllabus about the Writing Center. We are updating the website to include information about our new tutors and the hours we will be open this Fall so be sure to keep an eye out for that information!
Syllabus Blurbs
The Writing Center offers tutoring, where skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and will ask questions, but will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. More information regarding all services can be found on the Writing Center website:
The Writing Center provides personal, one-on-one tutoring in order to help you at all levels of the writing process. The Center offers a space for conversation by creating a welcoming community for graduate and undergraduate students to practice the art of writing. Their purpose is to enhance the writing instruction that happens in academic classrooms by pairing you with an experienced reader, who engages you in conversation about your writing assignments and ideas and familiarizes you with audience expectations and academic genre conventions. The Center focuses on the rhetorical aspects of the text and provides student-centered teaching on works in progress. All tutoring sessions are free of charge and are valuable resources for you as a writer. I highly recommend that you use them. You can find out more information about the Writing Center at They are looking forward to seeing you!
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The Augsburg choral faculty will be hearing placement auditions for Cedar Singers, Riverside Singers, and the Augsburg Choir during the afternoons of September 4th, 5th, and 6th. All University students are eligible – and heartily welcomed – to audition. If you were in Augsburg Choir last year, you are accepted to continue in AC this year, and there is no need to take these auditions. Likewise, Riverside Singers intending to continue in that group are also exempt. But we want to hear you if you are:
a First-Year student.
a Transfer student.
a previous member of Cedar Singers.
a previous member of Riverside Singers seeking consideration for Augsburg Choir.
a returning Augsburg student who has not previously been involved in our choirs.
Please take careful note of these audition procedures:
1. Sign up for your audition appointment in Anderson Music Hall. Between the band and choir rooms, M2 and M3, you will find a bulletin board where the sign-up sheets will be posted. Auditions will be heard as follows: 9/4, 3:00-6:00; 9/5, 3:00-6:00; 9/6, 2:00-6:00.
2. Arrive outside the choir room (M3) at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment to access and complete the intake sheet and music-literacy assessment. (Never fear: we will use this assessment to inform our work with you, not to exclude you from participation.)
3. There is no need to prepare any song performance for this audition.
4. Results will be posted by Saturday at 5:00 pm on the same bulletin board where you found the sign-up sheets.
5. If you have questions, please contact the Music Office at or (612) 330-1265.
Nota bene: If you are a first year or new transfer student music major, you will be required to choose a Thursday audition appointment.
We look forward to hearing you!
Kristina G. Boerger, DMA
Schwartz Professor of Choral Leadership
Director of Augsburg Choir
Allyss Haecker, DMA
Director, Riverside Singers
Ryan LaBoy, MM
Director, Cedar Singers
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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
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A new course has been added for this fall in the Environmental Studies Program and it’s all about food and its impact on the environment!! Register for ENV 100-A (Fall 2019).
The course satisfies the core curriculum requirement of Liberal Arts Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences and is 4 credits. We meet Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:40-5:20pm.
General Description: Environmental Connections is an interdisciplinary introduction to current issues regarding the natural environment upon which we all depend, an environment under increasing strain. It also serves as the introductory course for Augsburg’s Environmental Studies Program and as a Social and Behavioral Sciences course in the Liberal Arts Foundation. Throughout the semester we will explore food systems and our collective challenge of balancing a sustainable society with sustainable ecologies. We all need food to survive, but current processes of cultivation, production, distribution, and waste disposal significantly, and detrimentally, impact the natural world. How serious are these challenges? How will we respond? What can be and is being done now to minimize the further damage from these human activities?
Contact Monica McDaniel at for more details or with questions.
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Hey all,
Campus Cupboard is looking for some donations to help stock the cupboard shelves. We are currently looking for:
– Pasta
– Soup
– Dinner box mixes (hamburger helper, etc)
– Snack type item / crackers
– Rice / grains
Any donations you have are greatly appreciated and can be dropped of in the donation bin located next to Einstein’s cafe or directly to the cupboard during open hours:
Tuesday: 11-4
Wednesday: 11-4
Friday: 2-4
For larger donations or if these times don’t work for you feel free to email me: and we can set up a meeting time that works for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and keeping us in mind in the future. We always appreciate your help in keeping the campus kitchen up and running.
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Hey all,
Augsburg’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and Campus Cupboard are proud to announce a new student resource on campus: the student Share Shop. We are working towards opening this space in the sublevel of the old science building by Fall, 2019. To help us get started we are asking you—students, staff, and faculty at Augsburg—for some helpful donations.
