Support for students without insurance – the People’s Center

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Augsburg and The People’s Center have contracted to provide The People’s Center (425 20th Avenue South – one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue), to provide certain clinic services, for just a $5.00 co-pay.

➢ With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:
Clinic services covered for uninsured students:
● Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
● Annual physical exams – 1 per year
● Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered).
● X-rays performed at The People’s Center
● Tetanus immunization
● Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
● Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
● Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
● Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
● Flu shots

➢ If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.