Annual Adjunct Get-Together

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Correction: The great Annual Augsburg Adjunct Get Together is on September 10 at 4:15-6:15 pm in the Christensen Center’s Augsburg Room. This event is hosted by the Augsburg Adjunct union, SEIU Local 284, and is a great opportunity for Augsburg adjuncts to get together with old friends and maybe make some new friends. This will be your chance mix and mingle (no formal meeting) to reconnect with friends, get to know your union stewards, ask questions about your union contract, and start talking/planning for our next set of contract negotiations. We will be serving appetizers and refreshments and will have copies of the union contract and union member information, and great conversations. We would appreciate it if you would please RSVP to (SEIU Local 284 Staff assigned to Augsburg) so we have an idea on how to order appetizers.

Once again, the important information:
What: Annual Adjunct Get Together

When: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 from 4:15 pm to 6:15 pm

Where: Christensen Center, Augsburg Room (2nd Floor)