Based off of a recent survey, here are some of the things we are looking for for the share shop:
– Household / dorm Repair (Spackle, Tool kits, poster putty)
– Recreational gear (sports equipment, out door games, hammocks, etc.)
– Office materials (calculators, sharpeners, staplers)
– First aid kits
– Twin XL sheets (new or washed)
– Weather related items (umbrellas, shovels, extra hats/scarves/mittens)
– Sewing/glasses repair kits
– Hot pots or rice cookers
– Cooking (Microwave, pots and pans, utensils, coffee makers)
– Board games, DVDs
Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcome, but please don’t feel obligated to donate. Donations can be brought to the Sabo Center located in the basement of Anderson Hall and placed in the designated bins. We appreciate your time and consideration thank you in advance.
For more informations please feel free to email me:
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Campus Kitchen will be taking a break from produce distribution for the next couple of weeks due to the semester start and a break in our programming. We will resume distribution in September (specific dates to come) and will send out an email and posters with more information. We appreciate all of your support and patience throughout the summer. Hope to see you all when we start back up in the fall.
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Join us online for The Forum on Workplace Inclusion’s (The Forum) first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) webinar at Augsburg University!
Webinar Title: MassMutual’s D&I Journey: A Holistic Approach to Change
When: September 19, 2019, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Presenters: Mary-Frances Winters (The Winters Group, Inc.) Peggy Nagae (White Men as Full Diversity Partners) Natalia Arbulu (MassMutual)
Cost: Free
Click the “Register Here” link for webinar details and to register.
The Forum, a program of Augsburg University, offers a wide variety of DEI events, programs, and resources to businesses, professionals, students, and/or individuals looking to grow professional leadership and effectiveness skills.
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On Monday, August 26, Augsburg launched a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to
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Come learn about the off-campus study programs available to Auggies!
Programs are available around the world as well as the USA, and range in length from 8 days to a whole year. There is something to fit every student!
Browse the options, grab some program brochures, learn about scholarships, ask questions, and discover global opportunities that are perfect for you!
Don’t forget to enter the prize drawing, too!
Join us:
Friday, September 13, 10:00 – 2:00, Christensen Center
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Whether you have never used the Moodle gradebook and want to learn the basics OR have been using the gradebook but would like us to do a “pre-semester check-up” this is the workshop for you. The E-Learning team will be on hand to offer some essential gradebook tips as well as individual help with making sure your gradebook correlates to your syllabus.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing Feedback with the Moodle Gradebook |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
Come learn how to employ some new features as well as time-tested tools in Moodle to amplify your virtual presence and create a welcoming online environment that communicates your learning goals and presents content and activities in an easy-to-navigate format.
We will cover:
*time-saving strategies for building and/or updating a course
*how to leverage auto-linking to streamline course navigation
*managing revision writing using the new integrated Google Course Kit
*ways to track student engagement
*Name Coach–a new tool to help you learn your students’ names
*various ways to enhance the appearance of your course
Bring your laptop and try some of these things out while the E-Learning team is there to assist.
Thursday, August 29 | Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips) |
9:30 am – 10:45 am, HC 250
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Faculty, it can be quite time-consuming to develop effective active learning activities for your classroom, especially if you are teaching a course for the first time. The goal of this session is to provide you with two or three concrete examples of effective active learning templates that can be quickly adapted to your course. By starting with just one type of active learning strategy that works best for your learning objectives, you can quickly develop variants that can be used in virtually every class period to engage your students and make teaching more fun! Facilitated by Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright.
Wednesday, August 28 | Introduction to Active Learning: Concrete Ideas for your Classroom | 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm, HC 250
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The workshop will focus on best practices for supporting first-year students who are transitioning to college as well as talk through campus resources for faculty and students. Facilitated by Katie Bishop and Kelsey Richardson Blackwell.
Wednesday, August 28 | Supporting Our Incoming Students |
1 pm – 2:15 pm, HC 250
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The goal of this session is to offer some teaching strategies and tools that will
*foster student ownership of their own learning;
*facilitate student learning, retention of information, and academic success; and,
*create a culture of engagement and participation in the classroom.
These strategies can be useful in teaching difficult concepts as well as in managing the varied abilities and interest levels that one might encounter in any given section of a course. Some can be incorporated into the syllabus and in long-term planning; some can be adapted and used on the fly and/or to redirect a class session. Facilitated by Lori Brandt Hale.
