Propose a workshop for the 2019 Overcoming Racism Conference

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Dismantling White Supremacy – Its Power, Structures and Culture
November 15-16, 2019
Metropolitan State University in St. Paul.
Registration opens September 1st.

Proposals are invited for workshops that address the conference theme: Dismantling White Supremacy – Its Power, Structures & Culture. Workshops will be offered the afternoons both days of the conference in breakout sessions lasting 90 minutes each.

We seek workshops that enable participants to:
* Acknowledge and confront the construct and legacy of white supremacy in this country
* Identify how white supremacy is embedded in the policies, practices, and structures of the criminal justice, education, housing, wealth accrual, medical, social service, and land usage systems
* Become familiar with tools, resources, and networks available to those who have committed themselves to removing the vestiges of white supremacy from these systems
* Discover ways to further the internal work each of us must do in order to effectively confront institutions long grounded in white supremacy
* Learn from each other about the work currently being done to dismantle white supremacy, and how we can replicate that work in our own communities
* Creatively envision a world without white supremacy in which everyone can flourish

We expect our workshop presenters to create participatory and reflective opportunities for participants to be actively engaged and stimulated.

DEADLINE APPROACHING: Proposals must be received by 5:00 pm on July 22nd, 2019

Submit proposal online