Wednesday, August 28 | High Engagement Pedagogy |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
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In June, a team from Augsburg attended the Council of Independent Colleges Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts Institute. This session will include a discussion of the insights and lessons gained from participation in the institute as well as specific action steps we can implement across campus. Specifically, participants will learn the importance of providing WISE feedback that articulates high expectations as well as the professor’s belief in the student’s ability to meet the expectations. Facilitated by Joanne Reeck, Joaquin Muñoz, and Tim Pippert.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing WISE Feedback to Students |
2 pm – 4 pm, HC 250
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On Monday, August 26, Augsburg launched a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to
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Join us for our last weekly coffee clunker for the month of August. Given our destination is so close to campus, this event is open to cyclists — AND WALKERS — of all levels and abilities, and feel free to leave at any time.
We’ll meet on the grassy lawn area in front of Foss at 4:30 p.m. at scoot over to Code Blue.
Tuesday, August 27
Code Blu
2620 E Franklin Ave
If anyone would like to extend the ride given the short distance, we can decide on a secondary location once we rally at our first stop.
Questions or comments?
Contact Tessa Wegenke ( or Lee George (
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I am a current freshman on campus and I have tons of dorm supplies I cannot return and would love to sell it.
Supplies include:
Bed risers- $20
Storage bins- $5
Hand towels- $5
Pillow protecters- $5
Tooth brush holder- $1
Mesh caddy- $5
If you are interested please email me at
Price is negotiable..
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The Augsburg choral faculty will be hearing placement auditions for Cedar Singers, Riverside Singers, and the Augsburg Choir during the afternoons of September 4th, 5th, and 6th. All University students are eligible – and heartily welcomed – to audition. If you were in Augsburg Choir last year, you are accepted to continue in AC this year, and there is no need to take these auditions. Likewise, Riverside Singers intending to continue in that group are also exempt. But we want to hear you if you are:
a First-Year student.
a Transfer student.
a previous member of Cedar Singers.
a previous member of Riverside Singers seeking consideration for Augsburg Choir.
a returning Augsburg student who has not previously been involved in our choirs.
Please take careful note of these audition procedures:
1. Sign up for your audition appointment in Anderson Music Hall. Between the band and choir rooms, M2 and M3, you will find a bulletin board where the sign-up sheets will be posted. Auditions will be heard as follows: 9/4, 3:00-6:00; 9/5, 3:00-6:00; 9/6, 2:00-6:00.
2. Arrive outside the choir room (M3) at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment to access and complete the intake sheet and music-literacy assessment. (Never fear: we will use this assessment to inform our work with you, not to exclude you from participation.)
3. There is no need to prepare any song performance for this audition.
4. Results will be posted by Saturday at 5:00 pm on the same bulletin board where you found the sign-up sheets.
5. If you have questions, please contact the Music Office at or (612) 330-1265.
Nota bene: If you are a first year or new transfer student music major, you will be required to choose a Thursday audition appointment.
We look forward to hearing you!
Kristina G. Boerger, DMA
Schwartz Professor of Choral Leadership
Director of Augsburg Choir
Allyss Haecker, DMA
Director, Riverside Singers
Ryan LaBoy, MM
Director, Cedar Singers
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NEW Augsburg course offering, Fall semester 2019: World Drumming and Culture, a 2-credit course will meet M/W from 9:20-10:30. Engage with performance traditions from various non-Western cultures, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa and the Diaspora. Learn through hands-on experience playing drums, bells, and rattles, by singing songs, and through improvisation and listening drills. Study the cultural context associated with each musical style through reading assignments, examination of online videos, and class discussion. Enroll for course 392-B Topics – no prior musical experience necessary.
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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
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Are you student teaching this year? Do you identify as a person of color or Native American person? Are you planning to teach in a high need area? If yes to any of these questions don’t miss out on this $7,500 grant from the State of Minnesota.
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From 4:30 – 5:15 this afternoon (Tuesday, August 27), there will be a reception for New Faculty in the atrium of the Hagfors Center. Everyone is welcome to attend!
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Did you know that 71% of employers will be hiring 2020 interns and new employees during the fall semester?
Many of our students do not realize employers have early recruitment timelines. In fact, some employers start recruiting as early as August! Many employers will be making final hires by early November so it is crucial for Augsburg students to be aware they need to act now.
The Strommen Center is teaming up with departments, student organizations, and colleagues across campus to launch Augsburg Works, Sept 11- Oct 18, to ensure all students are aware of employer recruitment timelines and are prepared for the application process.
All event and program information can be found on Handshake.
Are you hosting any professional development or career readiness events for students?
The Strommen Center has received a number of events and programs from other departments that are helping students prepare for employment opportunities.
If you are hosting any program or event please let us know so we can share all the great ways Augsburg students are being prepared for the world of work.
Email your program details to
Career readiness:
Resume Round-Up: September 23 and 26
•Students can have their resumes reviewed by local experts.
Accounting and Auditing Student Conference: October 1
•It’s an excellent way for students to explore the full spectrum of accounting career options and employment opportunities available to accounting and auditing majors.
Mock Interviews: October 14
•Practice makes perfect. Attend this event to practice your interviewing skills.
MN Department of Human Services : October 17th
•Students can hear from agency provider panelists in a variety of human services fields, including Autism and Childrens/Adult Mental Health.
Job and Internship Fairs:
On-Campus Career Fair: October 1
Twin Cities Startup Job Market: October 11
Government and Nonprofit Job Fair: November 1
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Augsburg is now working with the People’s Center to provide certain clinic services to students (all academic programs) who don’t have insurance for a $5 co-pay.
The People’s Center is located at 425 20th Avenue South, one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue.
With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:
Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
Annual physical exams – 1 per year
Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered)
X-rays performed at The People’s Center
Tetanus immunization
Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
Flu shots
If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.
Smiley’s Clinic remains available for students – they accept most forms of insurance.
DPS will provide an escort to The People’s Center and/or to Smiley’s Clinic.
Posted on August 19, 2019
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A new course has been added for this fall in the Environmental Studies Program and it’s all about food and its impact on the environment!! Register for ENV 100-A (Fall 2019).
The course satisfies the core curriculum requirement of Liberal Arts Foundation: Social & Behavioral Sciences and is 4 credits. We meet Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:40-5:20pm.
General Description: Environmental Connections is an interdisciplinary introduction to current issues regarding the natural environment upon which we all depend, an environment under increasing strain. It also serves as the introductory course for Augsburg’s Environmental Studies Program and as a Social and Behavioral Sciences course in the Liberal Arts Foundation. Throughout the semester we will explore food systems and our collective challenge of balancing a sustainable society with sustainable ecologies. We all need food to survive, but current processes of cultivation, production, distribution, and waste disposal significantly, and detrimentally, impact the natural world. How serious are these challenges? How will we respond? What can be and is being done now to minimize the further damage from these human activities?
Contact Monica McDaniel at for more details or with questions.
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Hey all,
Campus Cupboard is looking for some donations to help stock the cupboard shelves. We are currently looking for:
– Pasta
– Soup
– Dinner box mixes (hamburger helper, etc)
– Snack type item / crackers
– Rice / grains
Any donations you have are greatly appreciated and can be dropped of in the donation bin located next to Einstein’s cafe or directly to the cupboard during open hours:
Tuesday: 11-4
Wednesday: 11-4
Friday: 2-4
For larger donations or if these times don’t work for you feel free to email me: and we can set up a meeting time that works for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and keeping us in mind in the future. We always appreciate your help in keeping the campus kitchen up and running.
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Hey all,
Augsburg’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and Campus Cupboard are proud to announce a new student resource on campus: the student Share Shop. We are working towards opening this space in the sublevel of the old science building by Fall, 2019. To help us get started we are asking you—students, staff, and faculty at Augsburg—for some helpful donations.
Based off of a recent survey, here are some of the things we are looking for for the share shop:
– Household / dorm Repair (Spackle, Tool kits, poster putty)
– Recreational gear (sports equipment, out door games, hammocks, etc.)
– Office materials (calculators, sharpeners, staplers)
– First aid kits
– Twin XL sheets (new or washed)
– Weather related items (umbrellas, shovels, extra hats/scarves/mittens)
– Sewing/glasses repair kits
– Hot pots or rice cookers
– Cooking (Microwave, pots and pans, utensils, coffee makers)
– Board games, DVDs
Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcome, but please don’t feel obligated to donate. Donations can be brought to the Sabo Center located in the basement of Anderson Hall and placed in the designated bins. We appreciate your time and consideration thank you in advance.
For more informations please feel free to email me:
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Campus Kitchen will be taking a break from produce distribution for the next couple of weeks due to the semester start and a break in our programming. We will resume distribution in September (specific dates to come) and will send out an email and posters with more information. We appreciate all of your support and patience throughout the summer. Hope to see you all when we start back up in the fall.
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This month, Augsburg is launching a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage starting Aug. 26.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to
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Whether you have never used the Moodle gradebook and want to learn the basics OR have been using the gradebook but would like us to do a “pre-semester check-up” this is the workshop for you. The E-Learning team will be on hand to offer some essential gradebook tips as well as individual help with making sure your gradebook correlates to your syllabus.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing Feedback with the Moodle Gradebook | 11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
The goal of this session is to offer some teaching strategies and tools that will
*foster student ownership of their own learning;
*facilitate student learning, retention of information, and academic success; and,
*create a culture of engagement and participation in the classroom.
These strategies can be useful in teaching difficult concepts as well as in managing the varied abilities and interest levels that one might encounter in any given section of a course. Some can be incorporated into the syllabus and in long-term planning; some can be adapted and used on the fly and/or to redirect a class session. Facilitated by Lori Brandt Hale.
Wednesday, August 28 | High Engagement Pedagogy | 11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
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Faculty, it can be quite time-consuming to develop effective active learning activities for your classroom, especially if you are teaching a course for the first time. The goal of this session is to provide you with two or three concrete examples of effective active learning templates that can be quickly adapted to your course. By starting with just one type of active learning strategy that works best for your learning objectives, you can quickly develop variants that can be used in virtually every class period to engage your students and make teaching more fun! Facilitated by Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright.
Wednesday, August 28 | Introduction to Active Learning: Concrete Ideas for your Classroom | 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm, HC 250
submitted by
The workshop will focus on best practices for supporting first-year students who are transitioning to college as well as talk through campus resources for faculty and students. Facilitated by Katie Bishop and Kelsey Richardson Blackwell.
Wednesday, August 28 | Supporting Our Incoming Students | 1 pm – 2:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
Come learn how to employ some new features as well as time-tested tools in Moodle to amplify your virtual presence and create a welcoming online environment that communicates your learning goals and presents content and activities in an easy-to-navigate format.
We will cover:
*time-saving strategies for building and/or updating a course
*how to leverage auto-linking to streamline course navigation
*managing revision writing using the new integrated Google Course Kit
*ways to track student engagement
*Name Coach–a new tool to help you learn your students’ names
*various ways to enhance the appearance of your course
Bring your laptop and try some of these things out while the E-Learning team is there to assist.
Thursday, August 29 | Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips) | 9:30 am – 10:45 am, HC 250
submitted by
In June, a team from Augsburg attended the Council of Independent Colleges Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts Institute. This session will include a discussion of the insights and lessons gained from participation in the institute as well as specific action steps we can implement across campus. Specifically, participants will learn the importance of providing WISE feedback that articulates high expectations as well as the professor’s belief in the student’s ability to meet the expectations. Facilitated by Joanne Reeck, Joaquin Muñoz, and Tim Pippert.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing WISE Feedback to Students | 2 pm – 4 pm, HC 250
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Does your department hire student workers? If yes, consider registering to have a table at our 2nd annual Part-time Job Fair (featuring local and on-campus employers). Last year over 200 students checked into the fair!
The fair will be held on Wednesday, September 11th from 10:00-12:30 in the Quad. (outside of the Christensen Center)
If you haven’t already registered, please email or call 612-330-1472. (Due to space, we need to have everyone register in advance)
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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
submitted by
Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.
The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.
Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:
If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:
submitted by
Whether you have never used the Moodle gradebook and want to learn the basics OR have been using the gradebook but would like us to do a “pre-semester check-up” this is the workshop for you. The E-Learning team will be on hand to offer some essential gradebook tips as well as individual help with making sure your gradebook correlates to your syllabus.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing WISE Feedback to Students | 2 pm – 4 pm, HC 250
submitted by
Come learn how to employ some new features as well as time-tested tools in Moodle to amplify your virtual presence and create a welcoming online environment that communicates your learning goals and presents content and activities in an easy-to-navigate format.
We will cover:
*time-saving strategies for building and/or updating a course
*how to leverage auto-linking to streamline course navigation
*managing revision writing using the new integrated Google Course Kit
*ways to track student engagement
*Name Coach–a new tool to help you learn your students’ names
*various ways to enhance the appearance of your course
Bring your laptop and try some of these things out while the E-Learning team is there to assist.
Thursday, August 29 | Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips) | 9:30 am – 10:45 am, HC 250
submitted by
Faculty, it can be quite time-consuming to develop effective active learning activities for your classroom, especially if you are teaching a course for the first time. The goal of this session is to provide you with two or three concrete examples of effective active learning templates that can be quickly adapted to your course. By starting with just one type of active learning strategy that works best for your learning objectives, you can quickly develop variants that can be used in virtually every class period to engage your students and make teaching more fun! Facilitated by Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright.
Wednesday, August 28 | Introduction to Active Learning: Concrete Ideas for your Classroom | 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm, HC 250
submitted by
The workshop will focus on best practices for supporting first-year students who are transitioning to college as well as talk through campus resources for faculty and students. Facilitated by Katie Bishop and Kelsey Richardson Blackwell.
Wednesday, August 28 | Supporting Our Incoming Students | 1 pm – 2:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
The goal of this session is to offer some teaching strategies and tools that will
*foster student ownership of their own learning;
*facilitate student learning, retention of information, and academic success; and,
*create a culture of engagement and participation in the classroom.
These strategies can be useful in teaching difficult concepts as well as in managing the varied abilities and interest levels that one might encounter in any given section of a course. Some can be incorporated into the syllabus and in long-term planning; some can be adapted and used on the fly and/or to redirect a class session. Facilitated by Lori Brandt Hale.
Wednesday, August 28 | High Engagement Pedagogy | 11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
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The Auggie Pass is an all-you-can-ride pass for Augsburg day students. Supported by the green fee, Metro Transit and Augsburg, the Auggie Pass is good on any bus, any time, and any light rail, any time, as well as the NorthStar line to Anoka.
Students can get their Auggie Pass at the Library Circulation Desk – please bring Augsburg ID.
The passes are good August 1, 2019 through May 30, 2020.
For students who use Metro Mobility, please email Mike Fetting, The Auggie Pass does not work on Metro Mobility, so we have Go To cards with pre-loaded $180 value – and will add more value as needed.
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The Forum on Workplace Inclusion ( at Augsburg University is seeking a student marketing assistant for 20 hours per week during the 2019-2020 academic year.
The candidate will support The Forum’s marketing and logistics for an annual 3-day conference, quarterly breakfast events, and monthly webinars/podcasts.
For details, and to apply, visit:
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Sofa for sale: Dallas Faux Leather Sofa (Black)
$825 at Target.
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This month, Augsburg is launching a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage starting Aug. 26.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to
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NEW Augsburg course offering, Fall semester 2019: World Drumming and Culture, a 2-credit course will meet M/W from 9:20-10:30. Engage with performance traditions from various non-Western cultures, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa and the Diaspora. Learn through hands-on experience playing drums, bells, and rattles, by singing songs, and through improvisation and listening drills. Study the cultural context associated with each musical style through reading assignments, examination of online videos, and class discussion. Enroll for course 392-B Topics – no prior musical experience necessary.
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Language is so much more than vocabulary and grammar. For Sarah Degner Riveros, Lecturer in Spanish, languages are inseparable from their history, community, and culture. In this discussion, we explore many ways the teaching and learning of Spanish opens doorways to a wider world and into the deeper self.
The Augsburg Podcast features voices of Augsburg University faculty and staff. We hope this is one way you can get to know the people who educate our students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. Subscribe on Itunes.
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NEW Augsburg course offering, Fall semester 2019: World Drumming and Culture, a 2-credit course will meet M/W from 9:20-10:30. Engage with performance traditions from various non-Western cultures, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa and the Diaspora. Learn through hands-on experience playing drums, bells, and rattles, by singing songs, and through improvisation and listening drills. Study the cultural context associated with each musical style through reading assignments, examination of online videos, and class discussion. Enroll for course 392-B Topics – no prior musical experience necessary.
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The Human Rights Forum, October 28—29, 2019, will include plenaries, hands-on workshops, networking, and breakout sessions. We will have a total of 15-20 speakers, including six activists from the Human Rights Foundation.
A normal class schedule will be held at Augsburg during these two days with opportunities for classes to attend the Forum sessions or have guest speakers visit classrooms.
Additional information about the Forum can be found here:
Access to the Forum is free of charge for the Augsburg community (via your account), but registration is required. Please follow the link below to register. This form is intended for Augsburg University students, staff, and faculty only, and we allow one registration per email.
Contact us (extension 1378) if you are interested in brainstorming ideas for your own involvement whether you are a student, staff or faculty. We look forward to hearing from you.
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In June, a team from Augsburg attended the Council of Independent Colleges Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts Institute. This session will include a discussion of the insights and lessons gained from participation in the institute as well as specific action steps we can implement across campus. Specifically, participants will learn the importance of providing WISE feedback that articulates high expectations as well as the professor’s belief in the student’s ability to meet the expectations.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing WISE Feedback to Students |
2 pm – 4 pm, HC 250
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Whether you have never used the Moodle gradebook and want to learn the basics OR have been using the gradebook but would like us to do a “pre-semester check-up” this is the workshop for you. The E-Learning team will be on hand to offer some essential gradebook tips as well as individual help with making sure your gradebook correlates to your syllabus.
Thursday, August 29 | Providing Feedback with the Moodle Gradebook |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
Come learn how to employ some new features as well as time-tested tools in Moodle to amplify your virtual presence and create a welcoming online environment that communicates your learning goals and presents content and activities in an easy-to-navigate format.
We will cover:
*time-saving strategies for building and/or updating a course
*how to leverage auto-linking to streamline course navigation
*managing revision writing using the new integrated Google Course Kit
*ways to track student engagement
*Name Coach–a new tool to help you learn your students’ names
*various ways to enhance the appearance of your course
Bring your laptop and try some of these things out while the E-Learning team is there to assist.
Thursday, August 29 | Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips) |
9:30 am – 10:45 am, HC 250
submitted by
The workshop will focus on best practices for supporting first-year students who are transitioning to college as well as talk through campus resources for faculty and students.
Wednesday, August 28 | Supporting Our Incoming Students |
1 pm – 2:15 pm, HC 250
submitted by
The goal of this session is to offer some teaching strategies and tools that will foster student ownership of their own learning; facilitate student learning, retention of information, and academic success; and create a culture of engagement and participation in the classroom.
These strategies can be useful in teaching difficult concepts as well as in managing the varied abilities and interest levels that one might encounter in any given section of a course. Some can be incorporated into the syllabus and in long-term planning; some can be adapted and used on the fly and/or to redirect a class session.
Wednesday, August 28 | High Engagement Pedagogy |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250
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Members of the Environmental Stewardship Committee and Campus Cupboard are coming together to create a Campus Share Shop for the students of Augsburg! Our purpose is to create a space where students can check out goods they need, rather than purchasing new items. By doing this, we hope to:
-Reduce the consumption of material goods
-Reduce students’ costs
-Create a community space where students can take part in informal learning around sustainable practices and skill-sharing.
This is a project created by students for students, so we are reaching out to you to find out what you would want to see in the share shop. Please take a few minutes to take a short survey that will aid in creating a share shop that will properly serve the students of Augsburg.
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Hey all,
Campus Cupboard is looking for some donations to help stock the cupboard shelves. We are currently looking for:
– Pasta
– Soup
– Dinner box mixes (hamburger helper, etc)
– Snack type item / crackers
– Rice / grains
Any donations you have are greatly appreciated and can be dropped of in the donation bin located next to Einstein’s cafe or directly to the cupboard during open hours:
Tuesday: 11-4
Wednesday: 11-4
Friday: 2-4
For larger donations or if these times don’t work for you feel free to email me: and we can set up a meeting time that works for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and keeping us in mind in the future. We always appreciate your help in keeping the campus kitchen up and running.
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Hey all,
Augsburg’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and Campus Cupboard are proud to announce a new student resource on campus: the student Share Shop. We are working towards opening this space in the sublevel of the old science building by Fall, 2019. To help us get started we are asking you—students, staff, and faculty at Augsburg—for some helpful donations.
Based off of a recent survey, here are some of the things we are looking for for the share shop:
– Household / dorm Repair (Spackle, Tool kits, poster putty)
– Recreational gear (sports equipment, out door games, hammocks, etc.)
– Office materials (calculators, sharpeners, staplers)
– First aid kits
– Twin XL sheets (new or washed)
– Weather related items (umbrellas, shovels, extra hats/scarves/mittens)
– Sewing/glasses repair kits
– Hot pots or rice cookers
– Cooking (Microwave, pots and pans, utensils, coffee makers)
– Board games, DVDs
Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcome, but please don’t feel obligated to donate. Donations can be brought to the Sabo Center located in the basement of Anderson Hall and placed in the designated bins. We appreciate your time and consideration thank you in advance.
For more informations please feel free to email me:
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Campus Kitchen will be taking a break from produce distribution for the next couple of weeks due to the semester start and a break in our programming. We will resume distribution in September (specific dates to come) and will send out an email and posters with more information. We appreciate all of your support and patience throughout the summer. Hope to see you all when we start back up in the fall.
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On Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 at 4:40pm, a robbery was reported to the Department of Public Safety. A non-Augsburg community member reported they got into a black car (no plates) with five other males, one of whom the victim reports he knew, near a Riverside bus stop. The victim reported they drove to Augsburg’s Lot D, where the victim reported a knife being displayed. He said he was threatened and had his wallet and phone taken.
This incident remains under investigation by the Minneapolis Police Department and the Augsburg University Department of Public Safety. Anyone who may have information regarding this incident is urged to contact MPD or Augsburg DPS at 612-330-1717.
Please report any and all concerns that may impact our campus community. If You See Something – Say Something (1717).
For the full Timely Notice posting, safety tips and other safety resources, please visit the Augsburg University Public Safety page at
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Augsburg is now working with the People’s Center to provide certain clinic services to students (all academic programs) who don’t have insurance for a $5 co-pay.
The People’s Center is located at 425 20th Avenue South, one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue.
With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:
Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
Annual physical exams – 1 per year
Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered)
X-rays performed at The People’s Center
Tetanus immunization
Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
Flu shots
If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.
Smiley’s Clinic remains available for students – they accept most forms of insurance.
DPS will provide an escort to The People’s Center and/or to Smiley’s Clinic.
Posted on August 19, 2019
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The Auggie Pass is an all-you-can-ride pass for Augsburg day students. Supported by the green fee, Metro Transit and Augsburg, the Auggie Pass is good on any bus, any time, and any light rail, any time, as well as the NorthStar line to Anoka.
Students can get their Auggie Pass at the Library Circulation Desk – please bring Augsburg ID.
The passes are good August 1, 2019 through May 30, 2020.
For students who use Metro Mobility, please email Mike Fetting, The Auggie Pass does not work on Metro Mobility, so we have Go To cards with pre-loaded $180 value – and will add more value as needed.
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Your Cleanup Sparks Our Joy! The MNUDL is seeking gently-used office supplies for our 15th year of programming:
Last year, your generous donations outfitted 100 more students with debate supplies. We broke our record and served 1,000 students last year – and our programs are still growing! Your supplies will bring us closer to fully equipping our students for a great season.
Our most needed items are expanding file folders/accordion folders!
Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
● 3-hole sheet protectors
● 2-pocket folders
● Highlighters
● Pens
Want to donate new items? Shop with our Amazon Wishlist:
If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please contact us at to arrange your donation.
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Academic year student employment begins on Sunday, September 8. If you plan to hire student employees, please review the following information:
Academic Year 2019-2020 student wages:
–Student: $12.25
–Student Supervisors: $12.75
NOTE: Open job postings from academic year 2018-2019 will be closed on August 30. All summer jobs end on 9.7.19.
Helpful Information:
Supervisors need to submit Student Employment Returning/Hired forms through Hirezon.
(Detailed instructions:
1. Submit Student Posting Requisitions through Hirezon so students can apply for the job.
(Detailed instructions:
2. Once applicant(s) have been selected submit Student Employment Returning/Hired forms through Hirezon.
NOTE: Students, who have never worked on campus before, will be required to fill out new hire paperwork, and successfully complete a background check. HR sends out the new hire paperwork and background check to the student once the Student Employment Returning/Hired Form is submitted. Students cannot work prior to successfully completing a background check and all required paperwork.
REMINDER: Priority for federal and state work study eligibility
As in previous years, international students and students who are eligible for federal or state work study will be given hiring priority through October. This is a part of the student’s financial aid package, therefore, we want to ensure students that are awarded work study funds are able to work in an on-campus position. Beginning November 1, work study positions are open to all students.
Questions? Email HR at or 612-330-1058.
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Augsburg Wellbeing is sponsoring a School Supply Drive to feel good, by doing good. All donations will be delivered to People Serving People.
Until August 23rd, donations will be accepted in Human Resources, Memorial Hall, Room 19. Help make sure each and every child has the supplies they need to be successful!
The supplies that are most requested (new items only) are listed below:
#2 Pencils
alarm clocks
colored pencils
crayons-24 pack
pencil box
pencil sharpener
school bags/backpacks
scissors–youth size
washable markers
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The Strommen Center will be hosting our final Adventure Lunch Series for summer 2019 today, Thursday, August 22. It has been fun exploring new lunch spots and getting to know our colleagues.
If you are interested in joining us, we ask that you meet in Suite 100, Christensen Center at 11:20 a.m. No need to R.S.V.P., we will determine restaurant locations based on interest. (Cost of meal will be handled by each individual)
If questions, please call 612-330-1472 or email
At that time, we will select a neighborhood restaurant to visit.
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Sofa for sale: Dallas Faux Leather Sofa (Black)
$825 at Target.
Dorm Fridge for sale: 3.2 Cu Ft Fridge (Black)
$138 at Amazon
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This month, Augsburg is launching a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage starting Aug. 26.
This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:
Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications
The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:
Questions about this new calendar can be directed to